Related: Visual aids and templates
Free Brochure Templates & Designs for download Brochures have always been a part of the most reliable way to make your word read by more and more people. This is because when you make a brochure which has both an appealing design and quality attractive content, your goal of becoming popular is almost attained by using this advertising technique. This is one reason for which more and more professionals and companies have been using this service for many years now. And our interactive brochure system is here to help you achieve your advertising goal in an efficient and economic manner. Whether you want to promote your products or services or you simply want to inform people about some interesting news, our free brochure templates are the right choice for your needs. The Main Features of Our Brochure Templates What we offer is 100% customizable high-quality brochure templates for any kind of use, from professional templates to those suitable for independent non-profit activities of all kinds.
Motivator: Create your own motivational posters! First time here? Welcome! We have a lot of fun stuff to play with like ourMotivational Poster maker, Magazine Cover maker, Pop Art poster, and much more! Play as much as you like—everything is free. Create, share, and buy your own customized motivational posters. 360 Degree Aerial Panorama | 3D Virtual Tours Around the World | Photos of the Most Interesting Places on the Earth | AirPano.com Products Detail EARTH SCIENCE 1:Weather and Seasons LIFE SCIENCE 1:Animals READING & WRITING 1:Letter Recognition & Sounds, Basic Grammar & Punctuation, Reading Comprehension, Handwriting Weather & Seasons #MOD017Through the learning activities in this module, students will learn about seasons, weathers, phases of the moon, clouds and the water cycle. Includes 100 shapes and 8 collections! Activity 1: The Four SeasonsActivity 2: Signs of AutumnActivity 3: Signs of WinterActivity 4: Signs of SpringActivity 5: Signs of SummerActivity 6: What’s the Forecast? Preview Animals #MOD016This module focuses on the major groups of animals (amphibians, birds, fish, insects, mammals and reptiles), and how and why we classify them. Includes 118 shapes and 2 collections! Activity 1: Classifying our ClassActivity 2: Dividing the Animal KingdomActivity 3: Which of these is NOT a Mammal? Preview Letter Recognition & Sounds, Basic Grammar & Punctuation, Reading Comprehension, Handwriting Includes 41 shapes, 2 fonts and 9 collections!
Image Tools Skip to main content Create interactive lessons using any digital content including wikis with our free sister product TES Teach. Get it on the web or iPad! guest Join | Help | Sign In cooltoolsforschools Home guest| Join | Help | Sign In Home Presentation Tools Collaborative Tools Research Tools Video Tools Slideshow Tools Audio Tools Image Tools Drawing Tools Writing Tools Music Tools Organising Tools Converting Tools Mapping Tools Quiz and Poll Tools Graphing Tools Creativity Tools Widgets File Storage & Web Pages Other Helpful Sites Creative Commons Teacher Resources Apps for Mobile Devices (NEW - Under Construction) Tools index for this site A-Z email Lenva <a href=" Live Blog Stats</a> Actions Help · About · Blog · Pricing · Privacy · Terms · Support · Upgrade Contributions to are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike Non-Commercial 3.0 License. Turn off "Getting Started" Loading...
Free Online Poster Creator - Jukeboxprint.com Our creators use advanced HTML5 scripting and works best with Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome. We do not recommend or support Internet Explorer. Choose Size To help you choose the size for your product, please see Jukeboxprint.com for prices. Design Your Card This is the fun part! If you are designing a Greeting Card or Calendar on the left of the creator you will be able to select which section your would like to design (for greeting cards: the front, inside top and bottom or the back, and for calendars, the month). Text To add text to your card select the Text tool option in the tools palette, type the text you would like in the box provided and then click where on the product you would like your text. For longer text, or text on several lines – use the Enter (or Return) key in the text tool box to place text across multiple lines. The text size, colour and font family can also be adjusted. A selection of Fonts available in our creator. Image The creator accepts PNG and JPG/JPEG files.
