Lifestyle Design Experiments
This is the place where you find all the lifestyle design experiments I'm sharing online. A lifestyle design experiment is where we take a simple idea or radical lifestyle concept and give it a test run in our lives. We're only obligated to it for 30 days, enough time to form it into a habit. After the 30 days are up, we can choose to let go of the idea if it's not serving us, or keep it.
Lucid Dreaming/Induction Techniques
This page describes a number of lucid dream induction techniques. It is recommended that you be able to recall at least one dream per night in order to maximize the effectiveness of these methods. Preliminary Knowledge[edit] Certain elements are common to many of the lucidity-inducing techniques discussed later in this chapter. To better understand these techniques, these common components will be discussed first. Sleep Interruption[edit]
Psychophysiology of Lucid Dreaming
by Stephen LaBerge, Ph.D. Lucid Dreaming Physiologically Verified Although we are not usually explicitly aware of the fact that we are dreaming while we are dreaming, at times a remarkable exception occurs, and we become conscious enough to realize that we are dreaming. "Lucid" dreamers (the term derives from van Eeden, 1913) report being able to freely remember the circumstances of waking life, to think clearly, and to act deliberately upon reflection, all while experiencing a dream world that seems vividly real (Green, 1968; LaBerge, 1985; Gackenbach & LaBerge, 1988). This is all in contrast to the usual past characterization of dreams as typically lacking any reflective awareness or true volition (Rechtschaffen, 1978). Lucid dreaming is normally a rare experience. Though most people report having had a lucid dream at least once in their lives, only about 20% of the population reports having lucid dreams once a month or more (Snyder & Gackenbach, 1988).
Before I Die & Candy Chang
What matters most to you Interactive public art project that invites people to share their personal aspirations in public. After losing someone she loved and falling into depression, Chang created this experiment on an abandoned house in her neighborhood to create an anonymous place to help restore perspective and share intimately with her neighbors. The project gained global attention and thanks to passionate people around the world, over 1000 Before I Die walls have now been created in over 70 countries, including Kazakhstan, Iraq, Haiti, China, Ukraine, Portugal, Japan, Denmark, Argentina, and South Africa.
Lucid Dreaming Techniques: A Guide To Lucid Dream Induction
Here are my top lucid dreaming techniques for beginners. They range from simple memory exercises (like Reality Checks and Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreams) to specialized meditation (like Wake Induced Lucid Dreams). Lucid Dreaming Tutorials For step-by-step tutorials and audio tools for lucid dream induction and exploration, check out my Lucid Dreaming Fast Track study program for beginners and beyond.
All About the Lemon Juice and Maple Syrup Detox
The third time i caved in on the lemon juice and maple syrup detox diet I knew i needed help. I did not want to fail partly because i had $100 riding on it, partly because of my ego but i think it was really because I wanted it to work deep down. MY cynical nature could not cover up the fact i was fat, i was bloated and i was sick of being sick! I went online and did my research. I found out about the founder of the master cleanse diet as it is also called; Stanley Burroughs. I have to say i do not agree with everything he said but once i completed the detox i must admit he had many things right.
Living Inside Your Dreams: Astral Projection
Dream Awareness, Lucid Dreaming and Astral Projection By Robert Zucker "Living Inside of Your Dreams" is a condensed version of two manuscripts developed during a college independent study in the late 1970s. The subjects of dreams, hermetics and cultural similarities were explored. Hundreds of pages were condensed from thousands of pages of notes.
Lucid Dreaming
“It’s the only way to fly.” Lucid dreaming is the experience of being completely aware within a dream that you are, in fact, in a dream. This realization leads to complete power for the dreamer, allowing him/her to go anywhere and do anything in their dream.
Lemon Cleanse
LEMON DRINK for your Master Cleanseyou need:* 2 tablespoons FRESH squeezed lemon or lime juice (approx. 1/2 lemon)* 2 tablespoons genuine organic maple syrup, Grade B (the darker the better)** 1/10 teaspoon (a small pinch!) cayenne pepper, gradually increase (the more BTUs the better)* 300 - 500 ccm (10-14 oz) pure waterIn a 300ccm (10-ounce) glass (to allow for 227ccm and mixing room): 2 tablespoons fresh (and organic, if possible) lemon or lime juice (absolutely no canned or frozen juice). 2 tablespoons real (and organic, if possible) grade B or C maple syrup. (Don't use Grade A maple syrup or maple-flavored syrup.
How To Stay Lucid in Dreams and Increase Dream Intensity
This article will teach you exactly how to stay lucid in dreams - transforming a few brief seconds of lucidity to many long, memorable lucid experiences. I have included a number of dream stabilizing techniques below, based on Dr Stephen LaBerge's lucid dreaming experiments and my own personal experiences. My first lucid dreams were very short - we're talking seconds.
Lucid Dreaming is an Ancient Practice
Introduction Lucid dreaming was taken very seriously by some cultures during ancient times. For example, in the 8th Century, TheTibetan Book of the Dead described of a form of Yoga designed to become conscious while dreaming. Yoga of the Dream State “Milam,” the Yoga of the Dream State is one of many different types of Yogas practiced by Tibetan Buddhists. The intention of this form of Yoga is to help to attain spiritual power and enlightenment or “awakening.”
Can B6 Keep Me Awake At Night?
Insomnia by Smiley Stew People interested in their dreams have long noted the fascinating relationship between Vitamin B6 and dreams. My own interest in dreams is no exception: one of the earliest blog posts I ever wrote about documented my dream reports after taking B6.
Challenging Authority Since 1978 I am a writer, traveler, and entrepreneur with the goal of visiting every country in the world while connecting with other world-changers. Continue reading about Chris
How To Avoid These Two MAJOR Lucid Dreaming Mistakes!!
A question I got which touches on two common mistakes: You know when you say I am supposed to stay awake and convince my body to go to sleep. First of all once I roll the whole lead blanket feeling vanishes. And then I will try to keep my mind awake and resist the movement urges but my body just won’t switch off, all I get is headaches.