Web au cube : la révolution du Web à venir ! - AgoraVox le média 1. web collaboratif dans lequel l’internaute est à la fois consommacteur et consommauteur et crée des contenus (il publie, commente, modifie via les blogs, wikis, réseaux sociaux, sites participatifs ; 2. évolutions techniques à l’image des flux RSS, des feuilles de style CSS, d’Ajax ; 3. changement du rapport aux données à travers les applications du Web qui se les approprient (par exemple Flickr pour les images, del.icio.us pour les signets, LinkedIn ou Viadeo pour les carnets d’adresses, Gmail pour les méls) même si en même temps une interopérabilité entre les outils est souhaitée à l’image de l’OpenID. Pour tenir compte des évolutions récentes du Web 2.0 (par exemple évolution dans l’instantanée induite avec des outils comme Twitter) – ou à mon sens amender la définition incomplète donnée en 2004 – Tim O’Reilly l’a fait évoluer avec John Battelle en « Web au carré ». Beaucoup a été publié sur l’après Web 2.0. topographie des discours sur le Web 3.0
Guida visuale a Git Se riscontri problemi di visualizzazione delle immagini, prova la versione Non-SVG di questa pagina. Immagini SVG disabilitate. (Riattiva SVG) Questa pagina offre una breve guida visuale per i comandi più comuni di Git. Contenuti Utilizzo di Base I quattro comandi precedenti copiano i file tra la working directory, lo stage (chiamato anche index) e l'history (rapprestentata dai commit). git add file copia i file (nel loro stato corrente) nello stage. git commit crea uno snapshot dello stage sotto forma di commit. git reset -- file rimuove i file dallo stage; ovvero copia i file dell'ultimo commit nello stage. Puoi usare git reset -p, git checkout -p, oppure git add -p al posto di (o in aggiunta di) specificare i file specifici, per determinare in modo interattivo, che blocchi copiare. È anche possibile evitare lo stage ed eseguire il check out di file direttamente dall'history o eseguire il commit senza inserire prima i file nello stage. Convenzioni Comandi nei Dettagli Diff Commit Checkout Reset
About Diigo Git tutorial Git is a distributed revision control and source code management system with an emphasis on speed. Git was initially designed and developed by Linus Torvalds for Linux kernel development. Git is free software distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2. This tutorial will teach you how to use Git in your day-2-day life for project version control in a distributed environment while working on web based and non web based applications development. This tutorial has been prepared for the beginners to help them understand basic functionality of Git version control system. We assume you are going to use Git to handle all levels of Java and non Java projects. 1 - Git Quick Reference Guide A quick Git reference guide for Java Programmers. Git Quick Reference Guide 2 - Git Useful Resources A collection of Git Sites, Books and Articles is given at this page. Git Useful Resources 3 - Java Tutorials If you are starting with Java then it's best place to start with. Java Tutorials
Agrégateur Nos agrégateurs pour le référencement de vos flux RSS Un agrégateur est un logiciel qui permet de collecter les flux RSS d'un ou plusieurs sites pour les afficher selon vos besoins, uniquement les liens, ou d'une façon plus complète, les liens et le contenu. Il existe des logiciels d'agrégation qui vous permettent de lire les flux RSS depuis votre machine d'une façon indépendante. Il existe des fonctionnalités , notamment dans vos clients de messagerie moderne qui permet d'importer automatiquement les flux RSS. Il existe,et c'est une des spécialités de RSSFacile.com, des outils d'indexation pour vos flux sur de nombreux sites, vos articles sont ainsi diffusés plus largement. Vous cherchez un bon moyen de diffuser votre flux RSS, et ce, de façon où vous serez sûr que les internautes qui lirons vos articles rediffusés trouverons votre article original et surtout l'ensemble de votre blog ? Nous outils proposent, pour chaque article importé : Faciliter l'extraction et la diffusion des flux :
Inspecting a repository | Atlassian Git Tutorial git status The git status command displays the state of the working directory and the staging area. It lets you see which changes have been staged, which haven’t, and which files aren’t being tracked by Git. Status output does not show you any information regarding the committed project history. Usage git status List which files are staged, unstaged, and untracked. Discussion The git status command is a relatively straightforward command. # On branch master # Changes to be committed: # (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage) # #modified: hello.py # # Changes not staged for commit: # (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed) # (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory) # #modified: main.py # # Untracked files: # (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed) # #hello.pyc Ignoring Files Untracked files typically fall into two categories. *.pyc Example The first status output will show the file as unstaged. git log git log
La Video Virale Selon Pinkanova Git Workflow for Beginners You’ve used Git and Github a little bit but you’re not comfortable yet with how to use it. In this post I’ll go through a basic work flow for tracking a project with Git and posting to Github. If you’re reading this post you’ve worked at least once with Git and Github and are still new to working with the Terminal and want to get better. If this is the first thing you’ve ever read about Git, I suggest starting with my Introduction to Git & the Command Line post. A post about using branches and working with others through Github is coming soon. When Do I Do What? Working with the command line is an acquired sense of comfort. The commands we are concerned about fall in to four categories: Do once per project. These aren’t really strict categories, merely one way to mentally organize the steps and commands involved to use Git from the command line. On beginning a new project You’ve just started a new project and you want to track the project with its own Git repository. Set the Working Directory
CC and data[bases]: huge in 2011, what you can do Mike Linksvayer, February 1st, 2011 You may have heard that data is huge — changing the way science is done, enabling new kinds of consumer and business applications, furthering citizen involvement and government transparency, spawning a new class of software for processing big data and new interdisciplinary class of “data scientists” to help utilize all this data — not to mention metadata (data about data), linked data and the semantic web — there’s a whole lot of data, there’s more every day, and it’s potentially extremely valuable. Much of the potential value of data is to society at large — more data has the potential to facilitate enhanced scientific collaboration and reproducibility, more efficient markets, increased government and corporate transparency, and overall to speed discovery and understanding of solutions to planetary and societal needs. A big part of the potential value of data, in particular its society-wide value, is realized by use across organizational boundaries.
SK Introduction to Git & the Command Line (with a splash of Github) This tutorial will teach you the basics of using Git and Github and is based on a workshop given on September 12th and 13th at ITP. If you've already set up Git on your computer and are not sure what to do next check out my Git Workflow for Beginners and if you're looking for more advanced tools and tricks, check out these links. Audience This tutorial is intended for someone who has had at least a little exposure to programming and none to the command line. The goal is to give you, the reader, an introduction to Git and Github that will inform you both technically and conceptually as to what all of this is. Outline What is Git? What is Git? Git is a version tracking program used to track changes to files and folders. Each project you want to track with Git needs to be in its own folder on your computer. Git is really awesome and really, really powerful. What is Github? Install Git Git needs to be installed on your computer. Mac Install the program from the package. Windows Why? No Buttons $ ls
Welcome to Apache Stanbol! - Apache Stanbol