Meaningful Transitions // Home Wicked Problems: Problems Worth Solving - Methods for Synthesis What is it? A 2x2 is an organizational diagram used to illustrate how many things compare across two dimensions. Within a single dataset, a 2x2 can show trends, outliers, and areas of saturation and scarcity. How do I do it? Decide which evaluation criteria are most important for your particular context, and label the axes with this criteria. Next, draw the 2x2 in big scale. Make a card for each data point you are evaluating. When you have about ten data points on the grid, revisit the first few. When you have mapped all of the data, examine the results. An example 2x2: Methods, showing duration vs. phase of engagement When should I use it? Use a 2x2 when you have a large data set that you need to make more manageable or memorable. What is the output, and how can I use it? Where can I learn more? Read The Power of the 2 x 2 Matrix: Using 2 x 2 Thinking to Solve Business Problems and Make Better Decisions by Alex Lowy and Phil Hood. Continue to the Next Chapter:Theory of Change >
500 Internal Server Error Collectivz | Creating collective intelligence Michael Dick - Meeting Magic Michael Dick is a senior business, marketing, brand and communications professional with broad experience in driving strategy and change initiatives. His passion is helping teams connect with each other and with key stakeholders, agencies and consumers, and helping management and implementation teams start and maintain strategic and system-wide change conversations. Michael has a strong track record as a facilitator and agent of change, working within a number of different businesses and marketing communications projects, adding his expertise in integration and change management, project communications, and strategy implementation. Michael originally trained in innovation and facilitation with Synectics and What If.
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Brainstormers Ignition Factory - Learn & play for change