World History Timeline
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The Real History That Inspired “Star Wars” - History in the Headlines
Filmmaker George Lucas may have set “Star Wars” in a galaxy far, far away, but real-life characters and events from this planet’s history inspired his creation of the sci-fi saga. Explore how history—some of it a long time ago and some much more recent—has been a powerful force in shaping one of Hollywood’s top movie franchises. When George Lucas developed the storyline for “Star Wars” and crafted his heroes and villains, he tapped into elements of theology, mysticism and mythology as well as his knowledge of classic films. And befitting a story set a “long time ago,” real-life history also played a central role in shaping the filmmaker’s space opera.
About the History Data Service Collection
About the History Data Service Collection The History Data Service data collection brings together over 650 separate studies transcribed, scanned or compiled from historical sources. The studies cover a wide range of historical topics, from the seventh century to the twentieth century. Although the primary focus of the collection is on the United Kingdom, it also includes a significant body of cross-national and international data collections.
13 Mysterious Historical Monuments
People who lived thousands of years before us created some striking buildings. These buildings were so extensive that scientists have been looking for centuries for answers to who, why, and most importantly, how they were built. There are all different kinds of theories, from practical to extraterrestrial. The Bright Side’s team also wanted to touch on these ancient secrets and make a list of places where ancient charm and a shade of a mystery surround them. Stonehenge, England
The War of 1812
For two and a half years, Americans fought Against the British, Canadian colonists, and native nations. In the years to come, the War of 1812 would be celebrated in some places and essentially forgotten in others. But it is a war worth remembering—a struggle that threatened the existence of Canada, then divided the United States so deeply that the nation almost broke apart. Some of its battles and heroes became legendary, yet its blunders and cowards were just as prominent.
European Views of the Americas: 1493-1750
Content Includes: More than 32,000 records Coverage of European exploration and portrayals of Native American peoples Subjects include: British in America Commerce Discoveries Dutch in America French in America Great Britain—Colonies Jesuits (and other religious orders) in America Pirates Slave trade This free historical archive is a comprehensive guide to printed records about the Americas written in Europe before 1750 from European Americana: A Chronological Guide to Works Printed In Europe Relating to the Americas, 1493-1750. Try it now for free. This authoritative bibliography is well-known and respected by scholars worldwide, and a valuable index for libraries, researchers and individuals interested in European works that relate to the Americas. It was co-developed by John Alden and the Curator of European Books at The John Carter Brown Library, Dennis Landis. Titles include:
History vs…: a TED-Ed Lesson playlist
“History has remembered the kings and warriors, because they destroyed; art has remembered the people, because they created,” wrote William Morris. To learn how 7 notorious leaders are remembered by history, watch the TED-Ed Lessons below: 1. History vs.
The Elizabeth Murray Project
Mrs. James Smith (Elizabeth Murray), By John Singleton Copley, 1769. Courtesy, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Copyright© 2002-2013 The Elizabeth Murray Project Site maintained at California State University, Long Beach Last Updated November 21, 2013 Welcome to the Elizabeth Murray Project Who was Elizabeth Murray?
The Online Books Page: Search
Examples: Entering austen, jane in the Author field finds books by Jane Austen. Entering Baum in the Author field and and oz in the Title field finds L. Frank Baum's Oz books. Entering dosto in the Author field, choosing the Exact start of name option, and entering underground in the Title field finds Fyodor Dostoyevsky's Notes from the Underground, even if you don't remember how to spell more than the start of the author's name! (Hey, we've changed the spelling in our own database at least once.)
Get the History of the World in 46 Lectures, Courtesy of Columbia University
When you dive into our collection of 1,300 Free Online Courses, you can begin an intellectual journey that can last for many months, if not years. The collection lets you drop into the classrooms of leading universities (like Stanford, Harvard, MIT and Oxford) and essentially audit their courses for free. You get to be a fly on the wall and soak up whatever knowledge you want. All you need is an internet connection and some free time on your hands. Today, we're featuring two courses taught by Professor Richard Bulliet at Columbia University, which will teach you the history of the world in 46 lectures.
National Screening Room
Film, Video American scrapbook Dramatized incidents show various phases of life in the United States: the use of the centralized traffic control to direct the passing of two trains on a single track; the use of modern transit systems in the mass transportation of people; the enjoyment of fishing as a sport; the quiz program; modern applications of the principle of jet propulsion. Contributor: Copyright Collection (Library of Congress) - General Electric Company Date: 1954 Film, Video Manchukuo Manchuria Depicts the Japanese occupation of Manchukuo. Describes the mechanization of industry. Includes scenes showing coal and iron mines, steel mills, railroads, government buildings, new housing, native Chinese life, shops and trade, the Russian influence in Harbin, the raising of soy beans, schools, and hospitals.
History & Politics Out Loud
Welcome to WyzAnt's Audio History section! Here, you can listen to famous speeches made by influential leaders of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. We're offering original audio tapes of how JFK dealt with the Cuban Missile Crisis.