Grand Science Fiction : 1000-Word Science Fiction Stories Clarkesworld Magazine - Science Fiction & Fantasy : Submission Guidelines Clarkesworld Magazine is a Hugo, World Fantasy, and British Fantasy Award-winning science fiction and fantasy magazine that publishes short stories, interviews, articles and audio fiction. Issues are published monthly and available on our website, for purchase in ebook format, and via electronic subscription. All original fiction is also published in our trade paperback series from Wyrm Publishing. Fiction Guidelines Stories must be: Well-written. Science fiction need not be "hard" SF, but rigor is appreciated. Though no particular setting, theme, or plot is anathema to us, the following are likely hard sells: Fiction Submissions Process Do NOT email or mail submissions. Our submissions form asks for your name, email address, cover letter, story title, word count, genre and story. After you have submitted your story, a tracking number will be displayed and an automated email confirmation containing this information will be sent to you. Confidentiality Non-Fiction Guidelines Art Guidelines
Submission Guidelines Fiction Guidelines ATTENTION: We are now closed for fiction submissions. Please check back here to find out when we will reopen. We are looking for creative blends of science fiction, fantasy, and/or horror, but are really open to looking at anything, so long as it is speculative. All submissions are to be sent electronically as a Word or .rtf attachment. Payment of a penny-per-word is made upon publication. Poetry Guidelines Poetry is now closed to new submissions. Artist Guidelines Queries regarding cover art, interior illustrations, and comic-formatted stories are being considered year-round. We do not require you to look at our magazine before submitting material, but we very strongly suggest that you do, to avoid wasting your time — and ours.
Fiction Submission Guidelines | FantasyScroll Magazine To submit fiction to Fantasy Scroll Mag, please read the instructions below. Once you are familiar with these guidelines you can jump to our story submission form. Other Guidelines: What Are We Looking For? Fantasy Scroll Mag is seeking original science fiction, fantasy, and horror stories, regardless of sub-genre. Here are the lengths we currently accept: Microfiction: < 500 wordsFlash Fiction: 500 – 1500 wordsShort Stories: 1500 – 5000 words At this point we are not accepting any stories longer than 5,000 words, so please only submit word counts within the specified limits. Reprints We do accept reprints as long as the rights have currently reverted to the author. Simultaneous Submissions We do accept simultaneous submissions, but if your story is accepted elsewhere, please do us the courtesy and let us know right away. Multiple Submissions We do not accept multiple submissions. Payment Formatting We accept stories formatted in the standard manuscript format. Submitting Response Times No poetry.
Analog -- Submission Guidelines Analog now uses an online submissions system that has been designed to streamline our process and improve communication with authors. We do not accept email submissions. Please see Manuscript Guidelines for information about paper submissions. Our online submissions form for fiction asks for your name, email address, cover letter, story title, and story. All stories and poems should be in standard manuscript format and can be submitted in .DOC format. Your tracking number will allow you to monitor the status of your submission through our website, so please don’t lose it. Reply Process Our average response time runs about two to three months. Please go here to submit your story.
Submissions | Crossed Genres Submissions information current as of May 6, 2014 Crossed Genres welcomes and strongly encourages submissions with underrepresented main characters: women, characters of color, LGBTQ characters, characters with disabilities, etc.! Novels & Single-Author Collections We are temporarily closed to submissions of Novels & Single-Author Collections. We hope to re-open in late 2014. Payment: $2,000 advance, then royalties commensurate with industry standard * 50,000-100,000 words * Any genres now accepted (not only Science Fiction & Fantasy, though they’re still welcome) * Specifically looking for submissions which blend multiple genres More details & submission form here— Crossed Genres Magazine 2.0 Pay rate: $0.06 per wordWord limit: 1000-6000 (FIRM)Stories must combine an aspect of Science Fiction and/or Fantasy with the current month’s theme.To submit, use the form beneath the full guidelines. More details & submission form here——–
Encounters Magazine Guidelines Encounters Magazine Writer/Artist Guidelines We prefer manuscripts between 3,500 and 10,000 words, but those numbers are not carved in stone. We will consider pretty much any length, but we do not accept poetry. Artwork must be color, have a sci-fi, fantasy or horror theme and be no more than 600 pixels wide by 800 pixels in length. Payment for fiction is 1/4 cent per word on acceptence. All writers and artists please include a short bio and links to a Web page or online gallery if you have one so we can publish the info and help promote your work. Mail all queries to encountersmag@blackmatrixpub.com.
Fantasy and Science Fiction - Writers' Guidelines Writer's Guidelines • Fantasy & Science Fiction has no formula for fiction, but we like to be surprised by stories, either by the character insights, ideas, plots, or prose. The speculative element may be slight, but it should be present. We prefer character-oriented stories, whether it's fantasy, science fiction, horror, humor, or another genre. F&SF encourages submissions from diverse voices and perspectives, and has published writers from all over the world. Do not query for fiction; submit the entire manuscript. • We do not accept simultaneous submissions. • We prefer not to see more than one submission from a writer at a time. • Allow 8 weeks for a response. • Payment is 8-12 cents per word on acceptance. • Our columns and non-fiction articles are assigned in-house. • Since we use so little art—just six covers a year, no interiors—we have no separate artist's guidelines. • Send cartoon queries as well as orders for sample copies to Gordon Van Gelder, Fantasy & Science Fiction, P.O.