Related: Japanese
12 Tips to use your Japanese IME better If you’re serious about learning Japanese, I’m sure you will eventually either want to or need to be able to type in Japanese on your computer. Typing in Japanese is done with software called an IME (Input Method Editor), which allows you to type Japanese phonetically (romaji) and have the your typing automatically converted to Japanese characters. You may have already set up your IME and have some experience using it (if not, please check out Greggman.com’s excellent guide to installing/setting up your IME). However, it’s common for foreigners to overlook some of the finer points of its usage. This article aims to provide novice IME users with an introduction to some of the intermediate and advanced features literally waiting at their fingertips, providing a basis for improved typing efficiency, problem solving and expanded usage. For this article I’ll presume that: Tip 1: Easy IME on/off toggle English Keyboards: ALT + Tilde. This is a very basic tip but one of the most important.
Vocabulary Skip to site navigation Skip to section navigation Skip to content トップページ:日本語 (Japanese) Search site with Google Share this page Facebook Twitter Rate and suggest improvements: Feedback (optional): Found a bug? JLPT N1 Vocabulary Level Checker Japanese word -> English word Click it if you know the English meaning. 食品 有する 彼方此方 交ざる 治める 例えば 努める 大凡 覚悟 夜具 恐ろしい 位 柵 短所 共産 混合 車庫 針金 一見 化する 碗 建前 触れる お喋り 引き分け 文化 保管 交易 萎びる 露 品種 婉曲 彼此 音色 独特 克服 地下 赴く 壷 堪える 錯誤 限界 各 好き 根拠 雅致 割る 振る 浴室 中間 閉める 押し入れ 一斉 矢鱈に 散らかる 検査 僧 秘密 消費 婿 辛い 平均 推理 人差指 動かす 本質 封筒 私有 生まれる 粉末 靴 学士 孝行 家来 咳 国籍 予定 手当て 境 大陸 取り締まり 幾分 湯飲み 神秘 残金 長官 一人一人 恥じる 疲労 主権 寝坊 午前 洗剤 地下水 真理 為替 岩 妹 洋風 駄目 Japanese word -> Japanese pronunciation Click it if you know the Japanese pronunciation. 大いに 登山 性別 象徴 酌む 予備 賑わう 藍褸 箇条書き 他意 教科書 全滅 引っ掛ける 投資 宅 失恋 驚かす 成果 戸籍 選手 潮 忠実 憲法 近寄る 名産 例外 容器 手元 無能 屋上 所得 斜め 行方 尉 何卒 やっ付ける 待合室 愚痴 差し上げる 整備 慕う 空気 寄り掛かる 協定 破棄 不運 強いて 邪魔 体制 有能 契機 側面 成績 暴露 好意 国語 恨み 掘る 津波 お祖母さん 偏 君 豪華 お手上げ 地下水 技能 和やか 取り引き 永遠 伝説 蕎麦 街角 列 貨幣 願う 駄作 境 百 優 景色 針金 大通り 腹 影 侍 気を付ける 遊牧 製品 観察 真っ二つ ご座います 辞書 あざ笑う 若し 進化 奇妙 応接 仕掛け 柔軟 展示 English word -> Japanese pronunciation event;festivities;function;social gathering;auspices;opening;holding (a meeting) industry;diligence so;really;seeming
3. Question #1: Why Are You Learning Japanese? “Try and fail, but don’t fail to try.” – Stephen Kaggwa You’d be surprised how many people decide to do something as big as learning Japanese without knowing the answer to this question. I bet you 90% of people who start studying have no idea why they’re doing it (which… ahem… happens to be the same percentage of people who end up quitting, might I add). Now, when I say these people “don’t know why they’re learning Japanese” I’m also not counting generalities. Answers like “because it’s fun” and “because it’s cool” are okay for a little while, but they won’t hold out when the going gets tough. I’m looking for a specific answer…things like: I want to be able to talk to my Japanese grandmother in JapaneseI want to travel to Japan and walk the 88 temples of ShikokuI want to live and work in Japan, doing marketing for SonyI’m an anthropologist and want to study the Ainu peopleI want to appear on Japanese television one day as a comedian But, you should really try to answer this question.
