Free Crochet Patterns - Meladora's Creations - Meladora's Creations Free Crochet Patterns & Tutorials Granny fleur A few weeks ago I was asked about a Granny pattern in English that could only be found in German. So I translated it, thinking that I may crochet it myself one day because it’s a lovely pattern. Later I’ve learnt that the pattern had been modified and gotten a new name due to a charity project in Somalia. Maybe you don’t know much about the crisis at the horn of Africa, maybe you do. Anyway, while I am corcheting these lovely squares on a rainy day, I am thinking about the misery and famine and all the people suffering, especially the women and children. The pattern (in German) is from nadelspiel, where you can get information about this particular project in Somalia. Granny Square “Somalia” Round 1: Magic loop, 7 sc and sst into the first sc (8 stiches). Round 2: chain 3 (counts as a htrc), 1 dc into the first sc of the previous round, chain 2, 2 htrc into each of the sc of the previous round, 1 sst into the first dc. The pattern is written in American Terms Gefällt mir: Ähnliche Beiträge
Over 300 Free Tatting Patterns and Projects, How To Tatting Guides, Charts and More at AllCrafts! Online Since 2000 FreeCrafts Free Holiday Crafts Sewing & Quilting Crochet & Knitting More AllCrafts Over 300 Free Tatting Patterns and Projects Welcome to Tatting at AllCrafts where you can find hundreds of free tatting patterns and projects. Lots of Free Tatting Projects & Patterns 12 inch diameter mat 3 Butterflies 3 color Flower 34 hearts 3D Flower 3D Pansy Alice Insertion All-Rings Doily Amusement Angel Angel with Paisley Wings Antique Collar Beaded Tea Candle Holder Beth Zs TatChat Shuttle Blue Book Butterfly Blue Bow Egg Blue Doily Blue Motif Bumblebee Bunny Butterfly butterfly Butterfly Pattern Button Cross Button Flower Candy Cane Cat Celtic Cross Celtic Heart Celtic Necklace Chancy Chevron Motifs Clover Doily Collar crawfish Cross daffodil Daisy Ring Deanas Heart Pattern December Daydream Dimpled Ring Angel Doily Motif dragonfly Easy Doodles Editha Snowflake Eight pointed Star Elizs Tat Chat Shuttle English Tudor Rose Fan with Split Rings Fans Field Of Daisies Fish Five Petal Daisy Flower Flower And Butterfly Bookmark Flower Meadow Flowers
Grannies gratuits Crocheted granny squares are a hit with crafters since there are so many different items you can make with them: blankets or afghans, scarves, potholders, wraps, totes…the ideas are endless! Here are several different designs to check out, use a single pattern for a project or mix them up as you like. I also added a helpful tutorial at the bottom showing you how to join them all together and another for how to make a flat border (for blankets). You may want to bookmark this page for future reference since I’ll be adding new goodies here as I find them, enjoy! myrosevalley.blogspot.ca Daisy: Petals are made with a cluster stitch and have a bit of a pointy tip. Big Circle: Each ring in the circle is a different color, each background can have a different color if you like. signedwithanowl.blogspot.ca undisthreadness.blogspot.ca 16 Circles: Wow! Sunburst: Lovely samples on this page, actual pattern used is archived on the web here. zooivlooi.blogspot.ca millemakes.wordpress.com yarn-ing.blogspot.ca
Granny Bobble Spiral Hi all, My attempt at a spiral bobble pattern posted here - has been a hit with all you pinners out there, and so I have refined the pattern... Granny Bobble Spiral - And there you have it. Anywho, I hope you like it... Happy crocheting, Karen xx Réalisation des Granny Leçons de Granny : apprenez à crocheter carrés, fleurs, étoiles, soleils... Vous avez un faible pour la tendance granny mais vous n’êtes pas pour autant la reine du crochet ? Les blogueuses viennent à votre secours en vous proposant des tutos. Carrés, étoiles, fleurs, sunny spread… Vous saurez tout faire ! le 16 juin 2012 - photos : DR Lilly Chouquette a conçu un bien beau tuto en .pdf pour vous éviter des moments de solitudes intenses, une fois que vous serez armée de votre crochet. Granny maniagrannymania.canalblog.com Granny mania c’est LE blog collectif consacré au granny. Catherine Solange avait une envie de granny hexagone. On craque pour ces petites étoiles à accrocher les unes aux autres. Penelope’s sisterspenelopesisters.canalblog.com Ces blogeuses, adeptes du crochet, prouvent que le granny peut être tendance, grâce à leurs créations résolument modernes. Les petits bonheurs de Miss Tmisst.canalblog.com Les petits bonheurs de Miss T sont aussi ceux des internautes.
