Related: Engagement and Sensory Immersion
Gamification Engages Students with Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivators by Michelle Peterson Monday, August 11, 2014 On a planet where people spend 3 billion hours a week playing video and computer games, it's a good chance that using the tools that keep people engaged in games might work in a learning environment, too. Gamifying classes is also a good way to humanize the online, digital environment for students, according to Mark Relf, the state program coordinator for Rasmussen College, speaking to educators and allies at CompTIA's Academy Educator Conference in Phoenix. “Gamification is not anything anyone’s cornered the market on. These are techniques and tricks we can do within our classes to make the experience a little bit better,” Relf said. It’s like playing the license plate game on a long road trip: adding make-believe and goal setting to arduous tasks makes them more engaging. Finding Motivators in Gamification Simple changes to the grading system can also help. Instead of using letter grades, Relf uses “experience points” for his assignments.
Gamifier le e-learning: 5 notions clés à garder en tête | Blogue Ellicom Depuis l’apparition du terme «gamification» en 2010, cette pratique de design ludique s’est répandue rapidement dans le monde des affaires et ne cesse de croître. Elle se classe régulièrement dans le Top 10 des tendances en affaires et en technologies. La gamification s’applique à de nombreux domaines: des ressources humaines au marketing en passant par la vente, l’éducation, la santé et le bien-être, elle a aussi fait son entrée dans le secteur du e-learning. Engager les apprenants et motiver l’apprentissage est l’une de ses missions favorites. Pas étonnant qu’Ellicom utilise de plus en plus cette stratégie d’apprentissage dans la conception de programmes formation. Voici 5 notions clés que nos experts vous proposent de garder en tête lorsque vous gamifiez une formation e-learning : 1) Créez une expérience pour des utilisateurs On oublie souvent que l’objectif de la gamification c’est de créer une expérience pour des utilisateurs.
Using Badges in the Classroom to Motivate Learning Gold stars, Girl Scout badges, and Boy Scout badges—when we think about motivating our students to assist them in their learning and development, using badges in the classroom have a similar function as many of the rewards we were offered as young learners in primary schools (Ash, 2012). As a motivational tool, badges can be added to your college classroom using a fairly streamlined process, and with little or no cost to you at an individual level, or at an institutional level. Why use badges in the classroom? There are several reasons why you might want to use badges in the classroom. First, they recognize accomplishments and provide students with a tangible (albeit virtual) reward that acknowledges an achievement, whether it is a skill, competency, or completed task. How do badges benefit students? How to get started on using badges in the classroom Check with your institution to see if any type of badging technology is currently being used and how. References: Ash, K. (2012).
Year Zero (game) The term "marketing" sure is a frustrating one for me at the moment. What you are now starting to experience IS "year zero". It's not some kind of gimmick to get you to buy a record - it IS the art form... and we're just getting started. Hope you enjoy the ride.[7] Reznor said that Year Zero is a concept album,[8] "could be about the end of the world", and marked a "shift in direction" in that it "doesn't sound like With Teeth In an interview with Gigwise.com, Reznor stated that the concept behind Year Zero was partially inspired by his feelings toward the Bush administration. I really wanted to focus on something that was at the forefront of my consciousness which is, as an American, I'm appalled by the behavior of our government, the direction that it has taken and the direction that it's taken everyone else in the world and its arrogance... In March 2007 Kerrang! Many reviewers of the Year Zero album also commented on the accompanying game.
Students Sitting Around Too Much? Try Chat Stations. | Cult of Pedagogy You’ve probably heard of — and maybe used — learning stations in your classroom. With stations, teachers set up activities around their rooms, then have students rotate from station to station, performing each task. They are a wonderful way to provide variety and engagement in your classroom. There’s only one real downside to stations — they take a LOT of time to set up. So today I’m proposing a watered-down version of stations that keeps the movement, interactivity and variety while minimizing the prep work. On top of their flexibility as a cooperative learning tool, Chat Stations can also dramatically improve whole-class discussions. Here’s a video demonstrating how Chat Stations work: The more traditional kinds of stations — where students perform more complex or hands-on work — are still the gold standard for student engagement, but Chat Stations can be a great strategy for those times when you haven’t been able to prepare a “real” station.
Cours de français en milieu de travail | Carrefour Francisation Le cours de français en entreprise est une formule flexible qui appelle un engagement de la direction de l’entreprise pour assurer le succès de la formation. L’un des nombreux avantages de cette formule est qu’elle permet au professeur d’utiliser le matériel de l’entreprise (notes, processus, etc.) pour les exemples et pour améliorer la compréhension des travailleurs. Formule de cours de français à temps partiel en milieu de travail – du programme PILI Le ministère de l’Immigration et des Communautés culturelles offre des cours de français gratuits en milieu de travail, à temps partiel. Conditions Un nombre minimal de huit travailleuses ou travailleurs immigrants, de niveau à peu près équivalent, doit être disposé à suivre la formation Ces personnes doivent être jugées admissibles à recevoir la formation. Durée de la formation Les sessions durent 11 semaines en général. Fréquence Les cours sont offerts à raison de 4 à 6 heures par semaine. Fonctionnement Procédure Avantages
Extrinsic rewards and intrinsic motivation Management implications of the interaction between intrinsic motivation and extrinsic rewards David Beswick | DB Home | Psychological Research | Academic email: beswick@unimelb.edu.au Original seminar presentation November 2002, Updated 14 January 2003, 2 November 2004, 16 February 2007. Published 2009: Beswick, D. For an earlier paper see An Introduction to the Study of Curiosity and for further development see From Curiosity to Identity. This paper is the basis for Chapter 3 of Cognitive motivation: From curiosity to identity, purpose and meaning. Mangers generally, and anyone formally or informally responsible for oversight of others who are engaged in work or learning tasks, will be aware that some people are participating more out of interest in the task than others are. Extrinsic rewards have been found to reduce intrinsic motivation, but not in all circumstances. Elsewhere (Amabile 1998; Amabile 1999) she wrote:- The cognitive process theory of curiosity Some illustrations References
I Love Bees I Love Bees was first advertised by a hidden message in a Halo 2 trailer; players who investigated the titular website discovered that the pages appeared to be hacked by a mysterious intelligence. As players solved puzzles, audio logs were posted to the ilovebees.com site which gradually revealed more of the fictional back-story, involving a marooned artificial intelligence stranded on Earth and its attempts to put itself back together. I Love Bees was a marketing success; 250,000 people viewed the ilovebees website when it was launched in August 2004, and more than 500,000 returned to the site every time the pages were updated. More than three million visitors viewed the site over the course of three months, and thousands of people around the world participated in the game. I Love Bees won numerous awards for its innovation and helped spawn numerous other alternate reality games for video games. Overview[edit] Players respond to a phone call Plot[edit] Development[edit] Reception[edit]