styleguide - Style guides for Google-originated open-source projects Pinterest fights Chinese cyber-squatter A Chinese man has been snapping up dozens of domain names related to popular American start-ups and is seeking to trademark some of the names in the US and China. Qian Jin of Nanjing, China, has applied to register marks like Foursquare, Twitter, Quora and Instagram and has also bought dozens of websites like Pinterests.com and Pinterest.de Qian’s activities are described in a lawsuit filed by Pinterest last week in San Francisco. In its complaint, the popular image site says the defendant is a “serial cyber-squatter who has registered and owns hundreds of infringing domain names.” While this type of cyber-squatting has been around for years, the Chinese efforts stand out because they appear to systematically target up-and-coming internet firms, and because of the trademark applications. While firms like Pinterest can challenge the trademark filings in the US if they are not in good faith, the situation in China is murkier. Pinterest Complaint
From Data to Visualization, what happens in between? NUKEMAP by Alex Wellerstein Starting up... You might also try:MISSILEMAP 1. Drag the marker to wherever you'd like to target. Or type in the name of a city: 2. 3. Advanced options: 4. Note that you can drag the target marker after you have detonated the nuke. Created by Alex Wellerstein, 2012-2024. Other options: [?] Interested in nuclear history? DOOMSDAY MACHINESPost-Apocalyptic Road Trips, End of the World-Building, and Interesting Times NUKEMAP's fees and development are sponsored by: Ploughshares Fund Stevens Institute of Technology,School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences Export to Google Earth (KMZ) (beta) No detonations to export! Render objects Advanced display options [+] Debug log: Click anywhere to load visualization Loading...
Analyser graphiquement son réseau facebook Gephi est un outil puissant de modélisation de réseaux qui a également l’avantage de sa grande simplicité : pas besoin de compétences particulières pour l’utiliser, excepté une certaine curiosité ! Cet outil est utilisés dans de nombreuses recherches, raison pour laquelle j’en propose ici un guide adapté à une large audience. Ce tutoriel, basé sur vos propres données facebook, peut évidemment être utilisé à d’autres fins, avec de nombreux types de données. MISE A JOUR : Une version ultérieure de ce tutoriel a été publiée. Table des matières Préalable, une petite introduction à l’analyse de réseaux sociauxTélécharger ses données depuis facebook 3. 1. Pour produire un réseau, deux informations sont nécessaires: une liste des acteurs composant le réseau et une liste des relations entre ces acteurs. 2. Cette étape n’est évidemment pas nécessaire à celles et ceux qui utilisent ce tutoriel pour produire un graphe à partir d’autres données 3. Ouvrez votre fichier .txt dans un tableur. 4. 5. 6.
Don't give away your product for free... …unless you plan to keep it free forever. The Cost of Free Doughnuts, a story on NPR shows what happens when you make something paid that was once free. During WWII, the Red Cross, which used to give away free coffee and doughnuts started charging servicemen for doughnuts at the behest of the US Government. Veterans still remember this 70 years later! The reporter goes and finds some veterans and asks about the Red Cross and they go OFF about having to pay for doughnuts. The reason that it sticks in someone’s mind is because going from free to paid is a “Categorical Change”. The psychological difference between $1 and $2 is minuscule compared to the difference between ZERO and $1. Zero isn’t a pricing strategy, it’s a different category A popular strategy for SaaS products is to be free until you figure out pricing. Here’s why: Charging money establishes the value of your product When starting something new, you should try to find out if it’s valuable. Just think about your own behaviors?
Clipix Wants To Be A Pinterest For The Real World Does the world really need another visual bookmarking service? After all, we already have Pinterest and all of its clones. Clipix, however, believes that it has found a way to differentiate itself from the competition. The service, which is coming out of beta today, feels a bit like a hybrid between Evernote and Pinterest, with a bit of Pearltrees thrown in for good measure. This mix, as Clipix founder and Wall Street veteran Oded Berkowitz told me earlier this week, is meant to keep the service flexible and allow users to, for example, easily create a folder for all the research they are doing about a purchase, as well as a copy of the warranty after the purchase. Overall, the service, which has been in beta since February, feels very feature-complete already. One nifty tool that sets Clipix apart from the competition is its price drop alert tool (the company has a patent pending for this technology).
Télécharger Gephi Gephi is an open-source and multiplatform software distributed under the dual license CDDL 1.0 and GNU General Public License v3. Official Releases Release Notes | System Requirements | Installation instructions Gephi 0.10.1 is the latest stable release. Download Gephi for LinuxVersion 0.10.1 If you have an older Gephi on your computer, you should uninstall it first, see the installation instructions. All downloads:Download Gephi 0.10.1 for Mac OS (Intel)Download Gephi 0.10.1 for Mac OS (Silicon)Download Gephi 0.10.1 for WindowsDownload Gephi 0.10.1 for LinuxDownload Older Versions On Linux, you may also find Gephi on Snapcraft and FlatHub. Sources: Gephi uses GitHub to host the source code and track issues. Localization Localization is available in French, Spanish, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian, Chinese, Czech, German and Romanian. Data sets Learn how to use Gephi Gephi is free and open source software. Thank you for your support!