Assemblage des Granny Vous venez de terminer un lot de carrés Granny Comment les coudre pour les assembler ? Ici, assemblage avec une couture en mailles coulées. Nous vous conseillons de border chaque carré avec un rang de mailles serrées. Vous pouvez le faire avec un fl de la couleur du dernier rang ou de la couleur avec laquelle vous pensez coudre les carrés. Vérifiez que tous les carrés sont bien à l'endroit et disposez-les selon votre inspiration. Pour identifier l'endroit du travail, regardez le dernier rang : Il ressemble nettement à une chaînette alors que sur l'envers, ce n'est pas le cas : Poser les deux carrés endroit contre endroit puis bien positionner les mailles les unes en face des autres. Sur l'endroit on cherche à attraper les rangs marqués ici : Le résultat final sera celui-là Autre exemple avec des couleurs différentes sur le pourtour : Pour mettre un lien vers cette page, à partir de votre site internet en html : Pour mettre un lien vers cette page à partir d'un blog ou d'un forum en BBcode :
Lacy granny square I present to you the newest block in the town! Lets welcome the Lacy granny square ;) It is fun, simple and supercute if I may say so myself :) And it will be a great addition to my BigBrightBlanket. O, and I made up symbol for half double crochet because google hates me ... and the last row I draw black, because I use it only if I need to make the square bigger or end it like typical granny square. So here are some color variations of this square I have already made :) Hope you'll have fun with it too! p.s.
Grannies gratuits Online Since 2000 FreeCrafts Free Holiday Crafts Sewing & Quilting Crochet & Knitting More AllCrafts Over 250 Free Crocheted Square Patterns at AllCrafts.net Check out these 250+ free crochet squares patterns. Weave Square Crochet Pattern 12 inch Aran Square 12 inch Autumn Warmth Square 12 inch butterfly Garden Square Wheel Lattice Star Lily Crochet Hexagon Pattern Pansy Flower Granny Square Free Crochet Pattern Daisy Square Blanket 12 inch Framed Flower Square 12 inch January Square 12 inch Kaleidoscope Blossom Square 12 inch Octagon Medallion Pillowghan Square 12 inch Pineapple Granny Afghan Square 12 inch Sampler Square 12 inch Schoharie Spring Square 12 inch Star Of David Square 12 inch Star Wars A Wing Square 12 inch US Purple Heart Medal Square 4 inch Spider Web Square 5 1/2 inch Swanda Square 5 1/4 inch Soft Flower Square 5 3/4 inch Dolphin Square 5 3/4 inch Wheel Square 5 3/4 inch Window Square 5 inch Little Flower Square 5 inch Open Granny Square 5 inch Peppermint Square 5 inch Tilted Square 6 inch Cross Square
Rosaces diverses 30 octobre 2012 2 30 /10 /octobre /2012 05:22 Bonjour tout le monde , aujourd'hui j'ai pensé à vous concocter quelques liens trouvés sur le net , pour faire des accessoires pour la cuisine au crochet , et plus particulièrement des modèles de maniques au crochet ou des potholders au crochet , bref quelque soit l'appellation donnée , ces petites merveilles vont égayer votre cuisine ... Dans mon autre blog , vous trouverez des gifs Mardi pour vos blogs Si cette manique au crochet / potholder au crochet vous plaît vous trouverez les explications et le tuto / pas à pas en image par ici Et voici un autre modèle de manique au crochet / potholder au crochet vous trouverez les explications par ici Cette manique est fait à partir d'un african flower vous trouverez les explications pour le faire ici ou un autre tuto / pas à pas de l'african flower au crochet ici Si ces jolies maniques au crochet vous plaisent , vous trouverez les explications en français ou par ici
