Making sense of a call number Drink Recipes, Drinking Games and More at Bar None Drinks Chinese-English Dictionary To search for pinyin ü, use "u:" (u followed by a colon) or "v". If you are willing to host this dictionary, I have made the necessary files available in a zip file. To set up a mirror, you will need CGI access on your server. If this site is not working, please visit one of the following mirror sites: Mirror Sites: This Chinese/English dictionary provides a searchable interface for the CEDICT dictionary originally put together by Paul Denisowksi. Some points to remember when using this dictionary: You can download the dictionary data at the CEDICT website. For a off-line way to search the dictionary, please check out the CEL utility from Richard Warmington. When searching by Chinese you can tell the dictionary to find entries that start with the characters, end with the characters, or have the characters anywhere within the final word. When searching by pinyin, you must include a space between the different pinyin syllables. When searching by English, searches are not case sensitive.
Martinis - it's all about technique | Full Page I can't tell you how to make the perfect martini. No one can. For the martini is the Rorschach test of cocktails. It is a window into the imbiber's psyche. Shaken or stirred? Yet it's worth tracing a path toward martini perfection at this festive time of year. Let's briefly define terms. The gin martini is about the courtship between two complex ingredients. The bar top was crowded with gin and vermouth, a thermometer, a stopwatch, a cooler of chilled glasses and an afternoon to kill. "This is the revenge of the martini nerds," Bezuidenhout said. The variables to be found in a simple martini soon become unwieldy. But here's where perfection fails. Degree of modesty The goal was to create a cocktail with a degree of modesty - one that remains cold and refreshing to the end. "A martini like this should be like a liquid truffle. At its core, the martini is about ratios. A supersize shot of chilled gin, however, does not a martini make. A martini contains one other essential ingredient.
Police State: Growth Rate of Cops Exceeds Population Growth Kurt Nimmo The Bureau of Justice Statistics has released a report demonstrating the growth of police in the United States. The survey was conducted with agencies that participated in the 2008 Census of State and Local Law Enforcement Agencies and the results were released by the Justice Department this month. Between 1992 and 2008 the numbers of police grew by 25 percent. This represents an annual growth rate of 1.6 percent, which exceeds the 1.2 percent population growth rate in the United States, according to the survey. Law enforcement grew its ranks despite a significant decline in crime. Despite the decline in crime, police departments around the country are rapidly transforming into paramilitary organizations. In 2011 17,000+ federal, state and local agencies accepted more than $2.6 billion in donated military equipment, much of it used in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Barticulate (Types of Liquor) "There is nothing more irritating than an ignorant bartender, except perhaps an ignorant and ugly bartender. Ugly and knowledgeable will kick ignorant and cute's ass when the chips are down. Know thy liquor." - Frost Ah, sweet liquor. The foundation of all things bar. Walk behind even the most mundane bar and you're gazing at Human Evolution. On this page, you will find all the basic types of liquor as well as lesser-known varieties. Liquor is produced by distilling fermented grain, fruit, or vegetables. Liquors typically have no added sugar. All home and professional bar setups are centered around a core group of liquors known as the "well". Vodka Rum Whiskey Gin Tequila No bar is complete without these core liquors in some variation.
The Phrontistery: Obscure Words and Vocabulary Resources The Cocktail Chronicles