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The Best Sites for Royalty Free Stock Music and Sound Effects You can't have video without audio... it just doesn't work. That's why in high school it was A/V club, not just V Club... although that does sound pretty rad. Anywho... if you want to complete an animation, short film, commercial or whatever... you have to have good audio, and that means scores and sound effects! I have found some of the best places around the web to purchase packages, find individual songs, and even snag some free tracks for you and your work! AudioJungle AudioJungleWe can't leave out one of our most useful sites on the Envato Network! The Rest SmartSound.comA division of SonicFire Pro's awesome scoring software, the SmartSound library lets you pick from thousands of songs and hundreds of albums in their library. If you enjoyed this post, please give it a vote on Digg or a stumble to say thanks!
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