Checklist Templates First image caption goes here The Other 21st Century Skills: Educator Self-Assessment Chartkamp–I think I understand what you are saying, but in any scenario, someone, or something will spur the impetus for learning to occur. We could have a toddler go about and learn the world from scratch, but I don’t think anyone would say that is as efficient and as effective as a “parent” facilitating, or at least providing for a safe environment. And the better the parent, the more effective the toddler will be at contributing to the learning within the community as he/she progresses. Can you describe what you mean by informal learning? I can take that to be exploratory, on your own, as equals, not in a classroom, and so many more ways. Take the place, school, out of the equation.
Museums, libraries and archives - learning - Inspiring Learning checklists Detailed framework (PDF, 3,094kb)This document sets out the detailed framework of organisational outcomes expected from use of the People, Places, Partnerships and Policies self-assessment and planning tool Summary of outcomes and processes (pdf, 1366kb)Inspiring learning is about outcomes as well as processes. Both outcomes and processes are summarised in this 2 page document Quick checklist (PDF, 34kb)The quick checklist will give you an overview of your current strengths, priorities for improvement and which areas you need to focus on for a more detailed assessment Generic Learning Outcome checklists and coding tools GLO Checklist (Word, 211kb)Provides an overview of each of the five Generic Learning Outcomes More about the GLOs (Word, 243 kb)Gives examples of the kinds of statements that identify a link to each Generic Learning Outcome.
How A Simple Checklist Can Improve Learning How A Simple Checklist Can Improve Learning From reminding us of what to pack for a trip to helping doctors perform surgery, checklists are crucial for projects that require sequential steps or a series of tasks. As Atul Gawande points out in his book “Checklist Manifesto,” checklists break down complex tasks and also ensure consistency and efficiency if more than one person is working on a project. If checklists are so effective for airline pilots, skyscraper construction teams, and heart surgeons, why shouldn’t students use them as well? Checklists can benefit students in the following ways: For younger students, simple, task-based checklists can help them become accustomed to following steps, adding order to the relative chaos of learning, and offering a pathway to accomplishing complex tasks. Improving Metacognition Education specialist Dr. “Used effectively, checklists can help students develop metacognitive awareness of their intellectual processes,” Rowlands explained. Wunderlist
Using_Checklists_to_Support_Student_Learning.pdf A Very Good Checklist for Assessing 21st Century Learning Skills January 29, 2015 Here is another great resource from Dr. Jackie Gerstein, one of our favourite EdTech bloggers. Jackie designed this beautiful chart featuring 12 attributes and skills that teachers should tend to in their instruction. What I like the most about this chart is the fact that it emphasizes the social and affective component in learning, something which is often overlooked in today’s digitally-focused learning paradigms. Jackie's set of attributes featured in this chart chime in with Giroux's view of education as a way of producing citizens who are 'critical, self-reflective, knowledgeable and willing to make moral judgements and act in a socially responsible way.' Check out Jackie's original post to access more resources and links accompanied with this chart.