"Born Eunuchs" Home Page and Library The willingness to engage in homosexual activity (particularly intergenerationally) was widespread among men in the ancient Mediterranean region. Women and boys were considered equally tempting sex objects for ordinary men. Therefore, homosexual activity could not have provided a means of distinguishing a minority of men as "gay" the way we do in the modern world. However, the ancients did differentiate based on an unwillingness or incapacity for heterosexual sex. Certain men were known to fundamentally lack arousal for sex with women, and men of this kind were distinguished from the majority of ordinary men on that basis. The innately and exclusively homosexual men of the ancient world inhabited the category of eunuchs. What was called sodomy in the Judeo-Christian tradition, namely the sexual penetration of "males," was criminalized in many ancient cultures. email: aquarius@well.com visitors since 3/1/99 © 1999 Faris Malik.
Gay History and Literature