queadluun-rau « An Eye for Things Miriya’s red Queadluun-Rau from the Macross DYRL movie is one of the most memorable mechas. In Macross Frontier, the Zentradi Klan Klang pilots a red Queadluun-Rau! Klan Klang's Queadluun-Rau in Macross Frontier's Episode 4 Klan Klang's Queadluun-Rau in the Macross Quarter Bandai has a toy replica, which is 12.5cm tall (4.9 inches), as part of the Robot Damashii / Robot Spirits line! Box One sheet of instructions There is a pilot figure of Klan Klang inside! Close-up of Klan Klang pilot figure (she's not removable) Klan Klang in her pilot suit looks like she did in the Macross Frontier TV series. The missile pods on the shoulders have a cover that can open and close. Shoulder missile pod Two sets of leg missile pod covers The back of the Q-R looks pretty much the same as the back of the Q-R from DYRL, except Klan Klang’s Q-R has a big cannon and two red thingies on the shoulders. Rear view of the Queadluun-Rau Finally, how big is this Q-R relative to Yamato’s Q-R? Bandai’s is much shorter!
How to make Angry Birds – part 1 Hello and welcome back to my blog! This time I’m going to try something new. There are many tutorials for various techniques and tricks on the web, but what you don’t often see is one that takes you through the development of a game, step by step from start to finish. This is what I’m going to attempt here. I hope that it will provide some missing insight into the components that actually make up a working game and how to go about developing them. I’m going to assume the reader is familiar with the basics of game development and I’m going to concentrate on the art and programming. Angry Birds So, the game I’m going to be making is to be based on the extremely popular Angry Birds by Rovio, a AAA title which cost some $140k USD to make. Angry Birds Obviously, since its just me making this I will have to take a few short-cuts and will be concentrating on the core part of the game. Cloning Analysis Ok, lets have a look at the requirements for a bare-bones version of the game: Graphics Code Camera
Per Asteroid ad Astra | Geograffitico | ScienceBlogs.de - Wissen Mein Schreibtisch wird leider nicht leerer, und so wird’s auch heute bei einem englischsprachigen Lesehinweis bleiben (der hoffentlich nicht wieder an einer unerwartenen Paywall stecken bleibt, wie bei meinem letzten Eintrag. Heute geht es um die Raumfahrtpläne der Obama-Regierung, genauer gesagt, um den Anspruch, bis zum Jahr 2025 ein bemanntes Raumschiff zu einem Asteroiden zu schicken, dem die Zeitung USA Today heute ihre Coverstory gewidmet hat. Ist vielleicht nicht die profundeste Quelle, aber eine, die sicher genaug Anstoß zur Diskussion liefert, um eine Erwähnung auch hier zu rechtfertigen. “Bis zum Jahr 2025 rechnen wir mit neuen Raumschiffen, die für lange Reisen entwickelt wurden und uns erlauben werden, die ersten bemannten Missionen jenseits des Mondes in die Tiefen des Alls zu schicken. hatte der Präsident am 15 April versprochen. Die Frage schneidet der Artikel natürlich auch an, aber eine Antwort darauf kann man sich selbst nach der Lektüre nicht bilden.
TechCrunch - The latest technology news and information on startups So you want to be a consultant...? Or: Why work 8 hours/day for someone else when you can work 16 hours/day for yourself? I've been a consultant of one form or another since 1985 when I started my old company, V-Systems, with a friend from college, and actually did bits and pieces of consulting as early as 1982. I have been asked often about the business, and I decided to write this up. Please note that I am providing observations from my own personal experience, but I am not providing tax or legal advice. You need to pay somebody for that, and I'm not qualified. Furthermore, I am not even attempting to make this a comprehensive guide for everything required by one in or contemplating the consulting business. These sections (except the last) aren't in any particular order. There are many ways of structuring a self-employed practice, and I'll touch on two that are at different ends of the spectrum. Contracting Consulting Consulting maxim: You must give the customer The Warm Fuzzy Feeling™ Anecdote: Have "customers", not "clients"
How Three Germans Are Cloning the Web A purple rooster sculpture made from recycled grape Fanta bottle labels. Clocks designed to hang in corners. Bauhaus posters from the 1920s. Hand-painted vintage typewriters. These are some of the carefully curated objects for sale on Fab.com, the fast-growing flash-deal site for designer goods. Launched out of a loft in New York City’s Garment District last June, Fab had sales of $20 million in its first six months and is on track to earn $100 million in 2012. Six months after Fab launched, it was knocked off. Fab vs. Bamarang is the creation of Oliver, Marc, and Alexander Samwer, a trio of German brothers who have a wildly successful business model: Find a promising Internet business, in the U.S., and clone it internationally. The Samwers’ base of operations is a startup accelerator in Berlin called Rocket Internet. Groupon (GRPN) got cloned by the Samwers two years ago, and the results were expensive for the daily-deal site. EBay’s business model appealed to them from the start.
Mickey Mouse, amphetamine shill In the 1950s, speed was legally sold as "pep pills" to help improve your mood and vigor, and Mickey Mouse got in the act with a series of strips in which Mickey pimped amphetamine to kids and grownups who needed a little pick-me-up. Mickey Mouse on Speed (via IO9) Reserve Bank of India (RBI): Why can't Indian government pay world bank loan by just printing money?
Writing great documentation I love Django’s documentation. It clocks in at about 700 pages printed, and most of it is clear, concise, and helpful. I think Django’s among the best documented open source projects, and nothing makes me prouder. If any part of Django endures, I hope it’ll be a sort of “documentation culture” — an ethos that values great, well-written documentation. To that end, I’m writing a series of articles laying out the tools, tips, and techniques I’ve learned over the years I’ve spent helping to write Django’s docs. This advice will mostly be targeted towards those documenting libraries or frameworks intended for use by other developers, but much of it probably applies to any for of technical documentation. Entries in this series: What to write Tech docs can take a bunch of different forms ranging from high-level overviews, to step-by-step walkthroughs, to auto-generated API documentation.
A Conversation with Peter Thiel Francis Fukuyama: I’d like to begin by asking you about a point you made about there being certain liberal and conservative blind spots about America. What did you mean by that? Peter Thiel: On the surface, one of the debates we have is that people on the Left, especially the Occupy Wall Street movement, focus on income and wealth inequality issues—the 99 percent versus the 1 percent. It’s evident that both forms of inequality have escalated at a very high rate. Probably from 1973 to today, they have gone up faster than they did in the 19th century. The rapid rise in inequality has been an issue that the Right has not been willing to engage. In the history of the modern world, inequality has only been ended through communist revolution, war or deflationary economic collapse. Francis Fukuyama: And it will require countless environmental permits, litigation, and so on. Peter Thiel: Yes. There has been a tremendous slowdown everywhere else, however.