CLISE2016Moncton, Nouveau-Brunswick, Canada by Annick Arsenault Carter on Prezi Flipped Classroom: 5 Strategies to Flip & Engage My blog “Flipped Classroom: Beyond the Videos” explored both my excitement and concerns around the flipped classroom model. Several comments and questions posted in response to that blog post asked about the strategies I use to engage students in active learning online. I want to share some of the strategies I use for engaging students around flipped content to: Stimulate higher-order thinking.Transition homework from a solitary practice to a collaborative experience.Create transparency for teachers, so they can identify what students understand, where they are struggling and what questions they have.Begin work in class at a deeper level.Cultivate a learning community online to complement face-to-face work. 1. An increasing number of teachers have their own websites where they make resources available to students. 2. In class reading assignments tend to be fraught with anxiety as students worry about having to read aloud. 3. 4. 5. Please share any comments or questions you have!
Five-Minute Film Festival: Flipped Classrooms I really enjoyed Mary Beth Hertz's excellent blog published earlier this week, "The Flipped Classroom: Pro and Con" -- one of the most concise and balanced views I've read on the buzz-wordy concept of flipping the classroom. Advocates say that "flipped classrooms" help overburdened teachers differentiate their instruction to reach more learners, provide an avenue into more hands-on and student-driven learning during classtime, and shift the teacher's role from "sage on the stage" to learning coach and facilitator. Critics say it's just a fad, relies too heavily on rote instruction, and doesn't go far enough in making the needed changes for teaching and learning reform. I've rounded up this list of videos so you can learn more about the challenges and benefits of flipped classrooms. Video Playlist: Flipping the Classroom Keep watching the player below to see the entire playlist, or view this playlist on YouTube. More Flipped Class Resources Flipping the Classroom Guides and PD
A Flipped Classroom and Flipped Learning Primer – Flipped Learning Network Hub FlipCon 2016 is this week in Allen, Texas and while nearly all of the experts, pioneers, and authors of the #flipclass movement will be there, one goal of FlipCon is to share the joys of the flip with the uninitiated or those just starting out. There are lots great books, blogs, and websites where you can learn about flipped learning (like the one you’re on right now!), but here is a short primer and set of examples that might help clarify some of the purposes, terms, and potential methods of flipping to teachers and administrators new to flip: To be clear, the flipped method of teaching is a broad spectrum, from basic flipped classroom, to flipped mastery, to gamification, and beyond. Simply stated the flipped classroom is school work at home and home work at school. Following are a few examples, from a nearly infinite spectrum, of how the flipped classroom and flipped learning can work Very Short Example:
Infographic Flipped Classroom » Education Journey There is been a lot of interest in the flipped classroom since it started 5 years ago. Unfortunately there seems to be quite a bit of mis-information and mis-understanding about the Flipped Classroom. There is also quite a bit of controversy about whether or not this is a viable instructional methodology. Thus the purpose of this infographic is to simply explain what I believe the Flipped Classroom it is. This infographic I created below, is meant for teachers and parentswho are new to this methodology. Created by Sanne Bloemarts in easel.ly My thoughts of Flipped Classroom While researching about the Flipped Classroom, my first reaction was, “this is not for kindergarteners!” For my videos, I began thinking about modeling my lesson after this one, focusing on a letter of the alphabet each week (which matches our reading series). FYI (a Flipped Classroom) Below are a bunch of resources that may be helpful if you would like to find out more about this new way of teaching and learning!
10 TED Talks That Could Be Used As Course Titles I was perusing my morning Twitter stream and came across a few friends discussing the current state of course titles. Long story short, most are still stuck in the dark ages. Biology 101? World History 1812-Present? These titles may seem like they’re accurate and fit but… they’re boring. In this day and age of short attention spans, flipping of classrooms, and rethinking of education… it’s time to rethink course titles. In an effort to give school administrators and teachers a guidepost with which they can rethink current course titles (what better time than in July, right?) In other words, make the course titles sexier, the descriptions more attractive, and get students excited to attend a class before they even step foot in the classroom for the first time. So, without further ado, here are potential course titles that are actual TED talks / TED categories. Inventions That Shape History (Could be a course on world history or even engineering / physics.) The Way We Think How Things Work
Managing In-Class Learning Experiences in Flipped Classrooms In this ongoing series focused on flipped and active-learning classrooms, we’re taking a deeper look into how to create successful learning experiences for students. We’ve examined how to encourage students to complete pre-class work, how to hold students accountable for pre-class work, and how to connect pre-class work to in-class activities. Now let’s focus on the challenge of managing the in-person learning environment. By design, flipped classrooms and active-learning environments are dynamic. There are so many moving pieces. This “messy” type of learning environment can be challenging for both students and faculty. When you think about flipping a lesson or a class, you must, on some level, embrace the messiness of a dynamic learning environment. Create a system to organize the paperwork. At the beginning of every class, the first member of the group to arrive picks up the folder, takes it to the group, and distributes the paperwork. Develop ways to focus your energy.