Learn Japanese with YouTube: 8 Channels You Don't Wanna Miss | FluentU Japanese Well, I guess it’s time to end this blog. There’s nothing left to write about. We’ve already given you our best tips. Like how you can make the most of language exchange. And what blogs, podcasts, anime, dramas, and TV series you should check out to learn Japanese. Actually – there is one more thing. YouTube. Yes, YouTube’s great for turning your brain off. But there are also tons of channels dedicated to helping you learn Japanese. Want me to prove it? Here are 8 awesome YouTube video channels that will set you on a course to Japanese success. Tofugu If you like to walk on the wackier side of life, then Tofugu is definitely for you. Situated among these slices of Japanese life are some Japanese language learning lessons. Bobby Judo Bobby Judo has a popular YouTube channel and it’s easy to see why. Some of the videos may not be suitable for absolute beginners, but for intermediates and advanced speakers, they provide some challenging opportunities as well as a way of checking progress. GenkiJapan
Vocabulary This is the list of the 103 kanji you need to know to pass the JLPT N5 test. Click on the kanji and watch the video with the stroke order on how to write it and learn from example vocabulary. When you click the “Share” button on top of the page you can also select to print in a printer friendly view (in total 31 A4 pages). Japanese Joshi - The best darned website in town ;) 9 Awesome Japanese Podcasts for Accelerating Your Learning | FluentU Japanese Looking for great Japanese podcasts? Why waste any more time wading through low-quality, amateur work? We’ve already tracked down the best and brightest Japanese language learning podcasts available today! The Benefits of Listening to Japanese Podcasts They are created by people who are passionate about language learning and committed to giving you the resources and imaginative lessons you need.Hands down, spending time with podcasts is one of the best ways of improving your listening skills – this is something that books and flashcards cannot deliver.You can listen to them any time, any place and anywhere – on the long commute home, while you’re jogging around the park or soaping up in the shower. In this post, we’re going to go through some of the best Japanese podcasts for language learners out there. Spoiler alert: it has to do with FluentU’s great collection of authentic Japanese content. 9 Awesome Japanese Podcasts for Accelerating Your Learning News in Slow Japanese Learn Japanese Pod
Hiragana Learn Hiragana fast and easy! Free online self-study program for learning how to read, write andtype the Japanese Hiragana alphabet Course Outline Free online study program produced by an experienced native Japanese language teacher. Suitable for the very first step of learning the Japanese language. Goal This course will assist you to gain the following abilities; Also, more than 500 commonly used words and phrases are introduced through the course. Structure The course consists of 10 lessons. Each lesson takes 45-90 minutes. Lesson Contents Each lesson consists of three sections - Reading, Writing and Typing. Reading Correct shape and sound are introduced through video contents. Full of voice recordings narrated by Japanese voice actors. Writing Detailed handwriting instructions. Specially developed original font is used to show the standard shape of letters. Printable writing practice sheets (PDF) are provided. Typing Detailed instructions on how to input Hiragana letters on personal computers. Quiz
Introduction - derrière le pléonasme. Par définition, le "gaijin" (外人), c'est "celui qui n'est pas Japonais".Une méthode de japonais s'adresse donc généralement aux gaijins. Alors pourquoi ce pléonasme ? S'il y a un truc que j'ai appris après mes 6 ans d'études de la langue japonaise, c'est que la spécialisation ça ne sert... qu'aux spécialistes. Le commun des mortels me regarde aujourd'hui avec admiration car je parle et écrit couramment le japonais. Ce qu'ils ne savent pas, c'est que pendant que je me spécialisais en vain, certains de mes comparses arrêtaient le japonais après une licence pour se consacrer à une deuxième langue asiatique.Donc pendant que des être prodigieux comme votre serviteur arrivent à parler 1 langue asiatique, d'autres êtres ET prodigieux ET plus malins arrivent à en parler 2, voire 3 !Bien sûr, le niveau n'est pas le même. Mes premiers cours seront donc consacrés à l'approche du japonais, avant même d'aborder la langue proprement dite.
Learn Japanese | Japanese Language School in Tokyo Plenty of free Japanese study materials for reading, writing and listening from MLC Japanese Language School in Tokyo. Feel free to use PDF, Flash and Audio formats to study grammar and vocabulary for conversation and JLPT preparation. How to start learning Japanese → Facebook Note Survival Japanese Basic structures Self-introduction Useful Daily Expressions etc. Hiragana and Katakana Master Hiragana - Free e-mail lesson Master Katakana - Free e-mail lesson Hiragana and Katakana tables Audio Kanji Kanji Level Check, Study Materials, Quiz, ListMaster Basic Kanji 120 - Free e-mail lessonBasic Kanji 320 What is JLPT? Level Check Study Plan Books How to apply JLPT N5 level N5-01 Numbers, Hour(s), Minute(s), Day of the week, Date and Month, ○△×, Family, Calculation, Season, Calculation, ...san/...kun/...chan, I N5-02 Ikimasu, Kimasu, Kaerimasu, "e" and "ni", "de", Listening practice N5-03 Arimasu/Imasu, 40 verbs, [place]+de/[place]+ni, Particles, Interrogatives, "Let's N5-06 Te-form, Please, I know.
Hiragana Want audio on this lesson? Register for our Members Area and get audio for Hiragana - The Japanese Alphabet. It's FREE! The first step to learning the Japanese language is to learn the alphabet. There are 5 vowels in Japanese. Here is a Printable Hiragana Chart (PDF - get Adobe Acrobat Reader). Exceptions: 1. Click here if you'd like to know why these two exceptions exist. Note: You probably noticed in the chart above that there are 2 characters pronounced "zu" and 2 characters pronounced "ji". Some people wonder why "yi", "ye", "wi", "wu", and "we" are missing. For more help on the subject of Kana (Hiragana and Katakana)...