Devin Super Tramp Watch the Behind the Scenes in the link below! Filmed in 4K! Music in this video is called, "Synthia" by Scott & BrendoYou can buy the song on itunes: amazon: Boardco: promo code: supertrampHuge thanks to Boardco for making this video possible, they specialize in everything watersports! Use promo code supertramp for a discount on anything they sell! Thuggies: out to Thuggies for supplying some warmth for the early morning wake/surf sets! Body Glove: thank you to Body Glove for supplying us with all the good looking life vests that kept us safe off the slip n slide! Film by Parker Walbeck at 6k with the RED Dragon downscaled to 4k and with the Phantom Miro at 1000fps at 1080 upscaled to 4k with the Glidecam HD 4000 for stabilizing. Sound Design by my friend Dan Pugsley.
lol, film directors, and producers tend to love that sort of comment. by electronics May 24