Zoekmachine Wolfram Alpha: het intelligente zoeken? De nieuwste belofte in het land van de zoekmachines doet alles radicaal anders, zegt de uitvinder en naamgever ervan, Stephen Wolfram. Om te beginnen zoekt zijn Wolfram Alpha niet simpel in een database, maar berekent een antwoord op een zoekvraag. Hiervoor maakt het gebruik van wiskundige modellen. Huidige zoekmachines zoeken alleen naar tekstfragmenten die mogelijk relevant zijn voor de zoekvraag. De zoekvraag wordt niet echt begrepen door de software, en er is al evenmin begrip van de onderliggende structuur van de doorzochte kennis. Wolfram Alpha wordt in mei dit jaar gelanceerd Maar wat heeft een gebruiker aan de intelligente zoekmachine? Koken Wolfram Alpha is een zoekmachine die meer doet dan het toepassen van heuristiek om bij een zoekvraag de relevante pagina’s te vinden. Wie is Stephen Wolfram? Stephen Wolfram is een natuurkundige, wiskundige en handige zakenman. Rondklikken
Projectseven.com - Dreamweaver Menus, Widgets, Extensions and CS datadreamer laboratories How Google Stole Control Over Content Distribution By Stealing L There is so much misunderstanding flying around about the economics of content on the web and the role of Google in the web’s content economy that it’s making my head hurt. So let’s see if we can straighten things out. Google isn’t stealing content from newspapers and other media companies. It’s stealing their control over distribution, which has always been the engine of profits in media. Those who argue that Google is a friend to content owners because it sends them traffic overlook the basic law of supply and demand. The more content there is on the web, the less money every content creator makes, and the more money Google makes by taking a piece of that transaction. Nick Carr sums up the problem well: What Google doesn’t mention is that the billions of clicks and the millions of ad dollars are so fragmented among so many thousands of sites that no one site earns enough to have a decent online business. Google’s algorithm is based on reading “links” as votes for content.
Schizophrenic Brains Not Fooled by Optical Illusion | Wired Scie Dima and Jonathan Roiser of University College London wanted to understand why people with schizophrenia aren't fooled. They put 13 schizophrenia patients and 16 healthy control subjects in an fMRI scanner that measures brain activity, and showed them 3D images of concave or convex faces. As expected, all of the schizophrenic patients reported seeing the concave faces, while none of the control subjects did. Dima and Roiser analyzed the fMRI data using a relatively new technique called dynamic causal modeling, which allowed them to measure how different brain regions were interacting during the task. Dima thinks when healthy subjects see the illusion, which is somewhat ambiguous, their brains strengthen this connection such that what they expect — a normal face — becomes more influential, overpowering the actual, though unlikely, visual information. Schizophrenics aren't the only ones who see the concave face — people who are drunk or high can also 'beat' the illusion.
HootSuite-ultimate-Twitter-profile-management-toolbox Wallpaper* City Guides - Phaidon Press Whether you are staying for 48 hours or five days, visiting for business or a vacation, we’ve done the hard work for you, from finding the best restaurants, bars and hotels (including which rooms to request) to the most extraordinary stores and sites, and the most enticing architecture and design. Wallpaper* City Guides enable you to come away from your trip, however brief, with a real taste of the city’s landscape and the satisfaction you’ve seen all that you should. A selection of cities are also available from the Nokia Store and Windows Phone Marketplace. Download now
Visual Therapy True/Slant Tests Web Journalism Model Micro Persuasion: How to Become a Super Tweeter in Just 15 Minut louisgray.com: Shyftr Introduces Extremely Versatile RSS Filteri A year into the service's head to head fight with Google Reader and others to make an advanced RSS reader, the Shyftr team has essentially thrown in the towel on their first plan, changing course to let you filter your own content and receive specific news you want to see, with less of that you don't. Their new RSS filter tool, which debuted today, lets you create any number of filters, by author, by title, or by keywords, from a wide number of preselected blogs, or those you add yourself, and roll your own RSS feeds. Today, when you subscribe to an RSS feed, it's essentially an all or nothing bet. Shyftr is looking to help, and even comes loaded with some example filters to get you started, including: LouisGray.com Posts from Louis Gray: Browsers (Chrome + IE + Safari + Firefox): TechCrunch Posts from Michael Arrington: iPhone Titled Posts:
Ricky Gervais on the Death of Print Newspapers — Big Th With rendition switcher Question: Will you mourn the death of print newspapers?Ricky Gervais: No. When’s that going to happen? I don’t think hard copies will ever be replaced, will they? I mean, I could see what you mean, because the environment or because computers; everyone will soon be online. You’re talking about the future, aren’t you? Nothing’s changed. Let’s say, you can go back, it’s like; people walk in colors, that’s it.
One Model for a New World Economy If the Industrial-Era economic system is, in fact, on its last legs, it would be useful to think through some of the possible post-capitalism models that might emerge. I don't think we have enough early indicators to create a solid vision, so anything we talk about will have to be something of a thought experiment. What kinds of constraints would we face? [Update: To clarify, as requested: this is written as a scenario set in the unspecified (but probably ~late 2020s) future, from the point of view of someone living in that future.] The trigger was a phrase we'd all become sick of: "Too Big to Fail." Traditional capitalism was, arguably, driven by the desire to increase wealth, even at the expense of other values. Resilience economics continues to uphold the elements of previous economic models that offer continued value: freedom and openness from capitalism at its best; equality and a safety net from socialism's intent. What does this all look like for everyday people? Is it perfect?