instaGrok.com 5 free tools to create classroom posters Decorating and turning your classroom into a colourful learning environment is one of the characteristics of the 21st century classroom.The use of educational posters is the most commonplace means to achieve that.The pedagogical power of posters is almost like the one of infographics. Below is a list of 5 tools to create classroom posters 1.Picasa This is a great image editing tool.Picasa also allows you to create posters;just go to create,make a poster, then you can have access to different images and text editing tools to create your posters 2.Befunky It's a popular online photo-editor and poster-creator as well.To enjoy adding various effects and texts on pictures,you need first to submit your own pictures 3.Postermaywall This tool not only provides free poster templates bu also enables you to use your own pictures to create posters.once you choose your picture, you can embed and adjust text the way you like on your poster 4.Poster forge This is a free software to make appealing posters
The eClock - Learn all about time - Interactive Clock Digital On/Off Words On/Off Roman/Arabic To rotate the hands on the interactive e-Clock, move the cursor over the clock face, press the left mouse button down and move the mouse. Notes Our lives are organised around the concept of time; it is an common reference point for us all in modern life. Analogue Clock The analogue clock is the main display that appears. Digital Clock The digital display is initially hidden but can be revealed by clicking on the DIGITAL ON/OFF button on the menu at the bottom right hand corner of the screen. Words and numbers As well as the interactive analogue and digital displays, the time can also be displayed as words.
AUDIO VISUAL AIDS/ INSTRUCTIONAL MEDIA/ TEACHING AIDS | TET Success Key CTET 2015 Exam Notes Audio Visual Aids/ Instructional Media/ Teaching Aids In Teaching Introduction: Audio visual material must be seen in their relationship to teaching as a whole and to the learning process as a whole, until the teacher understands the relationship between audio visual material and teaching learning process. Audio visual materials are produced, distributed and used as planned components of educational programs. Audio visual aids are sensitive tools used in teaching and as avenues for learning. Definitions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Purposes of Teaching Aids: · To supplement and enrich teachers own teaching to make teaching-learning more concrete.· To serve an instructional role in itself.· To create interest among the group.· To make teaching as an effective process. Advantages of Teaching Aids : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Characteristics of good teaching aids: Teaching aids should be Ø Meaningful and purposeful Ø Accurate in every aspect 1. a. b. 2. a. b. Note: Did you liked the post?
Template Gallery Add-on for Google Sheets and Docs The Vertex42 Template Gallery add-on lets you browse a gallery of more than 100 templates for Google Sheets and Docs, including calendars, financial calculators, invoices, budget spreadsheets, letters, and other time-saving tools. > Get it for Google SheetsNote: You will need to opt-in to New Google Sheets > Get it for Google Docs Table of Contents How it works After the add-on is installed, you can access the template gallery by going to Add-ons > Template Gallery > Browse Templates. You can browse by category or search for templates by keyword ... Click on one of the templates in the list to see more details ... Most of the templates we are including in the add-on are already available on our site for Excel and Word, so there is often more information about the template on vertex42.com, including more background, references, or help. If you want to get the template, click on Copy to Google Drive. Get the Template Gallery add-on 1. > Get the Template Gallery add-on for Google Docs 2. 3. 4. Q.
Working with Visual Aids - Presentation Skills You should only use visual aids if they are necessary to maintain interest and assist comprehension in your presentation. Do not use visual aids just to demonstrate your technological competence - doing so may compromise the main point of your presentation - getting your messages across clearly and concisely. If visual aids are used well they will enhance a presentation by adding impact and strengthening audience involvement, yet if they are managed badly they can ruin a presentation. Most visual aids will need advance preparation and should be operated with efficiency. If you wish to use such aids in an unfamiliar room or location, check what facilities are available in advance so that you can plan your presentation accordingly. Before you start, ask yourself: What is the purpose of the visual aid? To clarify a key point? This page gives details of the following common visual aids: Whiteboards and Interactive Whiteboards Flip Charts Ten tips for the effective use of a flip chart: Video Slides