Tuto fleur (en anglais) Here’s a new skill to learn: crochet! We know how much you loved these beauties from issue 3, so Carmen Heffernan is back to share the crochet love with even more of you online. Supplies: Cotton DK yarn in various colours 3.5mm (UK9/US E4) crochet hook Tapestry needle Abbreviations: UK terms are used in this pattern ch – chain dc – double crochet htr – half treble crochet tr – treble crochet dtr – double treble crochet rep – repeat sl st – slip stitch st – stitch If you’d like to use a different weight of yarn, just check the label for the recommended crochet hook size and use that! Large Flower Row 1: ch 3 Round 2: 11 tr into 3rd ch from hook, join with sl st to top of beginning ch 3 (12 tr made) Round 3: Join 2nd colour into top of any tr st from last round. Fasten off. (6 x 4 ch loop spaces made) Round 5: sl st into 1st ch space. (2 ch, 3 tr, 2 ch ) over each 4 ch loop space. Round 7: sl st into 1st chain space. (2 ch, 4 tr, 2 ch ) over each 5 ch loop. Small Flower Row 1: ch 2
Tuto rosace (pas en français ni anglais) Etter at flere har ønsket seg denne oppskriften har jeg etter nøye overveielse bestemt meg for å legge den ut her på bloggen min. Den kommer opprinnelig fra et gammelt heklehefte som Solberg garn i sin tid ga ut. Såvidt jeg vet eksisterer ikke Solberg garn lengere, så da tar jeg sjansen på å presentere den her. Uansett har jeg skrevet om oppskriften, slik at det ikke skal være en direkte kopi..., håper ingen "arresterer" meg for dette! Vikle garnet 8 ganger rundt pekefingeren. 2. omgang: Hekle 1 st i hver fm (28 st) 3. omgang: skift farge på garnet og hekle kun i bakerste maskeledd. 4. omgang: Hekle i bakre maskeledd, *3 hst, 2 lm 3 hst*. Skift farge. 5. omgang: hekle rundt neste lmb - 1 fm, 2 lm, 1 fm - , 2 lm hopp over 3 m. 6. omgang: *hekle 2 hst, 2 lm 2 hst, 2 lm*, gjentas rundt hele. 7. omgang: *3 hst, 2, lm, 3 hst, 2 lm* gjentas rundt hele 8. omgang: skift farge * 4 hst, 2 lm, 4 hst, 2 lm* gjentas rundt hele. 9. omgang: * 5 hst, 2 lm, 5 ht, 2 lm* gjentas rundt hele. Lykke til!
Tuto bracelet au crochet October 10th, 2008 Email 131 users recommend Plastic rings, covered with single crochet, make for bold, modern jewelry. Diane Gilleland Plastic rings, which are also sometimes called bone rings, are available in the home-decor or crochet section of your craft store. It's easy to join the rings together—just a couple of stitches does it. Photo: Diane Gilleland You can usually find bone rings in the home-decor or crochet section of your local craft store. What you'll need: Cloth measuring tapePlastic bone ringsUS size 8 steel crochet hookScissorsPearl cotton embroidery floss or crochet cottonCrewel needle22-gauge craft wireWire cuttersNeedle-nose pliers (optional)Begin by measuring your wrist, wrapping the measuring tape snugly. Reach the hook through the center of the ring and pull a loop back through. Yarn over and pull the first loop through the second. When you've crocheted about 10 stitches over the loose end, cut the end off close to your work. Stitch the two small rings together as shown.