About Us | TiE Bangalore TiE is a global network of passionate thinkers, leaders and entrepreneurs on a mission to inspire, educate, and empower individuals to be successful entrepreneurs. With the philosophy of “fostering entrepreneurship globally” TiE creates a platform to generate and nurture next generation of entrepreneurs. There are currently 22,000+ members and 2500+ charter members across 61 chapters globally across 17 countries with 15000+ members, a team of successful, young, energetic and enthusiastic entrepreneurs. TiE Bangalore was the first step towards TiE’s presence in the country. The Mission of TiE Bangalore is to enable budding entrepreneurs to Get.. The activities of the Chapter has increased considerably over the years and today it has regular monthly Networking meetings, TiE Institute Workshops,Deal Flow meetings, special events, Mentoring sessions, TiE Member Mixers, Gurutalks and SIG meetings in Cloud, Cleantech, Retail, education, Women etc.
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