Related: inGenious Project
Mind the Gap: Encouraging women to study engineering Women make up more than half the global population, but hold fewer than a third of the world’s engineering jobs. In the U.S., female students comprise fewer than 15 percent of all Advanced Placement computer science test takers. Even in high-tech Israel, few girls choose computer science. Not only is this a loss to companies like Google and everyone who benefits from a continually developing web; it's also a lost opportunity for girls. Beginning in 2008, a group of female engineers at Google in Israel decided to tackle this problem. We established the “Mind the Gap!” Since we started this program over three years ago, we’ve hosted more than 1,100 teenage girls at our office, and an additional 1,400 girls at three annual conferences held in leading universities. The results are encouraging. We encourage people in other countries, at other companies and in other scientific disciplines to see how they could replicate this program.
Launch a Similar Program in Your Office - "Mind the Gap" Program You can easily launch your own program in order to scale this initiative or a similar one. All you need is a few enthusiastic individuals who are willing to dedicate a few hours a month. Planning: Determine date(s) and time for the school visits. Recruit volunteers to host the students (select a program manager if planning multiple visits per year). Reserve conference room for each visit. Reach out to teachers and schools interested in the visits. Presentation: Create a presentation that discusses current technology and your company's contribution/products/services. We like to use ones that show computer science applications in our day to day lives, or one that explains how search engines work. Panel: The goal of the panel is to introduce the girls to role models. 2-3 female engineers introduce themselves and answer questions from the audience. Some sample panel questions are below: Introduce yourself (e.g., name, role, background) What project did you work on that had a strong impact?
Projectos de Responsabilidade Social - Educação - EX.I.T.E. A tecnologia transformou o mundo mais profundamente do que qualquer outra revolução na história. No entanto, a opção por carreiras tecnológicas é ainda superior nos homens do que nas mulheres. Assim, há todo um esforço de sensibilização a cumprir no sentido de se mudarem mentalidades e cativar um maior número de mulheres para as áreas da ciência e da tecnologia. Para ajudar a equilibrar a disparidade verificada, a IBM criou em 1999 o Programa EX.I.T.E. – Explorar Interesses pela Tecnologia e pela Engenharia. Numa iniciativa mundial, a Companhia pretende contribuir para que um maior número de raparigas, sobretudo em idade de opção académica e/ou vocacional, ou seja, entre os 11 e os 13 anos, desenvolva o interesse por áreas científicas e tecnológicas. Durante uma semana, as jovens participam em projectos variados de Engenharia, de Ciência ou de Matemática, entre outras matérias.
Introduction | JCMM - Jihomoravské centrum pro mezinárodní mobilitu Research Using the Internet Fair-Use Policy More and more students are turning to the Internet when doing research for their assignments, and more and more instructors are requiring such research when setting topics. However, research on the Net is very different from traditional library research, and the differences can cause problems. The Net is a tremendous resource, but it must be used carefully and critically. The printed resources you find in the Library have almost always been thoroughly evaluated by experts before they are published. On the Internet, on the other hand, "anything goes." Here are a few basic guidelines to remember: Don't rely exclusively on Net resources. The following points are guidelines for evaluating specific resources you find on the Net. Authority Who is the author? If you can answer all these questions positively when looking at a particular site, then you can be pretty sure it's a good one; if it doesn't measure up one way or another, it's probably a site to avoid.
Publications - SusChem European Technology Platform For SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY You are here: Look for : Search Publications 20 Result(s) Smart Cities Key Innovations Report 10/05/2013 Download SPIRE leaflet 09/01/2013 Download Hybrid Workshop 08/01/2013 Download Educate to Innovate Flyer April 2012 Download SusChem Strategy Enhancement Briefing Paper SPIRE proposal executive summary November 2011 Download SPIRE proposal brochure Tomorrow starts with Chemistry Skills for Innovation Brochure October 2011 Download Industrial Biotechnology - Implementation Action Plan Update 2010 October 2010 Download Tag cloud My account Login Forgot your password? Not registered? Copyright©2012 Cefic. Design and Content Management System by IDWEAVER Web Agency (2011)
01 - Did you know: How many planets exist in our solar system? Did you know: How many planets exist in our solar system? 4.71 /5 ( 59 votes cast) Rate this Video Currently 4.5 out of 5 Stars. Thank you for rating! You have already rated this page, you can only rate it once! Your rating has been changed, thanks for rating! Embed Code Details Did you know: How many planets exist in our solar system? English Exterior shot Click on the tags to find the matching videos. Space Science Interviewing Earth , Jupiter , Mars , Mercury , Neptune , Planet , Pluto , Saturn , Solar and Planetary , Solar system , Solar system , Uranus , Venus
WorldWide Telescope Install Worldwide Telescope Want to see the same images that scientists at NASA use for their research or perform your own research with those images? Or do you want to see the Earth from the same perspective that astronauts see as they descend to Earth? How about taking a 5 minute break and viewing a panorama of a different city? Install WWT and start your explorations. The installation instructions below refer to the WorldWide Telescope Windows ® client that launched to the public in Spring 2008. Review the System Requirements to ensure that WWT can run on your computer. Click Download. If you don't have Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0, or later, installed on your computer, a message box displays prompting you to install it. & Service Packs page. On the .NET Framework 2.0 SDKs, Redistributables & Service Packs page, scroll down the page to the .NET Framework Version 2.0 Redistributable Package section, and then click the link for your computer's architecture and operating system.
Chemistry: All About You - Educational Activities - Xperimania V: Chat 25 October2012 The first Xperimania chat in collaboration with inGenious took place on Thursday 25 October 2012 from 14:00 till 15:30 o'clock (CET). This chat dealt with the topic "Chemistry is all about you" which was inspired by the issues that were addressed in the EPCA film "Chemistry: All About You". Industry Experts During one and a half hour, students had the opportunity to ask topic-related questions to the four experts: Participating Schools 21 schools participated in the first Xperimania-inGenious chat: Belgium (1), Croatia (1), Estonia (2), Germany (1), Italy (3), Lithuania (1), Portugal (3), Romania (2), Slovakia (4), Spain (1), and United Kingdom (2). Discussed topics Students asked a number of questions concerning chemistry, such as "How will chemistry help in the future" ? They also showed their concern for chemicals used in food production , to which Mr. The students were also wondering " How realistic is the assumption that renewable energy sources can replace fossil fuels?