Sternenmeer über Sommarøy - Bild von Hinrich Bäsemann aus Northern Norway - Fotografie (15821173 Von Hinrich Bäsemann 28.01.2009 um 10:24 Uhr, Lizenz: Als das Nordlicht vorgestern immer schwächer wurde, habe ich mich an den Sternen versucht. Bitte melde Dich an, um einen Kommentar zu schreiben. Kathrin Bergner, 28.01.2009 um 10:37 Uhr Ich finde solche Fotos unglaublich. Indrani Novello, 28.01.2009 um 12:44 Uhr wow, atemberaubend! Ingo Kasper, 28.01.2009 um 15:59 Uhr Galaktisch gut. michoja, 28.01.2009 um 17:49 Uhr wow! Gisela und Michael Schunke, 28.01.2009 um 19:53 Uhr Super. Sam08, 28.01.2009 um 20:59 Uhr Hallo Hinrich, das kommt sehr gut! Grüße! Sam Bitte melde Dich an, um einen Kommentar zu schreiben.
HOW TO FEED THE WORLD: Next meal in doubt - NI 151 - Three myths Myth one: OVERPOPULATION Actually there is plenty of food in the world. Production of cereals (wheat, rice, millet etc) last year reached 1799.2 million tons, enough to offer everyone in the world well over the recommended minimum of 2.500 calories per adult per day. And that is before you’ve even begun to count the calories in vegetables, nuts, pulses, root crops and grass-fed (as opposed to grain-fed) meat. So what’s the problem? The problem is the distribution of that food, both within countries and between rich and poor worlds. Americans represent only six per cent of the world’s population, yet they consume 35 per cent of the world’s resources - the same as the entire developing world. But Western countries have enough land to support their populations - Third World countries don’t. Western countries have enough money to support their populations. But doesn’t Africa have the world’s fastest population growth? Yes, and no one is saying they shouldn’t be concerned about that.