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Inspirational and Useful Resources for App Designers

Inspirational and Useful Resources for App Designers
Here we go with a resources post! Here we bring you one of the best collections of utilities and templates for designing apps that you can find. This is a great collection of GUI's, mock-ups, Complete UI and Design elements with PSD files for download, skeuomorphic interface samples, icons, printable sketching templates which we have gathered here for all app designers and we are sure you will find very useful. Save this entry to your favorites! Ready to download and put to work.

Creative UI Design Examples for Great UX UX (User Experience) is all those elements and factors related to the user's interaction with a particular environment or device which generate a positive or negative perception of the product, brand or device. UX is subjective and focused on use. The standard definition of UX is "a person's perceptions and responses that result from the use or anticipated use of a product, system or service". These factors are related to design and usability, but also to the emotions and feelings generated in the user, accessibility, brand trust... In the case of the web, the user's experience with the device is not a matter of concern to web designers: big hardware companies do the job of building our machines and computers. However, web designers have much to say about the user experience that the interfaces and websites that we develop generate: it is a key element of our work! GUI to present information: The interface controls should be intuitive and easy to use. UI Elements and Techniques:

Common Misconceptions About Touch By Steven Hoober Published: March 18, 2013 “44 pixels is not a physical size. … We cannot even translate 44 pixels, or points, to a single actual size.” Touchscreens have been with us for decades—and they’ve been the mobile input method of choice for many of us for about 5 years. In fact, many junior designers and developers—or at least those who were late to the mobile party—have never owned a mobile phone for which buttons were the primary input method. But there are still very few designers who seem to know how touchscreens actually work or how people really interact with them. You Can’t Rely on Designing 44-Pixel Touch Targets Even with iOS clearly in second place behind Android, the Apple standard size for touch targets sticks with us, but 44 pixels is not a physical size. Physical sizes matter, so all good guidelines are in millimeters, inches, typographers’ points, or other real-world scales. Do Different Finger Sizes Really Matter? Figure 2—Centroid of the contact patch on a target

How Do Users Really Hold Mobile Devices? For years, I’ve been referring to my own research and observations on mobile device use, which indicate that people grasp their mobile phones in many ways—not always one handed. But some of my data was getting very old, so included a lot of information about hardware input methods using keyboard- and keypad-driven devices that accommodate the limited reach of fingers or thumbs. These old mobile phones differ greatly from the touchscreen devices that many are now using. Modern Mobile Phones Are Different Everything changes with touchscreens. So, I’ve carried out a fresh study of the way people naturally hold and interact with their mobile devices. What My Data Does Not Tell You Before I get too far, I want to emphasize what the data from this study is not. Most important, there is no count of the total number of people that we encountered. Since we made our observations in public, we encountered very few tablets, so these are not part of the data set. What We Do Know One-Handed Use

Ten Tips for Mobile UX As the mobile channel matures and technologies develop, so too does the field of Mobile User Experience. Good UX is what separates successful apps from unsuccessful ones, and lets small upstarts take on big brands by creating more compelling apps. Below, I'll share ten quick tips that will help you on the way to great mobile design. Even if you're not involved in the actual design process, knowing these concepts will still help you come up with better concepts and give better feedback to those who do the work. Go back to the drawing board They key point to remember throughout all mobile UX design is that whilst it has some principles in common with web and software design, going top-down by simply shrinking your desktop experience is not going to cut it.

How the Float Label Pattern Started I first had the idea for a new input pattern back in August. The idea was simple enough - animate placeholder text to show an icon beside the input so you don't lose your context. I've been doing 99% mobile work for the past 2 years and little things like this can really add up. I wanted a solution that saved space, looked clean and clear, but didn't forego usability. Even a simple username and password scenario can be frustating with no labels. I can never quite remember if it says "username" or "username or email" in the first field. After scrapping the icon idea I thought: "There needs to be a way to make this simple enough to use out of the box without needing to come up with, and design an icon set for every use of this form." That's when I designed a new version using text only, plus a slight animation for the float label. In my mind it was a small idea towards making my app that much easier to use. Remember that crazy, dancing guy video called First Follower posted by Derek Sivers?
