Related: CLB 1
Rooms in a House for Young ESL Learners Worksheet 1: Rooms in a House Basic writing worksheet for kitchen, living room, dining room, bathroom, and bedroom. Large Flash Card Set 1: Places/Rooms in and around a House Flashcards for kitchen, living room, dining room, bathroom, hallway, yard, garage, and bedroom. Worksheet 2: Places Around a House Vocabulary Worksheet This vocabulary worksheet displays fifteen different locations around a home. Worksheet 3: Where are they? Basic writing worksheet for answering the question: Where is he? Worksheet 4: Where are they? Basic writing worksheet for answering the question: Where is he? Worksheet 5: Where Do You Sleep? Students answers questions with rooms in a house. Reading Selection: A Family at Home Simple reading selection that talks about where family members are in the house and what they are doing.
Spin Wheel Game ESL Interactive Fun Games Here we have the games carefully laid out for you. Follow the links to browse the variety of games offered. This is only the directory for interactive games and exercises. Our ESL fun games here include : Snakes and Ladders, Hangman, Spelling games, Wheel of Fortune, TV Games(Betting Game), Mazes, Memory Games, Matching exercises, Sequencing exercises, Picture Quizzes, Catch it and more. Grammar Games & Interactive Exercises - Click Here! Games for Practising Grammar: Present simple/present progressive games, past tense games, present perfect games, comparative/Superlatives and more... Vocabulary Games & Interactive Exercises - Click Here! Games for practising English vocabulary: Lots of games by topics and game types Pronunciation Games & Interactive Exercises - Click Here! Games to practice English pronunciation, phonetics and phonics. Reading/Spelling Games & Interactive Exercises - Click Here! Games and exercises to practice reading, spelling and lexis
THE BEST HOLIDAYS OF MY LIFE | Create WebQuest Now, let's see how you can do this work. You must answer the questions on the task section and write a text without repetitions and witrh corect sentences. Then choose the photos you would like to include in your work. You have to digitalise them. Then you must think about how you are going to present your work to your colleagues (word document, PowerPoint presentation or glogster presentation). If you choose a PowerPoint presentation, follow this structure. 1st slide –cover – Here you write the title of your work and add an image which is related to the main subject. 2nd slide – introduction – Here you present the main subject you are going to talk about. 3rd, 4th, 5th slides – development - Here you can enrich your work with details and photos of the holiday you have chosen. 6th slide – conclusion – Here you can explain why you chose that holiday and what you have learnt with this work. 7th slide – bibliography – Here you must indicate the sites or books you researched to do your work.
How to Teach the English Present Simple Teaching the present simple tense is one of the first, and most important tasks when teaching beginners. It's a good idea to teach the present simple of the verb 'to be' to begin with, and introduce simple adjectives to help students expand their understanding of the verb 'to be'. After English learners are comfortable with the present and past forms of the verb 'to be', teaching the present simple and past simple will be much easier. Introducing the Present Simple Start by Modeling the Present Simple Most English learners are false beginners. I get up at six thirty in the morning.I teach at the Portland English School.I have lunch at one o'clock. etc. Students will recognize most of these verbs. When do you have dinner? Continue by asking students the same questions. Introduce Third Person - S Once the students are comfortable speaking about their own basic daily activities, introduce the third person singular for 'he' and 'she' which will prove the most difficult for students.
How Much Is It: A Shopping Lesson Plan by Chris Gunn Time: Up to 4 hours depending on how much the teacher wishes to use. Materials: To give to the students. Introductory Vocabulary Exercises. Information Gap Conversation and Class Survey Comparative Grammar Practice and Shopping Role-play 5 Pages of Vocabulary and Expressions Worksheets Materials: For the teacher. Product Information Sheets Part 1: Introduction to the Unit Vocabulary If time permits, write the unit vocabulary expressions on the board before the class begins. Look at the groupings of words and ask students to come up with a heading for each group. Next, go over the part of the bill talking about discounts, tax, and tips. Finally, go over cheap, expensive, and reasonable. Part 2: Information Gap This part is pretty much self-explanatory. Note: the 'Conversation Strategy' for this unit is confirming. Part 3: Class Survey and Social Strategy In this section, students can practice complimenting each other. Complimenting properly is a form of pragmatic competence.
Place Value Charts Math A.Tube.com > Place Value Chart < you are here Place value of Whole Numbers Related pages Canada Map/Quiz Worksheet - ZoomSchool.com 1. What ocean forms Canada's western border? ________________________ 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Section B by Susan Gaer, Santa Ana College, San Ana, California dear teacher how are you can I tell you the you are the best teacher I never met in past three years so I like your class and I would like to show as more about conputer and english pratice. Hi Susan how are yuo. My name is Olvin Claros. I'am one of the student in rancho santiago college. --- E-mail from former students The question that I am most often asked about my teaching is how I started combining language with technology in my instruction. I am currently teaching ESOL at Santa Ana College, School of Continuing Education, Centennial Education Center in Santa Ana California. Because of my belief in integration of computer skills along with language learning, the first thing I do is integrate all the computer skills training with the student textbook. Students then use this model to create stories about their own families. After writing stories about the students' lives, we begin the food and grocery-shopping unit. Family Unit
BusyTeacher.org Mobile Deciding how and when to introduce and utilize the International Phonetic Alphabet often has teachers scrambling, but it doesn't have to be stressful or complicated. Follow these tips to introduce a useful tool to your students and of course, don't forget about the powers of Schwa! How to Introduce the IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) 1What is it?The International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is a system used to transcribe words phonetically, or by how they sound. Utilizing the International Phonetic Alphabet provides many different ways for students to refine their pronunciation. It takes a little getting used to, but with practice you will find that it can open up a whole new way for students to learn and develop their language skills.
Andrews - Tips for Teaching ESL Beginners and Pre-literate Adults The Internet TESL Journal Holly Andrewsholly.andrews[at]gmail.com Introduction ESL teaching professionals put into practice the theories of applied linguistics in a “real world” sense. I became familiar with real world ESL when I began teaching pre-literate adults the basics of English: how to communicate while they had a working knowledge of the alphabet that would eventually lead to literacy in their second language. This goal may appear straightforward; however, the process is anything but simple. Teaching Pre-literate and Beginning ESL Students Make Sure Personal Connections Come First Before teaching any aspect of language, get to know each student individually. Use Interruptions as Teaching Moments that Trump Whatever Lesson You Planned If a student arrives late, use that as an opportunity to allow the class to discuss public transportation, numbers or as a review on telling time. Try to Minimize the Students’ Cognitive Burden This tip is regarding teaching technique. Review Constantly