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some Icons.. There are 1320 desktop icon sets listed below, sorted by the date they were posted to the site, beginning with the most recent content. You are on page 2 of 132. September 9th, 2007 11 vector-based icons of various sports activities. September 4th, 2007 Five freeware comic icons of animals. August 24th, 2007 Realistic looking white boxes. August 10th, 2007 Intel iMac (white and aluminum & glass models) with Front Row. 10 new freeware icons of cute and funny creatures. August 7th, 2007 This is just a little preview. July 12th, 2007 4 free icons of iPhone, designed in scribbled style. July 7th, 2007 A set of icons with several system replacements following a modern warfare theme. July 6th, 2007 12 freeware icons of cute and funny creatures.

felix sockwell - new iPhone nytimes GUI new iPhone nytimes GUI posted: the front page Today the iPhone/ nytimes app releases. I've drawn GUI before but this one was special. Con go figure Here is the secondary, ancillary pitstop where you configure out what you want most. More They had to work in old Grey Lady grey scale as well as black and white in 29X29 pixels. icons in prog GUI is an ugly process, but an interesting one. morbid sketches there were some interesting things (concessions?) done and done and here are the final "ready for prime time players".

World Café : une présentation du comment faire Une présentation du World Café reprise de Démocratie participative, guide des outils pour agir (.pdf 48 pages) Etat des lieux et analyses, une publication de la Fondation Nicolas Hulot, sous licence CC by sa nc, juin 2013,, fiche n°12 Voir aussi Forum Ouvert : une présentation du comment faire et un wiki sur les recettes libres. 1 Définition Importé des Etats-unis, le world café est une méthodologie de dicusssion entre acteurs permettant, en intelligence collective, de faire émerger d’un groupe des propositions concrètes et partagées par tous. Afin qu’un dialogue constructif prenne place, cette méthode est basée sur la reproduction de l’ambiance autour d’une machine à café où les participants viennent et débattent sur des thématiques précises. Le principe est de créer un climat de confiance et de convivialité pour permettre les échanges entre participants. 2. Préparation Rôles Facilitateur animateur : personne chargée de présenter le format du world café et de superviser les débats. 1. 2. 3.

Sound Matrix The Sound Matrix was a clever bit of flash that was mailed to me some time back. I later discovered that the file was originally composed by Andre Michelle. As per original instructions “Press SPACE key to clear. Add This to Your Site : Copy This Code <div align="center"><object width="600" height="600" codebase=" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"><param value=" name="movie"><param value="high" name="quality"><embed width="600" height="600" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="

Informationen über Icons Nur selten werden Icons in allen Größen und Farbtiefen benötigt. Hier wird schnell und einfach erklärt, wann welches Icon empfehlenswert ist. * Windows Vista / ** Mac OSX 10.4 / *** Mac OSX 10.5 Größen Welche Icon-Größen benötigt werden, hängt davon ab, wo innerhalb der Software und des Betriebssystems die Icons angezeigt werden sollen. Icon für die ProSaldo GmbH in den Größen 16 x 16, 32 x 32, 48 x 48, 128 x 128 und 256 x 256 Farbtiefen Welche Farbtiefe benötigt wird, hängt davon ab, auf welchem Betriebssystem oder bei welchen Monitoreinstellungen die Icons angezeigt werden sollen. Farbtiefen am Beispiel des Windows Notepad Icon: 16 Farben, 256 Farben und True Color Dateiformate für Icons Welche Dateiformate benötigt werden, hängt davon ab, auf welchem Betriebssystem Ihre Software läuft.

Na’design What is Project Maven? The Pentagon AI project Google employees want out of Over 3,000 Google employees have a signed a petition in protest against the company’s involvement with a U.S. Department of Defense artificial intelligence (AI) project that studies imagery and could eventually be used to improve drone strikes in the battlefield. In an open letter addressed to CEO Sundar Pichai, Google employees expressed concern that the U.S. military could weaponize AI and apply the technology towards refining drone strikes and other kinds of lethal attacks. “We believe that Google should not be in the business of war,” the letter begins, before going on to explain that Google’s involvement in Project Maven stands to damage its brand and its trust among the public. READ MORE: Google employees ask tech giant to pull out of Pentagon AI project According to the defense department, Project Maven, also known as the Algorithmic Warfare Cross-Function Team, launched in April 2017. Story continues below advertisement Trending Stories –with files from Rahul Kalvapalle

SCHOPENHAUER'S 38 STRATAGEMS, OR 38 WAYS TO WIN AN ARGUMENT Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860), was a brilliant German philosopher. These 38 Stratagems are excerpts from "The Art of Controversy", first translated into English and published in 1896. Carry your opponent's proposition beyond its natural limits; exaggerate it. The more general your opponent's statement becomes, the more objections you can find against it. The more restricted and narrow his or her propositions remain, the easier they are to defend by him or her. (abstracted from the book:Numerical Lists You Never Knew or Once Knew and Probably Forget, by: John Boswell and Dan Starer) Minicons: Download 1500 Premium Vector Icons for Wireframes and Web Design 1500 Vector icons You don't need to browse different packs to find the right icons: all the essential icons are provided. You don't need to worry about the consistency: all the icons share the same visual style. See all the icons Consistent & elegant All the icons have consistent proportions and stay readable at small sizes, because they are carefully designed on a 16 pixel grid. All icons are provided in 6 different sizes for direct insertion in your HTML code: from 16px to 256px. License FOR designers You can use these icons for any templates that you resell. You can use them in your applications, and even in templates embedded in your applications, with a limit of 100 icons.

Metrics - Turbomilk Metrics Icons for computer games developersWindows | Games We created this set of icons for Metrics Element by Emergent Game Technologies to make the lives of game developers plain and simple. As experienced designers and even mere mortals often do, we started our project by developing the set from sketches: The icons turned out modest but pretty: Project participants Terms of Use The pictures seen here are for evaluation of Turbomilk work’s quality only.

« Les nouveaux combats féministes sont tout sauf ennuyeux… » Tribune. Lorsqu’une missive antiféministe est publiée, c’est toujours un coup au cœur pour celles et ceux qui, comme nous, portent cette cause. Quand elle vient d’une femme de lettres et (malgré elle ?) héritière d’une certaine gauche, la tristesse est encore plus grande. Nous ne nous reconnaissons en rien dans ce monde où vit Mazarine Pingeot. Lire aussi la tribune de Mazarine Pingeot au sujet des nouveaux combats féministes : « Ce mortel ennui qui me vient… » Quelle joie en effet pour la jeune génération d’honorer l’héritage de ses aînées et de prolonger leurs combats en interrogeant aussi ce qui est resté impensé. Lire aussi notre enquête : De Meetoo à l’affaire Girard, la critique du « néoféminisme » refait surface
