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Flipping The Classroom (Reverse Instruction)
The Minimalist’s Guide to Creating a Class or Course Web Site January 30, 2014 Have you wished you had a web site to share assignments, links, discussions, and more, but always thought it would be too difficult to create one? It absolutely doesn’t have to be. Educators are increasingly turning to technology to improve their teaching, communication and organization skills. Having a web page to use to deliver and […]
Beyond the Basics of the Flipped Classroom
E-Learning | Feature Beyond the Basics of the Flipped Classroom Flipped learning has been around long enough now for teachers to figure out their own variations.
Dinosaur Coloring Pages
Raawr! Dinosaur coloring pages are here! T-rex, Triceratops, STEGOSAURUS (...) coloring pages PDF One of the more fun things with dinosaurs is we don't and can't know what color they were (I would like mine pink thank you) so there is no going wrong when coloring these.These are just some of the kids favourite dinosaurs - tyrannosaurus, triceratops, brontosaurs and stegosaurus. Those were also my favourite ones when I was growing up and I wanted to have all dinosaur coloring books out there.
9 Video Tips for a Better Flipped Classroom
Flipped Classroom | November 2013 Digital Edition 9 Video Tips for a Better Flipped Classroom Early adopters share how schools can find success with teachers and students alike--even when the technology seems as topsy-turvy as the lessons. In 2007, when Colorado high school teachers Jonathan Bergmann and Aaron Sams began experimenting with recording their lectures in order to spend class time on deeper face-to-face learning with students, they probably didn't foresee the major movement that would grow up around what came to be called the flipped classroom. But six years later, the growth in interest remains exponential, suggesting this is far more than a fad.
It may be a little bit late to post these autumn leaves, but they are worth it. I saw the initial idea in my child’s creche. It took me some time to perfect the pattern and the instructions. You will need: colored printer sheets, a pair of scissors, a pencil and some glue. These are the two basic leaf shapes.
The Four Pillars of Flipped Learning
May 10, 2014 In today's post I am sharing with you this excellent visual featuring the four pillars of flipped classroom, but before that here is a reminder of what flipped classroom is all about: Flipped classroom or flipped learning is a methodology, an approach to learning in which technology is employed to reverse the traditional role of classroom time. If in the past, classroom time is spent at lecturing to students , now in a flipped model, this time is utilized to encourage individualized learning and provide one-on-one help to students, and also to improve student-teacher interaction.
FREE Printable Art Collages
4 Free Art Collages for your child to practice their art skills! Includes Build a City, Build a Farm, Create an Ocean, and Create a Face. Includes both color and black and white cut-outs.
Teachers' Practical Guide to A FLipped Classroom
July, 2014 Unlike the numerous graphics I shared here on the topic of flipped learning which were substantially theoretically based, the one I have for you today provides a practical demonstration of how Dr.Russell flipped his classroom . The graphic also features some of the activities and procedures he drew in his flipped instruction. Another section of this graphic highlights some of the bearings of this flipped methodology on students performance particularly in terms of the enhanced test scores. The purpose behind sharing this visual is to provide you with a concrete example of how you can go about integrating a flipped learning methodology in your instruction.
Just Color! ~ Free Coloring Printables
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