5 Ways to Improve Your 5K Speed | Tips to Increase Your 5K Race Pace One of the primary goals among runners is to run faster. Whether yearning to spend less time running around the block or striving to be the best age-group runner in the area, most who put one foot in front of the other wish they could be a bit quicker. Here is a proven program to improve 5K speed. More: 3 Ways to Train for Your 5K Long Run Every two weeks, increase the length of your long run. Long runs improve your cardiovascular plumbing system so that you can better deliver blood to the exercising muscles and withdraw the waste more effectively. Walk breaks should be inserted from the beginning of each long one according to the chart at JeffGalloway.com and in my book 5K/10K Running, which is available from that site. The Speed Workout The single component that most improves pace in races, according to my experience, is a weekly speed session. At the track, start with 4 to 6 x 400. Warm Up Prepare for the faster running with a thorough warm-up. More: Your Guide to Warm-Ups Cool Down
BMI Calculator & Body Mass Index Calculator Use the BMI calculator below to determine your body mass index by inputting your height and weight. The BMI Calculator uses the following BMI formula: Weight (lb) / (Height (in))² x 703. CalculateReset *Results of the BMI Calculator are based on averages. Keep in mind that the BMI calculator may overestimate body fat in those with a muscular build. A BMI Calculator is designed to assess your relative fitness but it is NOT a calculation of body fat percentage. If your BMI is below 18.5: Your BMI is considered underweight. If your BMI is between 18.5-24.9: Congratulations! If your BMI is above 30: Your BMI is considered overweight.