Chemical Weapons Stockpile and Destruction Sites Map and Photos The following map and photos depict the locations of what remains of the U.S. chemical weapons stockpile and the facilities being constructed to complete the destruction of remaining chemical agents. According to a press release from the Department of Defense’s Assembled Chemical Weapons Alternatives program office, the U.S. had destroyed “nearly 90 percent of the chemical weapons stockpile” in advance of the extended Chemical Weapons Convention deadline of April 29, 2012. Though chemical weapons were originally stored at eight continental U.S. Army military installations, only two facilities remain active. Original Locations and Compositions of Continental U.S. Pueblo Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant (PCAPP) Aerial view of the Pueblo Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant site at Pueblo Chemical Depot in Pueblo County, Colorado. Overview of Pueblo Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant detailing the various buildings involved in each phase of chemical weapon destruction.
Life expectancy history: Public health and medical advances that lead to long lives. Photo courtesy of Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services The most important difference between the world today and 150 years ago isn’t airplane flight or nuclear weapons or the Internet. It’s lifespan. We used to live 35 or 40 years on average in the United States, but now we live almost 80. We used to get one life. Laura Helmuth is Slate's science and health editor. You may well be living your second life already. Adrian’s lung spontaneously collapsed when he was 18.Becky had an ectopic pregnancy that caused massive internal bleeding.Carl had St. After a while, these not-dead-yet stories start to sound sort of absurd, like a giddy, hooray-for-modernity response to The Gashleycrumb Tinies. M is for Maud who was swept out to sea … then brought back to shore by a lifeguard and resuscitated by emergency medical technicians. O is for Olive run through with an awl … but saved during a four-hour emergency surgery to repair her collapsed lung. Now we’d like to hear your stories.
Wind Map An invisible, ancient source of energy surrounds us—energy that powered the first explorations of the world, and that may be a key to the future. This map shows you the delicate tracery of wind flowing over the US. The wind map is a personal art project, not associated with any company. We've done our best to make this as accurate as possible, but can't make any guarantees about the correctness of the data or our software. Please do not use the map or its data to fly a plane, sail a boat, or fight wildfires :-) If the map is missing or seems slow, we recommend the latest Chrome browser. Surface wind data comes from the National Digital Forecast Database. If you're looking for a weather map, or just want more detail on the weather today, see these more traditional maps of temperature and wind.
Interactive game of death in history: How would you have died in the past? Please read the rest of Laura Helmuth's series on longevity. The main reason life was so different 100, 200, or 300 years ago than it is today is that death was so different. People died young—in infancy or childhood, mostly—and they died miserably of communicable diseases. We barely remember the names of some of these diseases today, but they were once the most dreaded words in the English language: consumption (tuberculosis), pleurisy (swelling), putrid fever (typhus), quinsy (tonsillitis), and iliac passion (a particularly violent gastrointestinal disorder). Life expectancy has doubled in just the past several generations, and that’s largely because public health efforts and modern medicine have vanquished the diseases of the past. If you’ve ever fantasized about traveling back in time, this game is for you. Spin the wheel as many times as you like—you get infinite reincarnations.
Air pollution monitoring stations face closure as government looks to cut costs | Environment Up to 600 stations for monitoring air pollution across England could be shut down under new government plans to save money by cutting regulations. Ministers want to remove obligations on local authorities to assess air quality in their areas, resulting in less monitoring. But environmental campaigners are accusing them of trying to hide one of the country's biggest public health problems. Government advisers have estimated that one type of pollutant – miniscule particles from diesel engines, fossil fuel power stations and other sources – is killing 29,000 people a year in the UK, and costing health services about £16bn. But European air pollution limits meant to protect health are being breached in urban areas across the country, with the highest levels in London. But now Defra has launched a six-week consultation, due to close on 30 August, proposing a radical overhaul of the local air quality management regime that has been in place since 1997.
Results of #NotDeadYet Twitter meme: 50 stories about saved lives. Photo by Comstock/Thinkstock Read the rest of Laura Helmuth's series on longevity. At the beginning of this series of stories about why lifespan has doubled in the past 150 years, we asked you to tell us why you’re not dead yet. We got hundreds of responses through email and Twitter (using the hashtag #NotDeadYet), and even more on Facebook and the comments sections of the story. Laura Helmuth is Slate's science and health editor. Follow The responses were fascinating. We also ran a survey with our partners at SurveyMonkey, who collected responses from 400 people using the SurveyMonkey Audience. Courtesy of SurveyMonkey Thanks very much to everyone who emailed or tweeted their stories. I'm #NotDeadYet despite pneumonia and chronic tonsillitis before I was 4. Roy: Almost every day I get out of bed with the thought that I am in life's bonus round. Rachel: When I was 7, I thought the best thing about being in the hospital was that they'd bring you ice cream whenever you asked for it. .
The Internet map Maximum adult lifespan: Debate over how long humans can live. Photo by Melanie Stetson Freeman/Christian Science Monitor/Getty Images Read the rest of Laura Helmuth's series on longevity. There’s an oddly persistent myth that people have always had a good chance of living to a ripe old age if they could just survive childhood. Socrates was old, after all, and what about Ben Franklin? It’s true that infants and children were once more likely to die than people of any other ages. Why has life expectancy continued to go up steadily over the past several decades? Public health measures get the credit for most of the increase in life expectancy that happened from the mid-1800s to mid-1900s. If you look at the top causes of death in the United States in 1900 and 2010, you might think you’re examining data from two entirely different species. Heart disease isn’t a new invention. Because heart disease is such a killer, anything that reduces its incidence or treats it can save a lot of lives and boost our overall average life expectancy. So what’s next?
www.pccwglobal.com/images/stories/brochures/PCCW_Global_Infrastructure_Map.pdf Interactive Game