ESL speaking activities
These speaking activities include ESL role-plays (roleplays), Find someone who... speaking activities, information gap activities, examination rubrics for ESL oral tests, and discussion questions. Most of these are ESL speaking activities that I've created, used, and liked. Brazilian & American cultural difference - a roleplay in which a cultural misunderstanding must be overcome in order for the speakers' relationship to move forward.
ESL worksheets and activities to download
These PDF activities and worksheets with accompanying teacher notes are free to download, print and use in the classroom. Need a grammar refresher? Get the Online Grammar Course for TEFL Teachers. Adverbs of frequency Communicative pair work activity to practise how often and adverbs of frequency Crazy dictation (1)
English as a Second Language - Alternative Careers
One of the teaching skills that is most in demand is the ability to teach English. Teaching English as a second language (ESL) is a valuable tool to have. If you can read these words aloud and understand what they mean, then you have the basic qualifications to teach English as a second language to students in other countries. There is a little more that you will need to do, as you'll see below.
Some Great Educational Chromebook Apps for Teachers
July 27, 2017 For those of you using Chromebooks in your instruction, below is a collection of some of the best educational apps you can install and use with your device. The purpose is to provide you with a one-stop place where you can easily access and find apps curated by teachers for teachers saving you precious time to use on other pedagogical activities. We have arranged these apps into the following categories: Apps for science teachersApps for social studies teachersApps for taking notesApps for creating timelinesApps for digital storytellingApps for creating and editing videosApps for creating educational infographics and postersApps for creating animationsApps for annotating web contentApps for creating beautiful drawingsApps for creating flyers and newslettersApps for planning and managing projectsApps for collecting students feedbackApps for task managementApps for editing photos
Great websites for ELT
"Can anyone suggest ideas on how to teach...?" Post-course, it's probably the most frequently asked question we get from trainees on our support group. Whether it's ideas on teaching tenses or business English or young learners - or literally anything else you care to name - there are several ELT sites I always head to. Searching around them often produces results. In alphabetical order BBC Language Assistants site Although it's intended for language assistants, not fully-qualified teachers, but there's a lot of interest there to anyone new to teaching.
ESL Acronyms
In the English language teaching / learning world, there many acronyms that are used with teaching or learning English as a foreign or 2nd language. The site is named which stands for English as a 2nd language dot Officially, ESL is spoken by speakers of other languages that live and work in an English speaking country. EFL, on the other hand, is spoken by speakers of other languages using English in non-native English speaking countries. To be honest, these two acronyms are often used interchangeably. As you can notice here at the site, articles, quizzes, lesson plans and other resources are intended for both English as a 2nd language and English as a foreign language teachers and learners.
Rubrics for Assessment
Teachers who integrate technology into student activities and projects often ask us this question - “How do I grade it?” Fundamentally, assessing multimedia activities and projects is no different than evaluating traditional assignments, such as written essays. The primary distinctions between them are the unique features and divergent possibilities associated with their respective medium. For instance, a blog has a unique set of possibilities (such as hypertext, embedded video, interactive imagery, etc) vastly different than those of a notebook (paper and pen notes and drawings within a contained document). The first thing to realize is that you cannot separate the user from the device. iPads, Chromebooks, and tech tools themselves don’t demonstrate great learning; it’s about what students do with the technology that matters. The technology itself is simply neutral.
TEXT to Phonemic
Paste English text here: Phonetic transcription of English text (IPA phonetic alphabet): No English text submitted Do you like this converter?
What's the Difference Between TEFL Certificates and Diploma Courses? » Travel Guides
TEFL certificates are a great base on which to build your TEFL career, but if you're in for the long haul you might want to consider a diploma There are basically two types of initial TEFL training - taking a weekend certificate course plus optional add-on modules or taking a longer intensive 4-week course. After qualifying and gaining at least one year's (preferably two years') experience, you will have the chance to extend your qualifications by taking a diploma course. There are also online TEFL courses, which you can search for information on in the main menu. Below are some typical details about each type of face-to-face TEFL course to help you understand the comparison more fully. 20-hour Weekend Certificate courses
copy & paste IPA symbols
by Tomasz P. Szynalski © Tomasz P. Szynalski, The International Phonetic Alphabet is the most popular system for writing phonetic transcriptions of English words.
TESOL Certificate or Diploma - Travel Forum
Hi Mike, Yes they are different, particularly the course you've provided a link to. If you’re talking about getting work teaching English as a second language overseas then you only need the certificate, and I’d say get as much ‘practical’ experience as you can during your TESOL studies.