Herringbone Table Makeover Today I am sharing my Herringbone Table Makeover {as posted on Chic on a Shoestring a while ago} This was a risky project for me. Painting a white herringbone pattern onto our dining room table could have been a disaster! And it can't really get any worse than this before shot, can it? We've had this table for years! So I began by taking over the garage and sanding the stuffing out of our poor table. After sanding it to a fine finish and making the table look like new, I decided to paint a herringbone pattern onto it. I continued to paint the herringbone pattern {with acrylic paint} over my entire table. So I decided to give my pattern a distressed finish and lightly sanded the herringbone before applying 6-8 coats of clear varathane finish. I am so glad that I stuck it out. Adding a fun pattern is great way to update a sad looking old table and give it new life! Wouldn't this be gorgeous if you used a dark stain instead of the white paint?
25 (more) clever ideas to make life easier . We heard you loud and clear. When we published our first list of clever ideas to make life easier last year, we received an overwhelming response. So without further ado, here’s another 25 ingenious household tips and organisational tricks that will have you saying, “Why didn’t I think of that?!” Source: chezerbey.com Got an empty kitchen shelf? Source: maillardvillemanor.com Wall mount cutlery trays and add a cup hook in each compartment for brilliant jewelery storage. Source: apartmenttherapy.com Avoid messy dresser drawers by “filing” your clothing side-by-side instead of stacking items on top of each other. Photo: William Warby on flickr.com Has putting Toy Story on constant repeat finally taken its toll? Source: realsimple.com Packing tip: Protect breakables such as wine bottles or food containers with children’s inflatable floaties. Source: whatiwore.tumblr.com Rather than bundling them in your drawer, loop tights over a coathanger and store them in your wardrobe. Source: bakedbree.com
Porch Bed From Tabletop Powered By Blogger Widgets | Customized By: Blogging Tips close 17,754 readers RSS feed | E-mail Search This Blog Grosgrain Archives This Blog Linked From Here The Web Porch Bed From Tabletop May 2, 2012 Thought you weren't skilled enough to make a hanging porch bed? Source: moredesignplease.com via Sarah Jo on Pinterest You might also like: Food: Tabletop Smores DIY Murphy Bed for Office/Guest Room Cheap L-Shaped Sofa Bed DIY So Clever 11: Bed Skirt Three Kids, One Room, One Bed in the Clouds Linkwithin 0 {comments}: Post a Comment Links to this post Create a Link Newer PostOlder PostHome Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) image facebook Kathleen Frances See On Follow me on Instagram SheInside Aviator Hairstyle (This look is sexy on a man) About Me Kathleen Frances A blog by an artsy craftsy, penny pinching, party planning, playdating, fashion finding, sci-fi loving, stay at home mother of three little girls *and one little boy who always keeps her sewing machine plugged in and loves all things charming. blogs
13 natural remedies for the ant invasion Little tiny ants have been spotted in our new home, and many people are suffering the same fate across the country. As much as I love spring, I don't like bugs — especially bugs that can infest a house. Last week I asked for some advice in how to deal with ants naturally as I didn't have time to research it myself since I just moved this weekend. Some of these measures are deterrents. 1. Teresa: We just spray around the openings with pure lemon juice … and it always works for us … something about the acid messes up their sense of tracking… 2. Shayla: We use ground cinnamon around where there are coming it. Peggy: We spray cinnamon essential oil all around the doors, windowsills, floors, etc. keeps them from coming in. Letia: Another vote for ground cinnamon. Jean: Cinnamon and cloves. Patricia: We also use cinnamon oil. 3. Heather: My mother-in-law has success with peppermint essential oil around windows and doors (any entries). Julie: Dr. 4. 5. 6. 7. Natalie: Oh! 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.
Tiffany Blue Dresser Makeover I don’t know about you, but when I see this box my heart skips a beat! I only have 2-3 things from Tiffany’s but I LOVE TIFFANY’S! This beautiful little box was my inspiration for my latest project! I found this on the side the road that said “FREE IF YOU TAKE IT NOW!!!” With my church dress, high heeled boots and all, I (allll by myself!) PS. Here’s how I found it: Hunny, I’m not sure what this mysterious stain is but be a dear and get me some Clorox wipes!!!! It needed a little constructive work so I asked my personal handyman handyMEN! I’m so thankful to the Jr. So….. My sister in law, Jodi wanted me to re-do this piece for her new room, I got it for free anyway. We scraped off the stickers, SCRUBBED it down really good, had hubby fix the minor constructive issues and we were ready to proceed! I primed it with Kilz Spray Primer. Then, I sprayed it with Krylon Ocean Breeze. I sprayed the hardware with Metallic Aluminum and sprayed the whole thing with Minwax Polycrylic in Satin. Related
IKEA Hack...Card File Drawers At the moment, amongst other things, I’m working on a totally new room makeover at my hive. It’s a little space I’ve not shared previously. I can’t wait for the final reveal though with a little pair of hands constantly clutching at my pant legs (with an accompanying unresistable “pick-me-up” whine), let’s just say progress hasn’t exactly been fast, so as with pretty much everything else nowadays, I’m not holding my breath ’til it’s done. Anyhoo, part of the makeover involves some new shelving and to pretty them up, whilst adding some handy knick-knack storage, I wanted some cute old mini card file drawers. They are relatively plentiful (if you have patience and know where to look – eBay, oldware stores, etc.) though in many cases buying some requires a deep pocket reach and, if you know me, you’d know I’m just a bit adverse to that kinda thing. So, rather than cash, I thought I’d spend some creative energy instead and concoct my own. Easy solution….just turn the drawers around.
urbane jane.: coffee table transformed into a bench. Hey, hey, hey! I'm in pretty good spirits right now. It could be the yummy pull apart pizza bread I just had (left overs from New Years eve) :) or it could be the fact that last night I tackled a project that's been sitting around in our cramped office for a year awaiting transformation. Probably both. I've been wanting a hallway bench for quite some time, but could never find something that I liked that was in my price range (or at least the range I would like to pay). I took this $10 coffee table in all of it's scratched up glory (sigh, that picture makes my heart ache for summer), and gave it a couple of coats of this: I have been searching for a good fabric that had a pattern (much to my husband's disdain. the great thing about the fabric was that it is stain & water resistant and is made for indoor or outdoor use; perfect for a bench to have outer gear thrown on it! I laid the materials face down on the ground and duct taped the cushions together "really? et voila~ a reading corner?
My version of the Pouf! I love all of the Poufs available to purchase, including the cute Striped Poufs from West Elm! SO Cute, but so expensive! So I figured I could make my own! How hard could it be? I am an expert at pillows! My plan is to let Little Man use this at his train table because its hard work playing with trains all day and he likes to rest once in a while! I wanted to sew an 18x18 square cube cushion that was 12 inches high. Materials needed: About 2 yards of fabric (I used Wavery Lovely Lattic Fabric) White cording 2 Packages of Blanket Batting 1 Package of loose batting (I only used about 3/4 of this) Sewing machines and supplies So I cut 5 pieces of patterned fabric and one white piece (for the bottom). I started by pinning and sewing the 4 side pieces back to back until I had a big circle of fabric. Then before preparing to sew on the top, I decided to add white cording for an extra detail. And then pinned the top layer to the side layer and SLOWLY started sewing the 3 pieces together. I LOVE IT!