International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) Origin The IPA was first published in 1888 by the Association Phonétique Internationale (International Phonetic Association), a group of French language teachers founded by Paul Passy. The aim of the organisation was to devise a system for transcribing the sounds of speech which was independent of any particular language and applicable to all languages. A phonetic script for English created in 1847 by Isaac Pitman and Henry Ellis was used as a model for the IPA. Uses The IPA is used in dictionaries to indicate the pronunciation of words. Where symbols appear in pairs, the one on the right represents a voiced consonant, while the one on the left is unvoiced. Download an Excel spreadsheet containing the IPA How the sounds of English are represented by the IPA Recommended books about phonetics and phonology Links UCLA Phonetics Lab Data IPA, International Phonetic Association Free IPA fonts
English language, culture, history… | Review, improve your English or simply participate ! Gap year WHAT IS A GAP YEAR ? : Watch the video on You tube and listen to the definition of a gap year given by the director of admissions from a company called ‘Up with people’: What are the reasons why young people can profit from a gap year ? As there is a vast range of opportunities to take a gap year, tell us about you: - where would you like to go, and why ? Merveille La Pensée…un trésor, un don précieux de la nature humaine, qui demeure et résonne au sein de tout notre être.
"Born Eunuchs" Home Page and Library The willingness to engage in homosexual activity (particularly intergenerationally) was widespread among men in the ancient Mediterranean region. Women and boys were considered equally tempting sex objects for ordinary men. Therefore, homosexual activity could not have provided a means of distinguishing a minority of men as "gay" the way we do in the modern world. Natural and man-made eunuchs co-existed as distinct categories for at least a thousand years, from the first-reported mass castrations about 600 BCE until 400 CE, when the classification of "natural eunuchs" was essentially made obsolete, and only the artificial type were identified as eunuchs anymore. What was called sodomy in the Judeo-Christian tradition, namely the sexual penetration of "males," was criminalized in many ancient cultures. email: aquarius@well.com visitors since 3/1/99 © 1999 Faris Malik.
Immigration and Ellis Island World War II and the Postwar Period The United States entered World War II in 1942. During the war, immigration decreased. There was fighting in Europe, transportation was interrupted, and the American consulates weren't open. Also because of the war, the Chinese Exclusion Act was repealed in 1943. I believe that the admission of these persons will add to the strength and energy of the Nation." Learn More Gay History and Literature COLLOQUE INTERNATIONAL - L’ENSEIGNEMENT DE LA LITTÉRATURE AVEC LE NUMÉRIQUE | LMM Les recherches dans le champ des humanités numériques invitent le domaine de l’éducation, en l’occurrence celui de la didactique de la littérature, à tenir compte de la mutation des corpus, des textualités et des genres numériques/numérisés ainsi que des pratiques d’enseignement-apprentissage soutenues par les supports et outils technologiques. Ainsi les savoirs en didactique de la littérature sont appelés à contribuer à ce que Doueihi appelle l’évolution de l’humanisme numérique (2011)[1] Le numérique, dans l'enseignement de la littérature, permet de développer de nouvelles configurations des textes, des supports didactiques et des productions inédites (Chartier, 2012 ; Davallon, Desperet-Lonnet, Jeanneret, Le Marec & Souchier, 2003). Ces réflexions dressent des constats, étudient de nouveaux objets, et mesurent les enjeux de la mutation qu'induit le numérique dans le champ de l'enseignement. Axe 1. Axe 2. Axe 3.