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10 Best Grammar Resources for Teachers - Grammarly Blog Every day is a grammar day for teachers, but the whole world is invited to celebrate morphology and syntax on the fourth of March—National Grammar Day. Everyone loves a party, but how can you motivate students to embrace good grammar the other 364 days of the year? These ten grammar resources might be just what you need. 1 Visual Aids If students visualize how grammar works, they will be able to understand sentence structure. For example, an infographic on Copyblogger.com explains what a dangling participle is. 2 Online Courses According to its website, the Grammar Challenger helps students “master fifty of the trickiest . . . grammar, punctuation, and word usage” concepts. 3 Interactive Whiteboard Activities Interactive whiteboards project your computer screen on a dry-erase whiteboard. 4 Games What if students could learn and play at the same time? 5 Lesson Plans If you are looking for an effective way to teach a grammar point, other teachers are happy to share what works for them.
Academic writing - Learning & Teaching - Students Academic writing is the basis of assessment at university. Its structure and referencing systems are built around the idea of universities holding the knowledge of the world and adding to this knowledge. The following links offer access to various resources to assist you in completing your assignments with proper referencing and structure of writing. IMPORTANT: There are different styles of referencing, and different versions of both Harvard Referencing and APA. 57 Literary Devices That’ll Elevate Your Writing (+ Examples) Where were you when your fourth-grade teacher first introduced you to literary devices? (Did you learn about the mighty metaphor? Or maybe its simpering cousin, the simile?) Perhaps you were daydreaming about cheese pizza and wondering what your mom packed you for lunch. Years later, you’re starting to realize that maybe you should’ve taken better notes back then. Because you’re a writer now, or trying to be, and it’s kind of embarrassing when your friends (or worse, your kids) come to you and ask: “What’s an onomatopoeia?” And all you have to say is: “An onomatopoeia? Never again. Not with this handy-dandy list of 57 (count ‘em!) But let’s back up. Starting with… What are Literary Devices? Literary devices are strategies writers use to strengthen ideas, add personality to prose, and ultimately communicate more effectively. So who should care about literary devices? You, of course. How are Literary Devices Different From Rhetorical Devices? So what’s the difference? Alright, enough questions. 1.
Paul Nation - School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies BEdStud MA (Hons) DipTESL Paul Nation is Emeritus Professor in Applied Linguistics at the School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies (LALS) at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. His specialist interests are the teaching and learning of vocabulary and language teaching methodology. He has taught in Indonesia, Thailand, the United States, Finland and Japan. Recent books A recent book What you need to know to learn a foreign language pdf798KB is available to to dowload Translations pdf353KBSpanish - ¿Qué necesitas saber para aprender un idioma extranjero? The second edition of Learning Vocabulary in Another Language (2014) has now appeared from Cambridge University Press Two books written for teachers appeared in early 2013. The number of free Mid-frequency readers on this web site continues to increase (see below). A book, Making and Using Word Lists for Language Learning and Testing, has appeared in 2016 from John Benjamins. Publications Vocabulary Analysis programs Fiction
Placeholder names in English and other languages | OxfordWords blog If you follow politics, you will have noticed that politicians often invoke the cliché of the ‘man in the street’. You may have heard them referring to the average Joe, Joe Bloggs, John Public, Joe Sixpack, etc. when talking to an audience, addressing everyone and no one, rather than someone in particular. The English language has several of those placeholder names and, more often than not, they denote a male person – implying that the average person is a man, the everyman. There’s also the famous John Doe – the name for an unidentified person that you would come across in a legal context. Here, a female equivalent actually exists: Jane Doe. If you want to talk about ordinary people in general, you may also call them Tom, Dick, and Harry in English, although the Brewer’s Dictionary of Phrase & Fable notes that this Victorian term is particularly attributed to people unworthy of notice. Of course, placeholder names also exist in other languages. Italian Swedish German
Homework Tips - Help With Homework KidsNews | A ready-to go literacy resource for teachers using current daily news stories for students in the classroom. EAP Listening - Structure EAP Listening - Structure Several studies (e.g. Chaudron & Richards, 1986; DeCarrico & Nattinger, 1988) have suggested that explicit signals of text structure are important in lecture comprehension. Listening for these signals can therefore help you understand the lecture. Signals The tables below show some of the most common signals used in lectures to indicate structure (Leech & Svartvik, 1975). 1. At the beginning of a lecture, or a section of a lecture, the lecturer will give you some idea about the structure of the lecture. 2. Before the new information is given, the lecturer will often summarise what you are expected to know about the subject to be covered. 3. In a lecture, it is often necessary to define the terms that will be used. 4. The lecturer will often be explicit about the order in which new points will be mentioned. 5. In lectures, it is common to make generalisations. 6. When you are taking notes, you cannot write down every word. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. When we classify, we arrange members of a group.
theconversation If you struggle to understand the teenagers and young people around you when they call their schoolfriend a durkboi and try to cadge some peas, you are not alone. The idea that they are communicating in a different language from their parents has been the subject of excited chatter on parenting websites and among some researchers. A defining characteristic of youth slang is thought to be its faddishness – the fact that terms have a rapid turnover, quickly coming in and out of fashion and then disappearing before parents and teachers have time to decode them. The reality is more complicated: novelty is all-important but for each generation the expressions they encounter will be new to them. So although each age group and almost every local clique do invent their own words, there is a common core of slang that persists for years: such as cool, wicked, solid and sick for good, and chilling for relaxing. A wealth of words for the same thing Variations on a theme
Billy Daly, 1997 How to create a graphic novel with Super Sidekicks For parents and teachers: This is a fun unit of work for years 3-5 that will improve visual literacy, trigger imaginative thinking, improve fine motor skills and increase vocabulary. It is appropriate for independent learning and can be done in an hour, though some students will find they enjoy the activities so much, they will want to keep going. For students: Follow the steps below and by the end of it, you’ll be on your way to creating your own graphic novel, which is a book that is a little bit like a comic. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Your sidekick – draw a picture of them somewhere in this sceneA word that is a sound – draw itA speech bubble and write in what the sidekick is saying If you feel like colouring it in, go ahead. 8. That’s the end of our lesson today but you can continue the Super Sidekicks fun by reading the books, which can be bought online from all good bookstores. P.S. Teachers and parents, further resources around this book can be found here:
Teaching with Twitter: how the social network can contribute to learning | Higher Education Network | Guardian Professional I am senior lecturer in English at the University of Wolverhampton and have been an advocate for the past few years of teaching using blended learning - integrating online learning activities alongside face-to-face teaching. Two of my courses on Victorian literature feature a number of assessed online discussion forum activities. They get 100% participation - much of it enthusiastic. Online learning spaces are neutral - just like a 'real' classroom is. It's what you do in them that matters. I use face-to-face classes as a spur to take our study of any given topic further online, thus extending it into areas of reflection and research not possible within the constraints of a seminar discussion. The important question to ask regarding e-learning is: What does an online space make possible by way of teaching that my class couldn't do face-to-face? I've only recently joined Twitter, but before I had a Twitter account I tried teaching with the spirit of Twitter.
Advanced grammar with entertaining videos and online practice. Open source, free to use. Australian. by joheide May 1