Revit BIM Troublemaker Autodesk® Revit® Architecture 2010 Rocks!!!! Top 10 Reasons to Choose Autodesk® Revit® Architecture 2010 software Conceptual Design Environment New and innovative Autodesk Revit Architecture conceptual design features provideeasy-to-use tools for free-form modeling and parametric design, and the ability toperform early design analyses. Building Maker The Building Maker feature in Autodesk Revit Architecture helps you transform yourconceptual forms into fully functional designs. Bidirectional Associativity A change anywhere is a change everywhere. Parametric Components Parametric components, also known as families, are the basis for all buildingcomponents designed in Autodesk Revit Architecture. Schedules Schedules provide another view of the comprehensive Autodesk Revit Architecturemodel. Detailing The extensive detail library and detailing tools provided within Autodesk RevitArchitecture enable extensive presorting, easing alignment with the CSI format. Material Takeoff Intuitive User Interface Sustainable Design Design Visualization
Revit Components Revit Zone Home Page Simply Complex Revit Architecture « edukube.org Durata modul: 9 sedinte a câte 4 ore fiecare, 3 sedinte pe saptamâna Cursul se adreseaza arhitectilor si designerilor care vor sa se initieze sau sa se perfectioneze in B.I.M. (Building Information Modelling), pe platforma Autodesk Revit, fie ca au experienta in proiectarea asistata de calculator sau nu. Vor fi acoperite functiile de baza si se va face introducerea in elemente si proceduri complexe, astfel incat sa putem realiza modele din care se pot extrage informatii consistente si piesele desenate pentru un proiect tehnic Necesare pentru acest curs sunt cunostinte de baza PC si cunostinte de baza in desenul tehnic. 950 lei fara diploma Autodesk Mai multe informatii despre reduceri gasiti aici Informatii si inscrieri la: info@edukube.org Curricula Curricula este conpusa sub indrumarea Autodesk Revit. 1.Introducere -B.I.M. -Terminologie si elemente specifice (Project, Level, Element, Category, Family, Type, Instance) -Proprietatile elementelor (Instance Properties, Type Properties) -Scari
ADAPTIVE SPIRAL STAIRS I was looking through Zach Kron's parametric patterns series, which is still available on his Buildz website, and well worth a look if you missed it. The INCREMENT SPIRAL caught my eye and I started wondering "how would I convert this into a fully parametric spiral stair" I took the family that Zach created: just a spiral line, with parameters for height, radius, rotation angle. (You can vary the top and bottom radius separately to make a cone, but I just wanted a cylinder.) The goal was to make a spiral surface, divide it, then populate it with curtain panel families that emulate stair treads. My first attempt at a surface turned out to be a DNA style double helix. Tried out a curtain pattern family with a cylinder on one edge. Curtain pattern families are designed to lie in the plane of a curved or twisted surface. So far so good and I was getting excited. Why not make the whole tread assembly as a nested component and simply align it with the vertical line ?
Revit Resource: Blogs by Topic The Revit Clinic Revit3D.com / BIMbuilder.com - BIMBoom Revitlution - BIM Unfiltered