Docfuser WebToMail Disposable Email Addresses - AntiSpam Temporary Inbox at MailCatch.com - About EmailTwitter.com - Allows you to post Twitter updates uvLayer - web - Youtube en flash HitMeLater Command Line Emailer. Free source code and programming help Introduction This article describes a .NET console application to send email using a command line. It shows methods for parsing command line arguments, loading and parsing a simple parameter file, and using the System.Web.Mail namespace to construct and send emails. Background I continue to use batch files for a number of administrative tasks. Using the code The application receives all arguments as either command line switches, or as supplied through a parameter file. Usage: CommandLineEmailer [/p:parameterFile] [/smtp:smtpserver] [/f:from] [/to:recipients] [/cc:courtesyCopies] [/bcc:blindCourtesyCopies] [/s:subject] [/b:body] [/a:attachment] [/i:insertFile] [/?] The parameter file that may be supplied with the /p: switch is an ASCII file with lines in the form: key = value The following describes the keys that may be used in a parameter file: This shows the text of an example parameter file: CommandLineEmailer /p:myParms.txt A combination of switches and a parameter file may be also used.
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