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- Visual Data
Data Visualization: Modern Approaches Infographic Journal - The Best Infographics in One Place C82: Works of Nicholas Rougeux Venspired | A Blog by Krissy Venosdale Cartoon Story Maker A quick look at the Cartoon Story Maker back to top... Features Features list character and background librariesimport your own imagestext bubbles and information boxesaccent key panelimport voice recordingsbuilt in recorder to add your own voice recordingsunlimited number of framescopy and paste framespreviewprint functionsaved stories can be opened and editedcopy and paste text from other documentshelp files (available online and included in the program) See the for more details. back to top... Cartoon Story Maker in the classroom Teachers can make cartoon stories to model language and cultural conventions.Students can make them as a stimulating and engaging way to practice their language skills. The Cartoon Story Maker has been designed with a focus on applying language learning. Students can: Teachers can: Cartoon Stories can be used: Installation and operation Installation To install and run the Cartoon Story Maker the computer must have the following: Operation Further Information and help
50 Great Examples of Data Visualization Wrapping your brain around data online can be challenging, especially when dealing with huge volumes of information. And trying to find related content can also be difficult, depending on what data you’re looking for. But data visualizations can make all of that much easier, allowing you to see the concepts that you’re learning about in a more interesting, and often more useful manner. Below are 50 of the best data visualizations and tools for creating your own visualizations out there, covering everything from Digg activity to network connectivity to what’s currently happening on Twitter. Music, Movies and Other Media Narratives 2.0 visualizes music. Liveplasma is a music and movie visualization app that aims to help you discover other musicians or movies you might enjoy. Tuneglue is another music visualization service. MusicMap is similar to TuneGlue in its interface, but seems slightly more intuitive. Digg, Twitter, Delicious, and Flickr Internet Visualizations
Blog About Infographics and Data Visualization - Cool Infographics David McCandless How to Make Great Charts for Infographics - Piktochart Infographics This is part of the Infographic Design Series and we’re delightfully at the last post of this series. Before getting into the nitty gritty details about charts, here’s a quick recap of what we have covered on infographic design so far. Data is an essential part of infographics, without data, we’ll just have ‘graphics’ and no ‘info’. The challenge however is to present these facts and numbers which can be rather dry into something that is more aesthetically pleasing – without taking away the quality of data being presented. However, in attempt to make data fit into an infographic, our users are sometimes guilty of ‘over-designing’ making the data presented look cluttered and difficult to understand Don’t fret, we will show you some simple tricks (really!) ‘Dress up’ your charts to complement the subject matter In the example below, you can see how adding some elements of the subject matter into the chart design makes the information stand out and easier to understand.
Pixiclip. Un tableau blanc en ligne pour la classe inversée Pixiclip est un outil qui offre un tableau blanc interactif en ligne idéal pour présenter des concepts ou encore des tutoriels, les enregistrer puis les partager facilement. Pixiclip vous propose un véritable tableau blanc sur lequel vous allez pouvoir écrire du texte, dessiner, insérer des photos… le tout accompagné des sons ou encore des vidéos de manière simple et intuitive. L’utilisation est assez classique et ne devrait poser aucun problème de prise en main. Tout se fait à la souris par glisser-déposer. Une barre d’outils à la gauche du tableau blanc vous permet de choisir celui que vous voulez utiliser. Crayon, marqueur, texte… vous pouvez jouer avec les couleurs, revenir en arrière déplacer ou effacer tel ou tel élément. La véritable valeur ajoutée de Pixiclip réside dans la possibilité d’enregistrer ce qui se passe sur votre tableau blanc. L’enregistrement des clips vidéos est très simple à réaliser et ne nuira pas à votre concentration. Pixiclip est gratuit. Lien : Pixiclip
Dataesthetics: The Power and Beauty of Data Visualization One of my areas of interest that has grown over the last couple years has been data visualization. I’m a visually-oriented learner, and I look forward to seeing any techniques, illustrations, or technologies that: 1) Allow people to assimilate information as fast as possible. 2) Deepen understanding of knowledge by visually illustrating data in new and interesting ways. There is nothing like having an intellectual epiphony after looking at a picture for a few seconds (pictures can definitely be worth a thousand words). 3) Present information in an aesthetically pleasing way. Or, in extreme examples, inspire a sense of awe!