Related: library management and planning
Your school library budget This guide provides advice on what to include in your library budget, and on planning and tracking the expenditure. Contents Responsibility for your budgetDeciding on a budgeting methodLibrary budget contentBudget allocationBudget management and reviewAdditional sources of fundingBudget Proposal template Responsibility for your budget Responsibility for managing your library budget depends on the composition of your library team. It's important to include the budget processes followed in your library, in the following documents: All school budgets are GST-exclusive. Deciding on a budgeting method The two approaches most commonly used by schools are ‘needs-based’ and ‘lump sum’ budget allocation. Needs-based budget We recommend needs-based budgeting. Once you have assessed your collection and gathered information about your community you'll be able to prioritise and collate your needs into a collection requirements plan. Lump sum allocation Library budget content Budget allocation
Funding Your Technology Dreams National Science Foundation Guidebook on Evaluation -- This guide book provides information on topics including: reasons for conducting evaluations, types of evaluations, evaluation steps/process, evaluation questions and measurable objectives, quantitive and qualitative data collection, and culturally responsive evaluation. 20 OWL -Purdue University- Online Writing Lab -- This resource provides general guidelines for grant writing in general and in the scientific disciplines. AAUW Educational Foundation Fellowships and Grants -- Community Action Grants provide seed money to individual women, AAUW branches and AAUW state organizations, as well as local community-based nonprofit organizations for innovative programs or non-degree research projects that promote education and equity for women and girls. Alfred P. Corning Inc.
Writer’s Guidelines Writer’s Guidelines for Simply Family Magazine Thank you for your interest in Simply Family Magazine, if you have any questions about any of the information below, please contact:editor@simplyfamilymagazine.com Simply Family Magazine PO Box 21587 Billings, MT 59102 (406) 671-5615 Simply Family Magazine is a popular, monthly family lifestyle magazine designed to be a free resource for parents and families in Billings, Montana and the surrounding areas. Readership Readership is largely composed of families with children ages newborn through beginning college. Editorial Focus Articles submitted should address current parenting issues with Billings tie-ins whenever possible. Publishing Specifics We reserve the r ight to edit for clarity length and style. We buy first rights or reprint rights. Please email all article submissions in Microsoft Word attachments or cut and paste into an email to jennybarriger@simplyfamilymagazine.com. Payment Payment is made upon publication.
The TL Toolkit for Student Success Home Think you don’t? Yes you do! Teacher-librarians can and do make a difference. There is a considerable body of documented evidence that proves that schools having a good school library and program have a positive impact on student achievement. Although the data is mounting globally it is also clear that school administrators need to have evidence at the local school level when planning for school improvement and making tough financial decisions. Evidence-Based Practice is not complicated. Some Benefits of Evidence-Based Practice: Improving and demonstrating student achievement Becoming learning central Empowering the learner and the professional Highlighting the school library’s role in school improvement Providing accountability: funding, staffing, scheduling Planning more effectively Increasing your job satisfaction Reflecting on your practice Moving beyond advocacy
Teacher Tap; Grants and Grant Writing - No Child Left Behind Where can I find funding for grant projects? How do I write a grant that will get funded? What are the best sources of funding? Most schools have limited funding for technology. Hardware, software, networking, and staff development all cost money. Grant Resources Starting Points You'll never get a grant, if you don't write one. Exploring Grant Possibilities Explore some current grant opportunities using the links below: The first step is to determine whether you're interested in the program. Who has been awarded the grant in the past? Next, examine the application materials. Regardless of whether you're applying for a mini-grant or for a large-scale grant, the process is basically the same. Getting Started Explore some of the "tips articles" below for background information on grant writing. Grant writing is like the chicken and egg dilemma. Identifying the Need and Your Solution: Goal Setting Read the article "What Award Winning Proposals Have in Common". Writing a Grant Proposal
Submission | Congruent Spaces Westerns. For a limited time Congruent Spaces Magazine is now accepting Western Literature to see how it does. If we get enough submissions, we’ll make it permanent. Standard rules apply. Congruent Spaces Magazine is currently seeking original and unique Fantasy, Science Fiction, Horror and Literary/Mainstream Short Fiction (up to 2,500 words) and Poetry (any style, up to 120 lines). All works must be your own creations. See Themes and Contests for special submissions and requirements. To submit your work for consideration in Congruent Spaces Magazine, you must register in our Writer’s Lair. Be sure to accurately edit your work before submitting it, as you will not have the opportunity to edit it once it has been submitted.Be sure to format your work as you would have it appear to readers. For detailed instructions, visit Submission Instructions in our Writer’s Forum. Removal From Consideration *Note: Works already accepted for publication will not be removed from the website.
Marketing for Libraries In this section, we'll examine the design of communications and explore the stories that bring library products alive. Key Questions Each of the following questions will be addressed on this page. For quick access, click on the question of interest. What's the message? Each library and service has a story to tell. The photo below is courtesy of the Utah State Library (Flickr). Example: The Lafayette College Library was looking for a way to increase use of their Personalized Research Assistance (PRA) service. According to Rebecca Metzger, "PRA cards get the faces of reference librarians out to students in a comedic format that shakes up the stereotype of librarians as stodgy and serious, hopefully making us more approachable. Each semester all students are mailed the current postcards that feature reference librarians superimposed on movie or TV skills that reflect pop culture (an example is shown blow). Accessibility - Can people easily navigate the library building and website? Timely.
Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education | Administrators, Faculty and Staff | Grant Opportunities for Oklahoma Higher Education | Grant Writing Resources The Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education have provided links to the following websites and hope they are helpful. However, the State Regents cannot accept responsibility for the accuracy or content of these sites or guarantee full access to them. PowerPoint Presentations Proposal Review Services and Mentoring Writing Resources External Evaluators PowerPoint Presentations NOTE: These PowerPoint presentations are available for your use without permission. Proposal Review Services and Mentoring Grant Writers Seminars & Workshops LLC., Los Olivas, Calif., Stephen Russell and David Morrison Oklahoma State University Regents Professors (no fee) (PDF, 25k) Writing Resources (external links – open in a new window) *Made public in early 2006, the index shows a county-by-county breakdown of various education, economic and social factors.
Talcott Notch Literary Services - Query Letters Query letters should be one to two pages long and can be accompanied by the first ten pages of your manuscript. We strongly prefer email queries and can reply faster to email. Email queries should be addressed to the specific agent you are interested in considering your work. Please view our AGENTS page link to read our agents' bios. We receive a very large volume of queries and cannot always reply as quickly as we would want. What should an ideal query include? Fiction Your fiction query should include your genre, such as mystery, science fiction or mainstream, whether the project is for adults or for children, and the length of the complete project in number of words (for example, 86,000 words), not pages. Nonfiction Your nonfiction query should include your subject area, such as history, biography or business, the main concept of the book, the word count you project the book will be when completed, and your credentials to write the work. Things that Make a Query Stand Out