Why I'm All For The End Of Marriage Suzanne Turner responds to a recent New York Times piece, which makes an argument to detach religious/cultural marital norms from civil unions. Have you heard? It’s not only the end of men. Folks, let’s get real. And now, thanks to MIT Media Lab, there’s a wonderful warm jacket that expands and “hugs” the wearer when prompted by someone else on the Internet. So into this perfect storm wades Laurie Shrage with this weekend’s New York Times piece called “The End of Marriage.” Well, why not? I’m all for it, with one caveat. I’m totally digging the idea of a civil union enforcement unit. Shrage argues, with complete academic detachment, that the church can still oversee traditional marriage type unions, but the state is only responsible for economic units. Then maybe Mama would have time to get laid. Suzanne Turner is the President and Founder of Turner Strategies, a public affairs and communications firm based in Washington, D.C. Related Links:
How To Accidentally Raise A Feminist Daughter Emily Heist Moss’ father wasn’t actively trying to raise a feminist daughter, but by always being on her side, that’s exactly what he did. My dad has always been my number one fan, so vocal in his admiration and praise that I’m often forced to pull the classic teen maneuver, an eye-roll and a “Dad, please. You’re embarrassing me.” He was the loudest and most positive parent at every sporting event, he writes the most effusive birthday cards, and he regularly comments on my blog with emoticons and dozens of exclamation points. A happy daughter, I know he wanted. Here’s how to accidentally raise a feminist daughter: Step 1. There’s no quicker way to produce a third-wave feminist than to marry a second-waver, which my mother most certainly is. Expected to leave college with a classic MRS degree, my mom instead set off into the world to explore before she settled down. When I read essay after essay about “having it all”—is it possible for anyone? Step 2: Fill Her Head With Stories
Why Men Need Feminism (Really, You Do!) This one’s for you, guys. Assuming you don’t believe in the common myths about feminism, you still may think that feminism is all about women’s issues, reproductive rights, celebrating femininity…pregnancy…motherhood…PMS…boobies…vaginas…who knows. You may have thought: “I can’t be a feminist. I’m a dude.” Well, I’ve got news for you! Even though women are oppressed in many ways that men are not (let me be clear about this: in many, many, many ways), the system of traditional gender roles that we live in harms ALL people. This includes you. Don’t think so? Have you ever felt: Insecure because your body wasn’t big enough, strong enough, or slim enough? If even one or two of these is true, then you need feminism. Why Feminism Helps Men Feminism is about changing the gender roles, sexual norms, and sexist practices that limit you and punish you when whenever you deviate from them. All men have been hurt by the traditional gender system. But feminists say that’s not right. So you can be yourself.
The 12-Year-Old Slut Meme and Facebook's Misogyny Problem - The Huffington Post Hey, Facebook: One in three women on the planet will be raped or beaten in her lifetimeMillions of girls and women are murdered in "domestic violence" situationsMillions are sold, scarred, tortured, sexually abused and more For being born female on a planet that tolerates unconscionable levels of violence against half of the humans that live on it. So? What does this have to do with Facebook? Turns out a whole lot, because there is no being neutral in this situation. Earlier this week I wrote about how the use of photography (especially without the subject's consent) intensifies harassment, abuse and violence against women. The page, which posts photographs of girls and women so that others can comment on their sluttiness, has more than 200,000 likes. The man who started the petition to have the page taken down thinks that it encourages violence against minors and is a violation of Facebook's own guidelines regarding hate speech.
David Willetts’ blaming of feminism for male working class unemployment reveals the inner workings of the Tory mind: a hatred of the agency of women and the suspicion of progressive movements Last Friday, the universities Minister David Willetts commented that women’s progress in the workplace has prevented working class men from attaining well-paid jobs, saying that “Feminism trumped egalitarianism”. Mary Evans critically unpacks these comments and says that not only are they ignorant and prejudiced, but they also show the deep suspicion of Conservatives to progressive movements. It is good to see that David Willetts, as Minister for Universities, has read widely in fiction about the theme of men and women competing for jobs. Don’t you know what you’re doing? The spectre of a male Minister taking on the angry narrative of a woman with whom he would probably be the first to claim that he has nothing in common has various interesting aspects, not the least of which are the themes of misogyny, envy and class hatred that unite them. The ‘classism’ and the social blindness in Willetts’ remarks are particularly remarkable. Please read our comments policy before commenting.
Leia: Feminist Icon or Sexist Trope? When I was a young girl, Star Wars was my favorite movie. I’ve watched it more times than any other film. Premiering in 1977, the same year I was born, the epic sci-fi space opera irrevocably changed the movie industry. Beyond battle scenes, or the twist of Vader being Luke’s father, it impacted my childhood. In the Star WarsTrilogy, Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan (Carrie Fisher) was a member of the Imperial Senate, a diplomat and a spy for the Rebel Alliance. When I was 7, my mom sewed a Princess Leia costume for me for Halloween. Looking back, why did Leia have to be a princess? In the very first scenes of Star Wars, we see Leia shoot a laser gun. Princess Leia:Governor Tarkin, I should have expected to find you holding Vader’s leash. Even after she’s tortured by Vader, she refuses to reveal the location of the Rebel Base. When Luke Skywalker, Han Solo and Chewbacca stage a rescue, Leia isn’t automatically obsequious. Leia gets rescued. Now, I love Star Wars.
