Pacxon Additional Information: Use Pacman to capture sections of the board in Pacxon. Clear 80% to progress to the next level. Pacxon is the most popular game on the whole site! Pacxon is the most popular game on the site. It's a classic combination of retro arcade games Pacman and Xonix. Pacman, is one of the most recognised and played arcade games in history. These two great games combined result in one of the most popular flash games of all time. Top 30 best free games you should play today 26. Wing Commander Saga A stunning fan-sequel to one of the PC's most beloved space simulators. Wing Commander Saga offers a huge new campaign you don't need to have played the original games to enjoy, with 55 missions, cut-scenes, full voiceovers, and more, all based on the Freespace 2 engine. Saga is standalone though, so don't worry if you don't own it. 27. Populous returns in Reprisal - a gorgeous pixel-art reinvention. 28. Lead the ancient civilisation of your choice to glory in this free-to-play version of the classic series. 29. Online RPGs have never been so streamlined, or so insane. When you die, you die for good... but Realm of the Mad God is so fast that rolling a new character and jumping back in from the start is no real hardship. 30. DOTA style strategy meets first-person shooters in this free-to-play sequel. Easily the best part, though, is that each game is narrated. 31. 32. 33. 34. Spelunky is about anger, hate and, most of all, death. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42.
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