The Best Research and Reference Sites Online Whether you're looking for the average rainfall in the Amazon rainforest, researching Roman history, or just having fun learning to find information, you'll get some great help using my list of the best research and reference sites on the Web. Types of Reference Sites There are generally two types of reference sites. The first consist of specialized Web sites maintained by subject experts, who will provide detailed and specific responses to your questions. The second are run by generalists (often reference librarians) who don't necessarily answer your question but point you to the best resources for conducting your own search. Which Kind Of Reference Site Is Best? Which type of these resources you choose depends on what your question is. Find and Ask An Expert Via Search Engines To find your own expert in a specific category, try the following search string at Google or any other search engine: "expert+subject" (substitute your own keyword for "subject") Find a Librarian Refdesk.com.
Database search engine There are several categories of search engine software: Web search or full-text search (example: Lucene), database or structured data search (example: Dieselpoint), and mixed or enterprise search (example: Google Search Appliance). The largest web search engines such as Google and Yahoo! utilize tens or hundreds of thousands of computers to process billions of web pages and return results for thousands of searches per second. High volume of queries and text processing requires the software to run in highly distributed environment with high degree of redundancy. Modern search engines have the following main components: Searching for text-based content in databases or other structured data formats (XML, CSV, etc.) presents some special challenges and opportunities which a number of specialized search engines resolve. Database search engines were initially (and still usually are) included with major database software products. See also[edit] External links[edit]
The WWW Virtual Library Welcome to the Deep Web There are various reasons why you might need to search for people. You may need to find a lost relative, an old flame, a classmate or a business contact. Using a search engine such as Google or Yahoo to search for people might work in some cases, but in most cases, it won't. How come the best search engines fail so miserably when it comes to people search? Also known as "invisible web", the term "deep web" refers to a vast repository of underlying content, such as documents in online databases that general-purpose web crawlers cannot reach. Since most personal profiles, public records and other people-related documents are stored in databases and not on static web pages, most of the higher-quality information about people is simply "invisible" to a regular search engine. Examples of sites with deep web content. Pipl's query-engine helps you find deep web pages that cannot be found on regular search engines. Not convinced yet?
How to Track Someone's Location using Mobile Number | Hacks and Glitches Portal NOTE TO READERS: If you are reading a tutorial post, carefully read each and every instructions to avoid errors. Locating Someone’s Location Via Phone Number Knowing where is someone is probably the most comforting and a very valuable technology to have nowadays. You couldn’t be more confident knowing your children are safe wherever they are. On this post I am going to share to you a method where you can get the same exact service without spending a single dollar from your pocket. On today’s technology is very rare to see someone not holding a smart phone and mobile devices mainly, iPhone, Android, Tablets, Smart Watch and more. Are you excited? Features: Geo Locate Someones current position using the mobile phone number.No App to install on the victims mobile phone.100% Free to use – ZERO hidden feesA very easy to use software GUITracks location almost in instant .Never get noticed you are tracking someone.Total anonymityFree Updates for 1 yearCurrently working on Windows OS Instructions
10 Search Engines to Explore the Invisible Web Not everything on the web will show up in a list of search results on Google or Bing; there are lots of places that their web crawlers cannot access. To explore the invisible web, you need to use specialist search engines. Here are our top 12 services to perform a deep internet search. What Is the Invisible Web? Before we begin, let's establish what does the term "invisible web" refer to? Simply, it's a catch-all term for online content that will not appear in search results or web directories. There are no official data available, but most experts agree that the invisible web is several times larger than the visible web. The content on the invisible web can be roughly divided into the deep web and the dark web. The Deep Web The deep web made up of content that typically needs some form of accreditation to access. If you have the correct details, you can access the content through a regular web browser. The Dark Web The dark web is a sub-section of the deep web. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
99 Resources to Research & Mine the Invisible Web College researchers often need more than Google and Wikipedia to get the job done. To find what you're looking for, it may be necessary to tap into the invisible web, the sites that don't get indexed by broad search engines. The following resources were designed to help you do just that, offering specialized search engines, directories, and more places to find the complex and obscure. Search Engines Whether you're looking for specific science research or business data, these search engines will point you in the right direction. Turbo10: On Turbo10, you'll be able to search more than 800 deep web search engines at a time. Databases Tap into these databases to access government information, business data, demographics, and beyond. GPOAccess: If you're looking for US government information, tap into this tool that searches multiple databases at a time. Catalogs If you're looking for something specific, but just don't know where to find it, these catalogs will offer some assistance. Directories
Deep Web Databases | Deep Web Search - A How-To Site There is plenty of deep web information in military and commercial databases. While we can’t access military, we can access commercial databases with a subscription. In the US, many libraries have licenses to allow their users to access these commercial databases for free! Free resources can be found on our deep web search engines page. Findlaw – all about law and court casesNorthern Light – Competitive intelligence, business analysis, product development, and technology research.Intellus – Good Source for Background checks Xrefer — Fee based database of 236 titles and over 2.9 million entries.LexisNexis — Billed as the world’s largest collection of public records, unpublished opinions, legal, news, and business information.
