Related: Archeology, Anthropology, Ancients
'Grand Canyon' Discovered Beneath Antarctic Ice - The drop is so severe and the rift so long, scientists knew they'd found something exciting immediately. - The scientists were hoping to discover why the region had higher-than-average melt. - The rift may be part to blame for the melting. A dramatic gash in the surface of the Earth that could rival the majesty of the Grand Canyon has been discovered secreted beneath Antarctica's vast, featureless ice sheet. Dubbed the Ferrigno Rift for the glacier that fills it, the chasm's steep walls plunge nearly a mile down (1.5 kilometers) at its deepest. PHOTOS: Antarctica Mission: Lost in the Ice The rift was discovered during a grueling 1,500-mile (2,400 km) trek that, save for a few modern conveniences, hearkens back to the days of early Antarctic exploration. Old-school exploration The two-man team set out aboard snowmobiles, dragging radar equipment behind them to measure the topography of the rock beneath the windswept ice, in a region notorious for atrocious weather. Slippery implications
Free ebooks - Project Gutenberg 'Britain's Atlantis' found at bottom of North sea - a huge undersea kingdom swamped by a tsunami 5,500 years ago Divers have found traces of ancient land swallowed by waves 8500 years agoDoggerland once stretched from Scotland to DenmarkRivers seen underwater by seismic scansBritain was not an island - and area under North Sea was roamed by mammoths and other giant animalsDescribed as the 'real heartland' of EuropeHad population of tens of thousands - but devastated by sea level rises By Rob Waugh Published: 23:32 GMT, 2 July 2012 | Updated: 10:49 GMT, 3 July 2012 'Britain's Atlantis' - a hidden underwater world swallowed by the North Sea - has been discovered by divers working with science teams from the University of St Andrews. Doggerland, a huge area of dry land that stretched from Scotland to Denmark was slowly submerged by water between 18,000 BC and 5,500 BC. Divers from oil companies have found remains of a 'drowned world' with a population of tens of thousands - which might once have been the 'real heartland' of Europe. A Greater Britain: How the North Sea grew and the land-mass shrunk
American Society for Radiation Oncology Michael Tellinger: 200,000 Year Old Cities Discovered In Africa that Confirm Zecharia Sitchin’s Writings [video] In this fascinating interview with George Noory, scientist and author Michael Tellinger discusses his study of ancient ruins at the southern tip of Africa that are over 200,000 years old. Tellinger believes that the area was once inhabited by ET visitors known as (from the works of Zecharia Sitchin) the Annunaki, who came to Earth to mine gold. The ruins, which he’s investigated along with Johan Heine, consist of thousands of stone structures over a large area. The structures show evidence of their extreme antiquity through erosion and patina growth, he explained. One of the most important ruins Tellinger talks about is known as “Adam’s Calendar” – a monolithic stone calendar that mark time out by the day. The Annunaki tinkered with human genetics to make their mine workers, Tellinger said, referencing the work of Zecharia Sitchin. By studying the area using aerial maps, Tellinger determined there were three great cities, some 60 x 60 miles each, one of which included Great Zimbabwe.
Ancient Antigravity Machine Discovered. | Beyond Science (Before It's News) This extraordinary ancient megalithic site which I discovered in 2009 while looking for another site, is all but unknown and even among those who do know it there is scarcely a one who has grasped its true meaning and significance. It is unique and has so many remaining features and wonders it will be impossible to describe them all in this short post, however I will try and list some of these. I . 2. 3. 4. 5. The cups themselves measure approximately 3-4 inches wide and 3-4 inches protusion from the petrified surface and 2- 2 1/2 inches between each. ’X-ray?’ 6. 7. The above water basins, lid, stone steps with stone sides, has since been destroyed by the powers that be, who often seem to know when I go there, and bombard me with chemtrails from the air within an hour or even sometimes before and after my arrival and departure. I do have pictures of the large frog, the dog, (see below) and the eagle. These will be uploaded shortly. 9. 10. 12.
What Was the Sphinx? Robert Temple, New DawnWaking Times There has never been a satisfactory answer to what the Sphinx actually is or was. Anyone who goes to Giza can see for himself or herself that there is something ‘wrong’ with the Sphinx. There are several other things wrong with the Sphinx. The back is flat. None of this makes any sense if you think about it. But when my wife Olivia and I first saw the Sphinx many years ago, we just stood there in astonishment and both agreed that the whole thing was wrong, wrong, wrong. So now after many years of work, we think we have found some answers. Let me first declare my position on what has become something of an entrenched notion amongst my fellow anti-Establishmentarians. I do believe that the Sphinx is older than conventionally believed. I do believe there is water erosion at the Sphinx site, but I do not believe it had anything to do with ‘ancient rain’, nor do I believe there was anything there to be eroded at the time any ‘ancient rain’ fell. But wait!
Houston Anthropologist Reveals Irrefutable Proof that Recorded History Is Wrong Debbie West | Before It’s News | Nov 13th 2013 Evidence Found Across the Globe of Highly Evolved Human Species from before the Ice Age, Demand Scientific Recognition of our Past that Depicts Societies of Advanced Technology and Culture Houston anthropologist, Dr. Semir Osmanagich, founder of the Bosnian Archaeology Park, the most active archaeology site in the world, declares that irrefutable scientific evidence exists of ancient civilizations with advanced technology that leaves us no choice but to change our recorded history. An examination of the age of structures across the earth reveals conclusively that they were built by advanced civilizations from over 29,000 years ago. “Acknowledging that we are witness to fundamental proof of advanced civilizations dating back over 29,000 years and an examination of their societal structures forces the World to reconsider its understanding of the development of civilization and history,” explains Dr. Gobekli Tepe in Eastern Turkey Dr.
Before The Pharaohs: The Evidence for Advanced Civilization in Egypt’s Mysterious Prehistory Davidjones | Newdawnmagazine | Nov 19th 2013 There is no other place on Earth like Egypt’s Giza Plateau. Anyone with even a slight interest in history and civilisation is aware of this fact. For on this plateau there stands the Great Pyramids and their sculpted guardian, the Great Sphinx. Although there are plenty of theories, no one really knows who built the Giza Pyramids or carved the Sphinx, or when they were constructed. What stands out at Giza more than anything else is not only the magnitude of the construction of the pyramids, but the internal design of the Great Pyramid; three chambers, of which one is subterranean, and their connecting passageways. There is also the unique configuration of the King’s Chamber as well as the Queen’s Chamber. The official theory is that the pyramids were tombs, and that King Khufu kept changing his mind where his burial chamber was to be placed; thus, the reason for three chambers in the Great Pyramid. The Ancient Egyptian View of the Afterlife