Disney Buys Star Wars: A New Hope for Women and Girls Last week, one of the only news items to penetrate the horrifying coverage of Hurricane Sandy’s devastation and the nerve-wracking anticipation for the US Elections was the surprising, perplexing, but exciting news that Disney was buying Lucasfilm and planning to release Star Wars Episode VII in 2015. It was like a shot of adrenaline to this weary geek’s heart. The Five Stages of Disney’s Buyout of Lucasfilm: 1) Denial. 2) Angst. 3) Cautious optimism. 4) Futility. 5) Resignation.— Eric S. Donaldson (@EricJokes) October 31, 2012 Like every geek, I’m riding the wave of emotions that comes with this news, with renewed “no, there is another” hope for new GOOD Star Wars movies, and anxiety that those hopes will be dashed yet again (I mean, think about what the word “Disneyfication” means.) The Opportunity for Women to Take Creative Control of Star Wars But what I always find interesting is when you take the areas of writing, producing and directing.
Why "fun feminism" should be consigned to the rubbish bin What is feminism? A political movement to overthrow male supremacy, according to us radicals. These days, however, young women (and men) are increasingly fed the line from "fun feminists" that it is about individual power, rather than a collective movement. Caitlin Moran, whose best-selling book has made her into one of the country's best-known fun feminists, is an apologist for porn and wasted an opportunity during a feminist debate on Newsnight to joke about cardigans. We need to bring back the radical edge to feminism, and do away with any notion that slutwalking, lap dancing, sex working or Burkha-wearing is liberation for women. I am tired of being told by so-called third-wavers that my feminism is fascist, old hat, irrelevant and man hating. These "fun feminists", who have little or no idea about the theory or practice of this movement, take advantage of the benefits that radicals have fought long and hard for, whilst contributing nothing. "Fun feminism" isn't feminism at all.
The battle against 'sexist' sci-fi and fantasy book covers Science fiction and fantasy novels routinely portray scantily clad woman on their covers - a device that draws the heterosexual male eye but may turn away women readers. Lynsea Garrison finds one fantasy author aiming to zap gender stereotypes. Jim Hines straddles the remnants of a defeated alien species (a table), and clasps a pistol (a toy gun) as he triumphantly raises a cyborg's head (a toaster). Sometimes he fights battles alongside his romantic interest (a large teddy bear). But no matter the mission, Hines shows some flesh. Just because he is waging a war, it does not mean he cannot be alluring at the same time, right? Hines, a fantasy author, is posing like some of the female characters on science fiction and fantasy book covers he says objectify women. He gets into character by twisting his body into the same contorted positions as the female characters on the books. "The way women are portrayed is just so ridiculous, so often, you just stop seeing it," Hines says.
New Book Cover For Sylvia Plath's 'The Bell Jar' Stirs Sexism Debate (VOTE) - The Huffington Post By now you may have heard about publisher Faber's new book cover for The Bell Jar, and the fact a lot of people aren't exactly thrilled with it. The new sleeve, below, features a young woman applying makeup in a small mirror and was released to mark the 50th anniversary of Sylvia Plath's semi-autobiographical novel. Most of the criticism has came from people who feel Faber have made The Bell Jar look like just another piece of 'chick-lit', and in doing so have trivialised a classic piece of modern fiction. Feminist blog Jezebel raged: "For a book all about a woman's clinical depression that's exacerbated by the suffocating gender stereotypes of which she's expected to adhere and the limited life choices she has as a woman, it's pretty … stupid to feature a low-rent retro wannabe pinup applying makeup." What do you think? Have you say below.
Hathaway hate theories: Do women dislike girlish women because we hate girls? Photo by Adrian Sanchez-Gonzalez/AFP/Getty Images Sasha Weiss of The New Yorker has the latest entry in the seemingly endless rounds of backlash against Anne Hathaway. It is strange enough that it won’t get lost in the mix, a credo that ends up insulting the actress Weiss purports to defend. Weiss proposes that Hathaway is disliked because she acts like a little girl, and Americans have an irrational hatred of little girls. She describes Hathaway as resembling "a nine-year-old girl about to dig into a big slice of birthday cake" and, evoking the 1994 best-seller Reviving Ophelia, construes this prepubescent era as "a small window of time when girls have that mien of utter at-homeness in the world." Amanda Marcotte is a Brooklyn-based writer and DoubleX contributor. Follow Let’s take a quick survey of the people who were applauded for their red-carpet performances. But grown women? Is that what's driving the backlash against Anne Hathaway?
Fifty Shades of Feminism needs you! - Virago Books