Twitter: ‘We Are Not Blocking Terms Related To #OccupyWallStreet In Any Way, Shape or Form’ By Adrianne Jeffries 10/07/11 1:29pm Share this: Vibe, the anonymous, location-based version of Twitter popular at Occupy Wall Street. Some protesters on Wall Street are chagrined to see that the protest, following an explosion of media coverage, still isn’t trending on Twitter. But even “Foley Square” was quickly supplanted by terms related to the death of Steve Jobs. Twitter faced similar accusations back in February over Wikileaks, as some users wondered if tweets related to the controversial hacktivist group were being censored. And while it may look to a user like no one is talking about anything else, that’s a fallacy of self-selection due to the fact that users tend to follow other people who are similar to them. One hypothesis is that the protest is using too many different hashtags–#occupywallstreet, #occupywallst and #ows. Follow Adrianne Jeffries on Twitter or via RSS. ajeffries@observer.com by Taboolaby Taboola Sponsored ContentSponsored Content Promoted ContentPromoted Content
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