PULP-O-MIZER: the custom pulp magazine cover generator
When you purchase your custom pulp magazine cover on a printed product, the reliable Pulp-O-Mizer cranks it up to high gear and - after a few seconds of groaning and sputtering - it spits out a high resolution image at (or even over) 300 pixels to the inch. The image is immediately transmitted across the sub aetheric waves, and, well! That's when things really get interesting. We entrust your orders to well trained, electrically motivated henchmen and henchwomen. When your order arrives at our hidden facility these henchpersons burst into action: the presses fly, the hamster wheels spin, the Interociter... well... we think it interocirates, sort of, and when all's done a high quality Pulp-O-Mized product flies out of its mysterious mechanism and is swept up, before it can escape, by the unflinching claws of our own patented Ship-O-Matic.
Easy Digital Painting Illustration in Photoshop on Apr 25th, 2010 Thіѕ tutorial wіll walk уου through thе simple steps used tο turn a regular photograph іntο аn іntеrеѕtіng digital painting illustration, using Photoshop’s Filter Gallery аnd thе Smudge Tool. Depending οn thе photograph уου сhοοѕе, іt shouldn’t take уου more thаn a couple οf hours tο complete. Design a Surreal Desert Scene in Photoshop In thіѕ tutorial I аm going tο ѕhοw уου hοw tο сrеаtе a surreal time-themed photomanipulation using Photoshop.
Twelve Ideas for Teaching with QR Codes
Updated 01/2014 As mobile learning becomes more and more prevalent, we must find effective ways to leverage mobile tools in the classroom. As always, the tool must fit the need. Mobile learning can create both the tool and the need. With safe and specific structures, mobile learning tools can harness the excitement of technology with the purpose of effective instruction. Using QR codes for instruction is one example of this.
The Differentiator
Try Respondo! → ← Back to Byrdseed.com The Differentiator The Differentiator is based on Bloom's Taxonomy, Kaplan and Gould's Depth and Complexity, and David Chung's product menu. Try It In: French Dutch • Tweet It • Like Byrdseed • Pin It
28 Online Photo Editing Websites To have Fun With
Maybe you want to be on a magazine cover, want your own personalized dollar or maybe just want to change your expression? Now you can do it with just few mouse clicks and in just few seconds. We’ve collected all of the best free photo editing services, which will keep you busy for quite a while and you will receive amazing results – maybe funny, maybe silly – but you’ll get the original photos and few more reasons to smile.
5 Creative Uses for Pinterest's New Place Pins
Last week, Pinterest introduced a new feature, allowing its users to pin items to their boards along with a map. The location-aware pins are powered by the location giant, FourSquare, and have opened up a bunch of new possibilities both for users and business. By adding a map to your Pinterest boards, this turning them into Place Boards, the ability to recommend places to go, or even create a bucketlist of the places that you want to visit is suddenly much more visually appealing.
Free Phonics Resources, phonics flashcards, phonics worksheets, phonics games and phonics printables
I originally thought my were what people might be looking for. However, most people come for flash cards and I spent a lot of time getting those up and I have recently began paying more attention to this section. There are and more.
Record & Share your PowerPoint presentations
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10 Online Photo Editors That You Definitely Need to Bookmark
Online image editors are in a rage these days. Everyday, you hear about the release of a new online photo editor that claims to be the next big thing. From among the great number of online editors, we have hand picked some of the best ones that we found to be are noteworthy. With each site description, we have tried to tell you how or what feature of the editor forced us to include it in the list. To bookmark this page in delicious, you can use this link. 1.