10 URLs to Find Out What Google Knows About You Google is much more than just a search giant. It is also home to many of your favorite products: Gmail, YouTube, and Chrome, just to name a few. Apart from that, it also offers many products to help you keep track of your data. Most of these are hidden deep inside the My Account dashboard, which many users don’t really know of. We’ve compiled a list of important Google URLs of some hidden tools that carry information of what you did with Google, mostly from the searches that you have made on their many products, the voice searches and typed out Google searches that you have made. 1. Google Dashboard offers transparency and control over the personal data stored with your Google Account. It summarizes data for each product you use and allows setting preferences for personal account products. 2. Saved Passwords is the tool to view the usernames and passwords (stored with Google Smart Lock) that you have ever typed and saved in Google Chrome and Android for signing into various websites. 3.
The Best Reference Sites Whether you're looking for the average rainfall in the Amazon rainforest, researching Roman history, or just having fun learning to find information, you'll get some great help using my list of the best research and reference sites on the Web. About.com: I've found many answers to some pretty obscure questions right here at About.Reference.com.Extremely simple to use, very basically laid out.Refdesk.com.Includes in-depth research links to breaking news, Word of the Day,and Daily Pictures. A fun site with a ton of information.Encyclopedia.com. As stated on their site, Encyclopedia.com provides users with more than 57,000 frequently updated articles from the Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition.Encyclopedia Brittanica. One of the world's oldest encyclopedias online.Encarta.Put together by Microsoft. I like Encarta because it's very easy to use.Open Directory Reference.
100 Useful Tips and Tools to Research the Deep Web By Alisa Miller Experts say that typical search engines like Yahoo! and Google only pick up about 1% of the information available on the Internet. The rest of that information is considered to be hidden in the deep web, also referred to as the invisible web. So how can you find all the rest of this information? Meta-Search Engines Meta-search engines use the resources of many different search engines to gather the most results possible. SurfWax. Semantic Search Tools and Databases Semantic search tools depend on replicating the way the human brain thinks and categorizes information to ensure more relevant searches. Hakia. General Search Engines and Databases These databases and search engines for databases will provide information from places on the Internet most typical search engines cannot. DeepDyve. Academic Search Engines and Databases The world of academia has many databases not accessible by Google and Yahoo! Google Scholar. Scientific Search Engines and Databases Science.gov.
Public Records Online: 10 Free Sources Locating public records is one of the most popular search activities on the internet, and millions of people look for vital, historical, and other publicly registered documents every day online. Find a birth certificate, locate census records, track down land use documents, and much more with this list of the best websites for finding public information on the Web. Note: These resources only cover publicly available records that are made accessible online. Some kinds of public records, such as birth certificates, are not made freely available online and must be accessed via your local records office. We do not suggest that readers pay for information found online, unless it is from an approved, secure state or federal resource. VitalRec VitalRec is one of the most comprehensive sites for locating vital records on the Web. How can I find what I'm looking for? VitalRec does not link directly to vital records. Why should I use this site? Finding Obituaries Searchable Public Databases
List of academic databases and search engines From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This article contains a representative list of notable databases and search engines useful in an academic setting for finding and accessing articles in academic journals, institutional repositories, archives, or other collections of scientific and other articles. Databases and search engines differ substantially in terms of coverage and retrieval qualities.[1] Users need to account for qualities and limitations of databases and search engines, especially those searching systematically for records such as in systematic reviews or meta-analyses.[2] As the distinction between a database and a search engine is unclear for these complex document retrieval systems, see: the general list of search engines for all-purpose search engines that can be used for academic purposesthe article about bibliographic databases for information about databases giving bibliographic information about finding books and journal articles. Operating services[edit] [edit] [edit]
People Search - Free People Search Engines & People Finder. Find People Free, Locate People and Search People Free. Google A Person - Google People Finder & Google People Search. Person Search, Person Locator, Person Finder and People Searches Online.
Some of the links are out-of-date but it is still a useful list of sites for deep web research by marylenegoulet Sep 28