The Earth Times Online Newspaper, Serving the Planet with Breaki Rencontre avec Match.com : site de rencontres et chat pour célibataires VentureBeat | Tech. People. Money. Stakeholder Engagement | The leading edge of corporate sustainability Oracle’s Java API code protected by copyright, appeals court rules A federal appeals court on Friday reversed a federal judge's ruling that Oracle's Java API's were not protected by copyright. The debacle started when Google copied certain elements—names, declaration, and header lines—of the Java APIs in Android, and Oracle sued. A judge largely sided with Google in 2012, saying that the code in question could not be copyrighted. "Because we conclude that the declaring code and the structure, sequence, and organization of the API packages are entitled to copyright protection, we reverse the district court’s copyrightability determination with instructions to reinstate the jury’s infringement finding as to the 37 Java packages," the US Appeals Court for the Federal Circuit ruled Friday. Google, which said it was exploring its legal options, decried Friday's ruling. Some legal experts said assigning copyright to the code, or API, that enables programs to talk to one another sets a dangerous precedent. The purpose of copyright is to encourage creativity.
The Christian Science Monitor Places To Visit, Trip Planner, Travel & Vacation Ideas 股票王、期指王-力道K線(銓威科技) Jaime Ray Newman Jaime Ray Newman (2009) Jaime Ray Newman (* 2. April 1978 in Farmington Hills, Michigan) ist eine US-amerikanische Schauspielerin. Leben[Bearbeiten] Newman besuchte die Boston University und die Northwestern University und erhielt ihre künstlerische Ausbildung am Interlochen Music and Arts Camp. Bevor sie Anfang der 2000er Jahre ihren Durchbruch in der Krankenhausserie General Hospital hatte, trat sie als Jazzsängerin auf. Neben ihrer Fernsehtätigkeit und ihrer Arbeit als Musikerin spielt Newman seit ihrem 13. Filmografie (Auswahl)[Bearbeiten] Weblinks[Bearbeiten]