Dictionary Skills This is a lesson which will help students review their spelling words while practicing dictionary skills Objectives: Students will successfully locate words in the dictionary and will demonstrate awareness of guide words Materials: Spelling listdictionarypiece of paperpencilDictionary Skills Worksheet – Guide Words - Use worksheet to record spelling words, look up in dictionary, record page number & guide words. Lesson Plan: Teacher will review the meaning and use of guide words.a. Comments: This could be used as a center activity or a homework assignment. By: Upsadaisy Related lesson plans: Sense You Asked!
TikaTok - Classroom Book Publishing Writers' Workshop K-6 - Minilessons Mini Lesson Basics5-10 minutes longmulti-levelprecedes independent writing timeexplicit instructionassessment basedfocus on procedures and organisation (routines), strategies and processes, skills, craft and techniquescomposed of four major parts: Connection (teacher puts today's work in the context of children's ongoing work as writers and explicitly names what they'll be learning about today); Teach (explicit teaching of one important concept that will make their writing better, often drawing upon own writing, children's literature or student's writing); Active Engagement (students talk to a partner or examine their own writing for evidence of the concept); Link (encouraging students to try out the strategy in their writing that day or to add it to their toolkit of strategies)Mini Lesson Challengeshandling student participationkeeping minilessons briefteaching with clarity and purposemaintaining student engagement Examples of Mini Lesson Topics Mini Lesson Planning Sheet
Literacy - Words Their Way Online Resources Education Extras: Links to Powerpoints that can used by teachers to model words sorts. ELL Tool Box - An overview of how to use WTW in the classroom, along with downloadable instructional sheets and progress chart. Created by Daniel Scibienski, ELL teacher. Pearson resources - A list of books published by Pearson that support Words Their Way Read Write Think Word Sorts - Online short vowel word family sorts. Reading Rockets on Spelling and Word Study - "Learn more about the English spelling system, how spelling supports reading, why children with dyslexia and dysgraphia struggle, which words should be taught, and word study instruction that works." Spelling City - Their mission: efficient game-based study of literacy skills using any word list. Word Study (Word Their Way and Wordly Wise) - Mrs. Word Study Activities From Words Thier Way - The Literacy Connections website with links to sample WTW lessons. Word Study Centers - Beth Newingham's webpage.
Synonyms and Antonyms Worksheets "Antonyms worksheets from your site are a favorite in my class. My students light up when I hand them out. So nice to see them get engaged. Thanks for making my class a more effective teaching environment. I appreciate it!" Like these materials? Synonyms and antonyms are useful to know because they improve reading and writing skills. Read Theory Antonyms Worksheets In these worksheets, students are tested on their ability to identify the antonym, or opposite, of a given word. © COPYRIGHT NOTICE: The below publications contain copyrighted work to be used by teachers in school or at home. Finding these materials helpful? Sorry to interrupt...Now back to browsing more quality reading comprehension materials! Printable Synonyms and Antonyms Worksheets In these worksheets, students are tested on their ability to identify a synonym (a word that has nearly the same meaning) or antonym (a word that has the opposite meaning) of a given word. Techniques for Solving Synonyms/Antonyms Questions
Writer's Workshop - Grade 3 Depending on your class situation and available time, Writer's Workshop activities can be a useful and meaningful extension to TeachersFirst's online instructional units. Writer's Workshop is a teaching technique that invites students to write by making the process a meaningful part of the classroom curriculum. Third Grade students learn to write daily through varied activities. In Writer's Workshop, Third Grade students are exposed to the organization and thought required to create a story or write about a favorite topic and develop it into an understandable narrative with a voice and focus. Third Grade students shift from writing for the activity itself and presenting material to classmates, as in Second Grade, to paying more attention to writing correctly and mechanics. Third Grade students differ from K-2 students in that they may not be as willing to take a chance in their writing. The Writer's Workshop is typically a part of each day. Mini-Lesson Status of the Class