General Teaching Ideas Adam Was Black Wonderopolis Images of the True Israelites "VIEWS OF THE BIBLICAL WORLD" (VOL.3)International Publishing Co. Ltd. Jerusalem - 1960 p.110 ... "GENESIS - WORLD OF MYTHS AND PATRIARCHS" by Ada FeyerickNew York University Press - 1996 p.76-77 ... (4) races of Man p.190-191 ... "THE OXFORD HISTORY OF THE BIBLICAL WORLD"Edited by Michael D. p.89 ... "EGYPT - 400 YEARS OF ART"by Jaromir MalekPhaidon Press Limited - 2003 London and New York p.253 ... "EVERYDAY LIFE IN BIBLICAL TIMES"National Geographic Society - 1967 p.34-35 ... "COLLINS ATLAS OF THE BIBLE"Edited by James B. p.49 ... "6,000 YEARS OF THE BIBLE"by G.S.WegenerHarpers and Row Publishers - 1963 New York and Evanston p.36-37 ... "THE ILLUSTRATED LIBRARY OF THE WORLD AND IT'S PEOPLE"Vol - Israel and Turkey Greystone Press - 1966 and 1968New York p.94 ... "HEBREWISMS OF WEST AFRICA"by Joseph J. p.82 ... www.churchofgod1896.org/founder.html...image of William S. "THE JERUSALEM CHRONICAL"Vol.9 - No.2 p.3 ... image of Rabbi Arnold J. p.1 ...
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1bread.org J - Jewish Education & Entertainment (Learn Hebrew, Jewish Games) YHWH is El YHWHYahuahTransliteration study on the Name of the MessiahSabbathMessianicNatsarimIsraelYahushuaLewWhiteFossilizedCustomsTorahNazareneIsraelPaganChristianityKipa The Transliteration of the Name What Is the Hebrew Name for JESUS? It is definitely not "JESUS". For those who want to get to the answer, we'll be skipping the Greek and Latin to find out. A Very Hairy Situation Going backward through languages, "JESUS" becomes "ESAU" in Hebrew! Many miss that the question is referring to "it", a singular identity for what people mistake to be 2 beings. Our Husband's Name is not Greek, it's Hebrew Also, the one incidence at NekemYah 8:17 is acceptable as an abbreviated form. In 216 of these, the spelling is: yod-hay-uau-shin-ayin: YAHUSHA The son of Nun (a leader of the tribe Ephraim) that we find in the concordance started out with a four-lettered name, then Mosheh changed it by adding one letter (YOD) to the beginning of his name: #1954: HAY-UAU-SHIN-AYIN (HUSHA), rendered in the KJV as “HOSHEA” (Dt. 32:44), and “OSHEA” (Num 13:16). this spelling is found 216 times, rendered in the KJV as “JOSHUA”. YOD-HAY-UAU-SHIN-UAU-AYIN, or “YAHUSHUA”. יהושע
MAKERS & SUPPORTERS OF GMO Brands to boycott: Naked juice owned by PepsiCo, Odwalla owned by Coca-Cola (NaturalNews) Pepsi and Coke both sell "natural" food smoothies and other products under the brands Naked and Odwalla, respectively. Both of these so called health food brands have been around for some time now, yet most people are completely in the dark about the corporations behind these creations. Pepsi and Coke only pretend to support healthy food choices. Both of the industry giants donated millions to defeat proposition 37, the GMO labeling act. And lets not forget, these are the owners of the two biggest soft drinks partially responsible for our country's all time high rates of obesity, diabetes and heart disease. Unfortunately most consumers are tricked into thinking they are doing something good for their health when they drink a Naked or Odwalla juice. Lets look at the facts: - In its early days, Odwalla was a small company owned by a few individuals that made real, raw food juices. - Neither of these food drinks use organic produce, which means you're ingesting pesticides.