Openmoko GNU/Linux based mobile phone - The Revolution to " Gamification Platform | Gamify Jeux Serieux - Serious Games - e-learning - Le magazine des Jeux Sérieux et des Technologies d'Apprentissage Gamestar Mechanic Prikkperikum - mot depresjoner Johannesurt som antidepressivt middel I Tyskland, som er et foregangsland både når det gjelder forskning på og bruk av urtemedisiner, er johannesurt det foretrukne medikamentet mot vanlige depresjoner. Der selges det mer av det enn alle andre antidepressive midler til sammen, og over syv ganger mer enn av Prozac (som tilsvarer Fontex i Norge). Bare i 1993 ordinerte tyske leger johannesurt mot lettere depresjon i mer enn 2,7 millioner tilfeller. Til forskjell fra syntetiske legemidler, inneholder johannesurt mer enn ett aktivt stoff som har medisinsk virkning på mennesker. Det er minst ti forskjellige aktive ingredienser i planten. Johannesurt er like så effektiv som de beste av de moderne legemidler til behandling av milde former for depresjon, påstår Jonathan Zuess i boka: "Hyperikum - den grønne lykkepille". Johannesurt er et naturlegemiddel Johannesurt er en av de vitenskapelig best dokumenterte urtemedisinene og er nå godkjent som et naturlegemiddel i Norge. Antibiotisk virkning
Strategic Synergy Jeux Sérieux.com : site canadien des Serious games - Accueil Issue 1103, 2011 A Survey of First-person Shooters and their Avatars by Michael Hitchens A survey of over 550 first-person shooters, The titles are compared by year of release, platform and game setting. Characteristics of avatars within the surveyed titles are also examined, including race, gender and background, and how these vary across platform and time. The analysis reveals definite trends, both historically and by platform. Against Procedurality by Miguel Sicart This article proposes a critical review of the literature on procedural rhetoric, from a game design perspective. The Pastoral and the Sublime in Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion by Paul Martin The landscape in Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion is seen here as a central aspect of the game’s theme of good versus evil. Wrap Your Troubles in Dreams: Popular Music, Narrative, and Dystopia in Bioshock by William Gibbons
from __future__ import * » Remote JSON - JSONP The browser security model dictates that XMLHttpRequest, frames, etc. must have the same domain in order to communicate. That's not a terrible idea, for security reasons, but it sure does make distributed (service oriented, mash-up, whatever it's called this week) web development suck. There are traditionally three solutions to solving this problem. Local proxy: Needs infrastructure (can't run a serverless client) and you get double-taxed on bandwidth and latency (remote - proxy - client). Flash: Remote host needs to deploy a crossdomain.xml file, Flash is relatively proprietary and opaque to use, requires learning a one-off moving target programming langage. Script tag: Difficult to know when the content is available, no standard methodology, can be considered a "security risk". I'm proposing a new technology agnostic standard methodology for the script tag method for cross-domain data fetching: JSON with Padding, or simply JSONP. Let's take the del.icio.us JSON API as an example.
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