When we share, everyone wins
Related: Week 4: Digital Leadership and Information Ethics
• Copyrights and Wrongs and Fair Use
• Business Tools-Mostly Free
• Ressources et Outils numériques
• Classroom Hacks
The Optimistic Heart of Digital Citizenship
Contributed by Renee Hobbs Let’s be frank: there’s a right way and a wrong way to teach digital citizenship. When people hear the term, digital citizenship, most people think of helping students to protect their privacy and be aware of their digital footprint. Educators may encourage students to behave civilly towards each other and not to bully or be mean. They may explore the concept of netiquette and help learners understand their legal rights and responsibilities under copyright. The goal here is to enable students to gain knowledge, reflect on their behavior, and develop good habits that support the effective use of media and technology for learning.
Taking the Mystery Out of Copyright
skip navigation Library of Congress Teachers Suggestions enabled. The Library of Congress > Teachers > Classroom Materials > Presentations and Activities > Copyright Print Subscribe Share/Save Give Feedback
111 Low-Cost or Free Online Tools for Nonprofits
The number of low-cost or free online resources and tools available to nonprofits today is astounding. Many nonprofit professionals are overwhelmed by the all choices and as mobile media continues to grow, prepare to be mind-boggled by all the new technology options that will be available to your nonprofit in coming years. That said, to be alerted of new low-cost or free resources and tools available for nonprofits, please subscribe to the Nonprofit Tech for Good 2.0 e-Newsletter [see right column].
FOUR CULTURE – September/October 2013
The magazine of music, literature & compelling societal views Category : Arts & Culture Language : English Content : Sounds, visions, words, voices… 104 pages Loading ... Read about previously unpublished interviews and articles with Rose Redd, Noblesse Oblige, Stephen Hues and many other artists in which their most private thoughts and their secret source of inspiration are unveiled to you.
My Top 5 Organizational Hacks for Teaching High School
I'm not a naturally organized person. In July before my first year of teaching, I remember being at the office supply store in the file/tray/organizer aisle, picking up a single black tray and thinking, "Hmm ... this should do it." Needless to say my first year was a mess both literally and figuratively. Like a lot of things in teaching, I learned how to be organized by trial and error. Lots and lots and lots of error.
*A Copyright-Friendly Toolkit
However fabulous Creative Commons and Public Domain content may be, sometimes you really need to use copyrighted material. Say you plan to comment on popular media or current events. For instance, you may be planning to critique the portrayal of Native Americans in commercial films.
Download & Streaming : Moving Image Archive
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21 Free Design Tools for Marketers on a Budget
They say you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but let's be honest ... a pretty cover doesn’t hurt when it comes to your marketing. That’s why -- whether you're creating lead generation content, social media content, calls-to-action, or infographics -- your marketing materials should always be as visually appealing as possible. Problem is, actually creating all these beautiful visuals isn't exactly every marketer's forte. Oh, another problem? Design software can cost an arm and a leg (plus all the classes you need to take to learn how to work the darn stuff). But there's good news -- there are plenty of free and easy-to-use tools out there that can make you look like a master designer.
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Create a money pot (for free) Share your money pot and collect contributions Ask your friends to contribute and keep track of your money pot with your computer, smartphone or tablet. Buy exactly what you want Give the money directly to the lucky recipient and let them decide how to spend it.
Commons - Biens Communs - Bens comuns - Bienes comunes
Electronics II
Tasks and algorithms 19/11/13
Recovered Tools For Educators
Week 4 Information Ethics and Remix Culture
Képek, zenék videók keresése
Szerzői jog
Herramientas para enseñar
outils gratuits aide entrepreneur
Adult Literacy Teaching Tools
Aspects juridiques des échanges et partages
Copyright Tools & Free Use Images & More
Curiosity & Knowledge
Creative Commons provides a way to easily acquire a license for your work as well as provides access to other CC licensed works. by annambaker Feb 5
Share, Remix, Reuse — Legally Creative Commons is a nonprofit organization that develops, supports, and stewards legal and technical infrastructure that maximizes digital creativity, sharing, and innovation. by agnesdelmotte Mar 15