8 Hour Mini Recycled Survival Candles in 10 steps! 8 Hour Mini Recycled Survival Candles This Instructable will show you how to make 8 hour survival candles out of everyday items. These candles can be made for next to nothing, bring light in dark times, and bring warmth to you and your family when survival situation takes place. Just follow the following steps and you will become hooked on recycled survival candle making! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. That's it your done! Photoshop - Correcting Color Shifts First of all, before we get into correcting color shifts, we have to understand them. Most cameras these days have an automatic white balance setting to control this issue, but everyonce in a while it can be inaccurate. Color shifts are caused by different color temperatures in light, we call these "Kelvin temperatures." Daylight has a Kelvin temperature of 5000, and is the most neutral you can get your photo to look. Have you ever photographed something in your house under a typical house bulb and the whole photo turned out orange or yellow? That's because typical household lights have a Kelvin temperature of about 3000, which can look yellow, but because the human brain is so sophistocated, it corrects this to daylight temperature for us. Tungsten bulbs tend to have a magenta shift to them, while fourescent bulbs can turn a photograph green.
Bentwood Rings This is my first Instructable, so I hope that I do not forget anything. I was commissioned by a close friend to make a set of rings for a surprise engagement and a set for wedding bands. I started off with solid wood blanks and a drill press. After making what I thought be a perfect ring, it broke after a couple weeks of wear. At this point I went back to the drawing board and started to research bentwood rings. This not only solved the issue of strength, but also allowed for the beautiful wood grain to show. 1. 2:Making the Ring: Cutting: Start of by selecting the veneer. Kee Klamp Shelving My original idea was to simply copy the shelves I'd seen, so I started looking for scaffolding poles and a way to cut them. This lead me to Kee Klamp ( an awesome system of poles and clamps - or Klamps :) - that you can literally build anything with as long as you have an Allen Key. The original design I'd seen had each shelf supporting the next by using the flange bases ( The only problem with this was that I'd need to do a lot of pole cutting and the height between the shelves would be forever fixed.
DIY Battery: Power an LED Flashlight with Pocket Change! We must prepare the barriers which will sit between the nickels and pennies in our pile. With a sharp knife, like an X-Acto knife, carefully cut some thin cardboard or similar material to the size of a penny. How many wafers you must prepare depends on how many coins you end up needing. This amount may vary due to a number of factors. If you're young, clumsy, or for any other reason think you might have problems then please do this with supervision or ask for help. Brake drum blacksmith forge This is the basic design. A 2" floor flange was bolted to the underside of the brake drum to which a 2" coupler was used to attach it to a 2" T-connector. A longer coupler was attached to the side to accept the hair dryer and a bottom pipe was attached to the bottom to collect the ash. This is usually capped with a 2" cap so the air can't escape that direction but I didn't want to have to wait until the forge cooled to unscrew the cap and empty the ash and I was concerned the cap would become permanently attached by rust since the forge would be stored outside in the rain. Note: The brake drum was free but it took visits to several garages to find it because brake drums are harder to find now that disc brakes are becoming more common on the rear wheels of new cars.
Make a working lock and key Firstly, I'm going to run through the basics you need to keep in mind when preparing a model for 3D printing. If you have already used 3D printers, then feel free to skip on to the next page, or take a quick look at the bold writing to double check the basic rules. There are several types of 3D printer available, and depending on what one you're using will affect the way you make your model. For example, a printer using photopolymerization uses light to harden a liquid resin in layers, so when completed the model is simply pulled from the liquid, allowing for all types of undercuts/ interlinking items. However, Thermal Extrusion printers heat plastic and print each layer on top of the previous, meaning that it has to create supports to reach any undercuts in the model. So, for thermal extrusion here is what you need to keep in mind. 1. 2. 3. 4. Phew.
USB Freeform Arduino All the parts are about the same as used in it predecessor, "Freeform Arduino" except that I used film canister instead of the antistatic tube, with an addition USB type A connector. Schematic shown below is comprised of the minimum components and could be used FTDI cable to upload the sketch. On the actual USB Freeform Arduino did not included the 1K resistor and 3mm LED that connected to pin D13 as in the schematic. Parts These are the minimum components to get Arduino up and running. (1x) ATmega168/328 preloaded with Arduino Bootloader (1x) 16 Mhz Resonator (2x) 0.1uF Ceramic Capacitors (1x) 3mm red LED (Only needed for testing purpose only)(1x) 1K Resistor (1x) 10K Resistor (1x) 6-pin Male Header (as the connector to FTDI cable to upload the sketch) (2x) 1x14 Female Receptacle Additional Materials: Hookup Wire 35mm Film Canister USB Standard type A cable (Male Connector) Tools Solder iron and Solder station Diagonal Cutter Pliers X-Acto Knife Wire Stripper SolderSucker
DIY BioPrinter We started out by messing around with an old inkjet printer that we literally saved from a sidewalk somewhere. There's already plenty of interesting things you can do with an low-end off-the-shelf inkjet printer, but they do have some limitations, which we'll get into in the next Step (or skip straight to Step 3 for how we built our own bioprinter from scratch, that you can see in the first picture above). Undressing the Printer We disassembled an abandoned HP 5150 inkjet printer for use as a bioprinter. There's a little momentary switch that senses whether the cover is open. There's also a momentary switch inside the paper handling mechanism that senses whether paper has been loaded. Once you've got your printer all undressed, and figured out how to activate the cover-closed switch - print something! Cartridges Prep Next task is prying open an ink cartridges, so you can fill them with something more interesting. Alternatively, you can cut off the lid using your favorite power tool.
Hex Nut LED Flashlight To attach the switch to the nut I used super glue to glue it in. If you do this, be careful that you don't get any glue on the button itself, or you won't be able to press it in anymore. Then I attached a wire to one lead of the switch, which would go to the positive battery terminal. To make sure that the switch stays, in place, I jammed in a small piece of cork (wood or plastic would work just as well). Handmade buffalo nickel ring Create your own ring using nothing more than a buffalo nickel, a hammer, and a lot of patience and time! Buffalo nickels are nice because they seem to be a little more malleable than the usual nickels you find nowadays. The basic premise of the project is to hammer along the sides of the coin until they flatten out. This instructable adds a variant where you add another coin on the outside so that it can swivel around the main one. Things you'll need: 1) A buffalo nickel 2) A Dremel tool (optional but nice to have) 3) A glove (sometimes drilling the coins can make them really hot) 4) A lot of time (anywhere from 10-20 hours, depending on how much effort you put into it) 5) A hammer