Inkwell Ideas » Free City Maps: Random Fantasy City Map Generator Updated The number of city section layouts has expanded by one (a new west section that has a circular street layout) and there is also a new large-ish circular tower randomly added in the southern city section. Link: Random City Map Generator If you haven’t seen it before, the random city is divided into 3 sections, which are roughly east (about 90 degrees of a circle), west (about 110 degrees) and south (about 160 degrees.) However, the map is randomly rotated (unless you turn that off using the drop-downs) so your sections may be shifted. The west main section has 3 possible layouts while the east and south sections have two. However, each layout is randomly determined to be low, medium, or high density or not to exist. Each section also may have an optional outer section with one layout each, but it that outer section of each may be low, medium or high density. Then the sections may or may not be connected. Finally some other odds and ends.
Dave's Mapper Were-What? The Other Side Of Were The curse of the Werewolf has existed for many years, scaring young children and savaging mighty heroes. These days the Werewolf has many companions to share its curse with: Werebears, Wereboars, Wererats and Weretigers are just a few of the many animal types that have become part of the Lycanthropic curse. With all the savage rampages and furious snarling howls filling the nights of the full moon, have you ever wondered if their was a curse or disease that had an almost opposing affect? Rycanthropic curses can affect all forms of life, shifting and morphing them into humanoids. The Rycanthropic Curse During the days and nights of the new moon, strange people wander the forests and cities of the world. Who Man Werehumans, come in all shapes and sizes. Lythi is a sixteen year old Werehuman that has earned a name for herself amongst the local thieves guild. The Pale Skin orcs have been tormenting local settlements for years under the guise as human bandits.
The Rusty Battle Axe Génération de trésors, objets magiques, auberges, scénari,... Bienvenue sur Generation-jdr.fr Vous aussi vous avez trop souvent lancé des brouettes de dés pour connaître le trésor aléatoire que vous désirez placer. Il existe bien quelques sites permettant de générer des bribes de trésor mais ceux-ci sont rarement complet.Generation-jdr a pour vocation de concevoir tout ce qui peut se générer et ce dans différents jeux. Pour l'instant, seuls DD3.5 et les univers médiévaux fantastiques sont en place mais bientôt d'autres générations arriveront peut-être si celles-ci plaisent à la communauté. N'hésitez pas à laisser un message dans la partie contact pour nous faire connaître votre avis. Mise à jour (octobre 2013) Comme demandé sur le FB j'ai fait une petite génération de villes détaillées. Mise à jour (Janvier) Comme je l'avais dit, j'étais sur un autre projet et comme celui-ci commence à émerger, je vous invite à suivre la page facebook de mon futur jeu de rôle. Mise à jour (Décembre) Petite mise à jour : rajout de la génération de noms de gobelins.
RPGMapShare.com | Your source for gaming maps and mapping objects Creatures That Cannot Be II Last year's rendition of Creatures That Cannot Be was wildly popular, so welcome to the second annual feature in Creature Incarnations! We will be examining some creatures that the D&D rules do not allow to exist, for one reason or another. The results range from the "this is okay, why not?" to the "okay, I see your point." Please remember that these creatures break the rules. If you actually use any of these creatures in your game, drop me an email at: robwiese8@yahoo.com and tell me how it went. Walk this way, please, and keep away from the cages. Half-Dragon Dragon Technically, you can apply the half-dragon template to a dragon if all you use is the Monster Manual. This creature is a half-white copper dragon, so it has three breath weapons. Producer's Note: The concept of a half-dragon-dragon is submitted quite a bit via Ask Wizards. Frightful Presence (Ex) Creatures within 150 feet that have between 5 and 16 HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds if they fail a Will save DC 22. Nymph Lich
Bat in the Attic Welcome to the Arcana Wiki! - The Arcana Wiki Battlemaps A Classic Megadungeon for Labyrinth Lord™ and other Fantasy Role-playing Games Here are some of the miniatures being made available through the Indiegogo campaign. Be sure to take a look: BARROWMAZE Crowdfund Announcement: As I mentioned previously on Google Plus, I’m working on a new crowdfunding campaign set to begin in January of 2014 on Indiegogo. In case you don’t know, I am the author of Barrowmaze I and II, a popular two-part old school megadungeon that finished second in this year’s Three Castles Award for Independent Game Design at the North Texas RPGcon (NTRPGcon). In brief, my plan with the new crowfund is to combine the two Barrowmaze books into a definitive single volume entitled Barrowmaze Complete with new material, art, professional design and layout. Alongside Barrowmaze Complete, I am working closely with Richard Scott of Otherworld Miniatures to create a new boxed set of Official Barrowmaze Monsters, similar to the DAB series of fantasy adventurers. Consider this an early “Save the Date” notice and please keep the campaign in mind in January. Greg
Adventure objective Cauldrons & Clerics