Présentation | Classe Inversée Ce site a pour but d’expliquer le concept de classe inversée à tous les professeurs qui souhaitent avoir un réel impact auprès de leurs élèves et qui veulent connaitre les meilleures méthodes pour développer une ambiance de classe motivante et décontractée. Exemple de classe inversée Ce concept connait un succès grandissant : de plus en plus de professeurs à travers le monde modifient leur façon de “faire la classe” pour passer à un modèle plus pratique et plus humain. Ce modèle part d’une idée très simple : le précieux temps de classe serait mieux utilisé si on s’en servait pour interagir et travailler ensemble plutôt que de laisser une seule personne parler. La classe inversée : plus qu’une méthode, une philosophie Professeur guidant un groupe de travail Il s’agit donc davantage d’une philosophie que d’une méthode à proprement parler. Un modèle plus humain Les interactions deviennent plus conviviales Les avantages de ce modèle sont multiples, mais le principal est la liberté qu’il procure.
User Generated Education 3 Excellent Collaborative Task Management Tools for Teachers May 27, 2016 Here are three effective educational tools we want to bring to your attention in today’s post. These are all platforms that you can use in your work as a teacher to create, organize and manage projects, collaborate with colleagues and friends on joint tasks, communicate with your team and keep track of what they are doing and many more. These tools are a great boost to your workflow and will definitely help you enhance your productivity. 1- Slack Slack is an excellent realtime messaging and collaboration tool. 2- Trello Trello is a great visual platform that allows you to organize and manage your projects the way you like. 3- Asana This is another great application to help you enhance your workflow and increase your productivity.
Flipped Classroom Successes in Higher Education Last year I took my advocacy of the flipped classroom ‘on tour’ with presentations at colleges and conferences across the U.S. I also developed and delivered an online workshop about how to get started with ‘the flip’, which seemed to be a great learning experience for all involved (including me!). I believe that this is one of the most powerful approaches to leveraging technology in an instructional context to come along since the world started “going digital”. This year I will continue this focus, with an expanded online work shop (to be offered several times over the year) and an ebook on the topic that I hope to publish by March. Today I kick off the new year by sharing a number of stories about higher education institutions and professors leveraging this technology successfully. Shoreline Community College Improving Grades with ‘the Flip’ Guy Hamilton heads the biotechnology program at Shoreline community college. Flipping the Chemistry Lab at Western Washington U. Print This Post
The Flipped Classroom: A Pedagogy for Differentiating Instruction and Teaching Essential Skills July 31, 2012 by Scott Sterling Summer is almost over and some educators, when thinking about the upcoming school year, may be considering “flipping their classroom” as a new method for instruction of essential skills. A flipped classroom is one in which the background learning of a particular topic or skill occurs outside of class time - utilizing technological tools like videos and podcasts to teach the essential skills. In other words, class time is now free to spend working with the students because everyone has already received the background instruction that takes up so much time in the traditional classroom. For example, let’s say you are teaching the Pythagorean theorem. The students are instructed to watch the instructional video and then post one question about the theorem on your online classroom message board. Opponents also worry that flipped classrooms are a precursor to a school where teachers are obsolete, replaced by computers and other technologies. For further reading:
L'Agence nationale des Usages des TICE - Une classe inversée à l’ère du numérique Martial Gavaland, professeur de sciences physiques, pratique la classe inversée avec sa classe de Terminale du Lycée La Colinière de Nantes. L'origine du projet La naissance du projet provient d’une question récurrente : comment rendre efficace le travail personnel de chaque élève ? Ce constat m’est apparu devant le faible taux de réussite sur des exercices d’application à la maison. Il s’agit de passer d’une pédagogie de l’application à une pédagogie de l’implication. L’outil numérique, démocratisé, accessible, est un facilitateur de cette pédagogie dite de la classe inversée. Le déroulement de l'activité Idée générale : combiner une pédagogie de classe inversée en s’appuyant sur les outils numériques. Les aspects techniques 95 % des élèves disposent d’une connexion internet personnel, 90 % de smartphones. Les apports du numérique Les compétences mises en œuvre S’informer : trier les informations, extraire, synthétiser, choisir. Martial Gavaland
The Flipped Classroom: Pro and Con I recently attended the ISTE conference in San Diego, CA. While I was only there for about 36 hours, it was easy for me to pick up on one of the hottest topics for the three-day event. The "flipped classroom" was being discussed in social lounges, in conference sessions, on the exhibit floor, on the hashtag and even at dinner. What It Is According to the description on ASCD's page for the newly released book, Flip Your Classroom: Reach Every Student in Every Class Every Day, by flipped classroom pioneers Aaron Sams and Jonathan Bergmann, "In this model of instruction, students watch recorded lectures for homework and complete their assignments, labs, and tests in class." The authors go on to explain that the model is a mixture of direct instruction and constructivism, that it makes it easier for students who may have missed class to keep up because they can watch the videos at any time. What It Isn't Why It Works Why It Doesn't Work Why It's Nothing New Why It Matters