9 Weird Photography Tricks That Actually Work! Sometimes I feel like I spend so much time reading photography tricks and tips online that I never see anything new anymore. So, I set out to make this useful collection of some weird and cool photography tricks that aren’t your usual run-of-the-mill variety. I hope you find some joy and learn a new tip or two. When you’re done, comment below with what cool photography hacks you’ve learned! Tripod in a pinch! 1. Want to take a group photo but don’t have a place to set the camera? The thread size of the bolt on a lamp shade is exactly the same size as the filter thread used on tripods, so your camera will easily attach. Not only will your party and indoor pictures look better, but you’ll look like MacGyver in front of the group. Gets attention of the kids and you can give them a treat for looking at the camera! 2. Shooting photos of kids can be quite the feat. The perfect solution is to buy a simple PEZ dispenser on the hotshoe of your camera! 3. Turn your flash to FULL power! 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Higgsin bosoni ennustaa maailmankaikkeuden loppua Maailmankaikkeuden rakennuspalikka, Higgsin bosoni, näyttää ennustavan samalla maailmankaikkeuden loppua. Kauan etsityn hiukkasen löytyminen viime vuonna oli huima tiedeuutinen. Hiukkanen selittää, miksi aineella – galaksilla, maapallolla ja myös ihmisellä – on massa. Uusin uutinen on, ettei tuo massa ole ikuista. Mikäli ihmiskunnan nykyinen tietämys fysiikasta pitää paikkansa, Higgsin bosoniin perustuvat laskelmat kertovat, että maailmankaikkeus syntyi epävakaaksi. – Vaikuttaa siltä, että jossakin vaiheessa muutaman kymmenen miljardin vuoden päästä meidän maailmankaikkeutemme tuhoutuu, sanoo fyysikko Joseph Lykken, joka työskentelee hiukkasfysiikan parissa niin Fermin laboratoriossa Yhdysvalloissa kuin Cernin tutkimusryhmässä Euroopassa. Kohtaloksi koituu hänen mukaansa jonnekin ilmestyvä pieni kupla, ikään kuin vaihtoehtoinen universumi, joka laajenee valon nopeudella ja lopulta tuhoaa meidän universumimme. Laskelma vaatii, että Higgsin bosonin massa tiedetään prosentin tarkkuudella.
Gapminder: Unveiling the beauty of statistics for a fact based world view. Will Your Job Be Done By A Machine? : Planet Money Machines can do some surprising things. But what you really want to know is this: Will your job be around in the future? We have the "definitive" guide. What job is hardest for a robot to do? The researchers admit that these estimates are rough and likely to be wrong. Inspire: Photographing Your Own Children by Chubby Cheek Photography :: Inspire Me Baby Chubby Cheek Photography is easily becoming one of my favorite children’s photographer. You’ll love their ability to capture moments that tell a story on top of their clean and minimal photography style. Shalonda has shared some wonderful tips on how to photograph your own children with your “fancy” camera. From Chubby Cheek Photography: Having been in business for four crazy years, weekend after weekend of session after session, I have been burned out and back so many times. But earlier this year I realized that I was not being fair to my own kids or to myself. Tips for improving your relationship with your camera and shooting for yourself: 1. 2. 3. 4. Remember it doesn’t have to be the perfect lighting or a perfectly set up shoot…playing in the playroom, reading books on their beds, bubbling up in the bath, helping with chores….it doesn’t matter just CAPTURE THEM BEING THEM, you won’t regret it!
?ref=http%3A%2F%2Ft Sri Lankan-born British mathematician, Chandra Wickramasinghe, discovered that a two-inch wide meteorite that crash landed in a fireball in central Sri Lanka in December was pitted with tiny fossils of algae, similar to the kind found in seaweed. Wickramasinghe, currently Director of the 'Cardiff Centre for Astrobiology', was a student and collaborator of Fred Hoyle. Their joint work on the infrared spectra of interstellar grains led to developing the hypothesis of panspermia that proposes that cosmic dust in the interstellar medium and in comets is partly organic, and that life on Earth was 'seeded' from space. Wickramasinghe believes the discovery proves we are not alone in the universe: “These finds are crushing evidence that human life started outside Earth.” The rock was one of several fragments of a meteorite which crash landed in a spectacular fireball and were still smoking when villagers living near the city of Polonnaruwa picked them up.
Karttaselain - Karttojen uusi sukupolvi kännykässäsi in - A visualization of migration flows World Population: 6,853,328,460 Migrants in the world: 215,738,321 Almost 216 million people, or 3.15% of the world population, live outside their countries. Click on a country box to know more about migration flow to/from that country. About peoplemovin peoplemovin shows the flows of migrants based on the last data available on International Migrant Stock. International migrant stock is the number of people born in a country other than that in which they live. The data are presented as a slopegraph that shows the connections between countries. Refugees and Asylum Refugees and asylum seekers made up 16.3 million, or 8%, of international migrants in 2010. Data Sources The main source of data for this visualization is the Bilateral Migration Matrix from the Worldbank website. All the presented data are the latest available as of 2010. Migration Data Bilateral Migration and Remittances 2010The World Bank Open Data Ratha, Dilip K., and William Shaw (2006). Refugees and Asylum World Population Data
How To Remove Hand Shaking From Smartphone Videos | Video, Phone Mobile video: Can be fixed up even after you shoot it. Reckon you can spot a YouTube video captured on a smartphone camera? It's not hard – they're often the ones that look like they're shot on "spin cycle". Many new, dedicated video cameras include optical image stabilisation (OIS) that takes out much of the shake from video clips. Capture steady videos While Apple's iPhone 4S and 5 smartphones enjoy digital video stabilisation, it's more hit and miss on Android, with only the latest phones such as the Galaxy S4 having the feature built-in. Nokia's Lumia 920 and HTC's One, both with optical stabilisation, are arguably as good as it gets for smartphone video capture. For other iOS devices, the latest version of the free Luma Camera app adds a cinema stabilisation mode but needs good lighting conditions: results aren't as good in low-light or indoors. Fixing videos post-capture That doesn't help if you've already captured your videos, but you've still got options. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.