Related: Community Management
Manual de uso de Twitter con TweetDeck Twitter es una de las redes sociales (microblogging, concretamente) que más fama están alcanzando. Se trata de un servicio web que nació en 2006 con dos finalidades principales: Compartir información con tus followers o seguidores (lectores a los que les interesas).Leer información de tus followings o seguidos (usuarios que sigues y te interesan a ti). Todo ello en forma de mensaje, con dosis de 140 carácteres como máximo. Aunque se trata de un servicio accesible vía web, también se pueden utilizar varios clientes (programas, aplicaciones para móviles, plugins para navegadores, etc...) para acceder a la misma información, de una manera más cómoda. Este artículo tratará sobre como aprender a utilizar la red de Twitter (aunque no sepas nada de Twitter), con el cliente Tweetdeck. 1. Lo primero que hay que saber sobre TweetDeck es que utiliza la tecnología Adobe Air, lo que lo hace multiplataforma y por lo tanto funciona tanto en Windows, Linux o Mac. 2. All Friends Timeline. Mentions Menciones.
My Shakespeare by Kate Tempest | myShakespeare Watch Kate’s performance of what Shakespeare means to her. My Shakespeare by Kate Tempest He’s in every lover who ever stood alone beneath a window, In every jealous whispered word, in every ghost that will not rest. He’s in every father with a favourite, Every eye that stops to linger On what someone else has got, and feels the tightening in their chest. He’s in every young man growing boastful, Every worn out elder, drunk all day; muttering false prophecies and squandering their lot. He’s there – in every mix-up that spirals far out of control – and never seems to end, even when its beginnings are forgot. He’s in every girl who ever used her wits. He’s in every star crossed lover, in every thought that ever set your teeth on edge, in every breathless hero, stepping closer to the ledge, his is the method in our madness, as pure as the driven snow – his is the hair standing on end, he saw that all that glittered was not gold. View project
Blog de economía, empresa y marketing de Manuel Guillermo Silva Systematic Sales Process Management with 60 Days Free CRM Tools . Are you looking for cost-effective sales process management solutions and free CRM tools to step up your sales process? Fortunately! You have knocked at the right door to give you systematic as well as productive sales optimized tools that will turn your business struggle into business achievement in a few days of sales operations. Why opt for SalezShark Sales Management Solutions? See, it is very clear that no matter how big or small your business is? Setting up higher sales goals and getting desired outcomes for increasing sales volume, outstanding sales promotion paving an easy way for its specialists to achieve a renowned position in the market. Essential pointers for the implicit working of sales management Capturing right leads at the right time with the unique sales and marketing strategies is the prior feature of its sales professionals. Lead Generation Lead Nurturing Lead Conversion 60 days free CRM tools for steady sales optimizations What’s so new with SalezShark CRM software?
Twitter: 10 ideas de la psicología - PsyBlog Psychological research on Twitter reveals who tweets, how much, what they talk about and why. There are now 190 million Twitter users around the world producing 65 million tweets each day. 19% of US internet users now say they use Twitter or a similar service to share updates about themselves—double the figure from the previous year (Pew, 2009). So who tweets? Why? Since Twitter didn’t exist until 2006, psychologists have had little chance to explore it, but some of the early research suggests a social network unlike those that came before. Before we get onto the research, though, here’s a quick intro for Twitter newbies: What is Twitter? Twitter is a cross between a social network and a blog. The video above shows you what it looks like on a mobile phone. 1. Because messages are short and can be broadcast quickly and easily, Twitter can feel to its users like a fast-paced conversation (Boyd et al., 2010). 2. 3. 4. 5. Some suggestions of sex differences come from Heil & Piskorski (2009).
5 Herramientas Gratuitas y Recomendadas para la Monitorización de Medios Sociales Ya comentamos en varias ocasiones que la Monitorización de los Medios Sociales no siempre es una tarea automatizable al 100% y que su diseño e implementación deberían desarrollarse siguiendo criterios y procesos propios de la investigación de mercados. Aunque existen aplicativos software que se proponen de simplificar sus tareas y hacen de la facilidad de uso su principal fortaleza, a la hora de la verdad ese botón mágico que muchos prometen, no existe. Cualquier profesional que tenga un mínimo de experiencia en monitorización os lo puede confirmar. Eso se debe principalmente a las dificultades que uno encuentra a la hora de separar los comentarios o menciones relevantes del ‘buzz’ que los comentarios sobre una marca o un producto pueden generar. Por otro lado, un buen analista cuantitativo que se dedique al SMM está acostumbrado a trabajar sus datos, independientemente de la procedencia, a través de paquetes software de análisis estadístico avanzado. 1. 2. 3. 4. Botón derecho y clic!
Información de empresas | Informes de empresas | Datos de empresas y registros empresas - eInforma Trendencias Belleza Systematic Sales Process Management with 60 Days Free CRM Tools Are you looking for cost-effective sales process management solutions and free CRM tools to step up your sales process? Fortunately! You have knocked at the right door to give you systematic as well as productive sales optimized tools that will turn your business struggle into business achievement in a few days of sales operations. Why opt for SalezShark Sales Management Solutions? See, it is very clear that no matter how big or small your business is? Setting up higher sales goals and getting desired outcomes for increasing sales volume, outstanding sales promotion paving an easy way for its specialists to achieve a renowned position in the market. Essential pointers for the implicit working of sales management Capturing the right leads at the right time with unique sales and marketing strategies is the prior feature of its sales professionals. Lead GenerationLead NurturingLead Conversion 60 days free CRM tools for steady sales optimizations What’s so new with SalezShark CRM software?
Las 10 fases del usuario de Twitter - TodoTwitter Las etapas por las que pasa un usuario de Twitter antes de aceptar totalmente la plataforma. 1.- Inopia.-"¿Twitter? Ni idea de lo que es eso..."--"Ahhh... lo que quieres decir es Tuenti,no? *Frase real. 2.- Negación. El usuario intenta encontrar las mismas funciones en Twitter que en otras plataformas. fase que se caracteriza porque los usuarios, curiosamente, twittean que no les gusta Twitter: 3.- Descubrimiento. Se acepta que esto "engancha" y se intenta acoplar al sistema adoptando el vocabulario común, algunas normas y etiquetas y recurriendo a guías de uso de Twitter: 4.- Introducción. El usuario recalca su incapacidad inicial de expresarse en 140 caracteres. 6.- La Aventura. Twitter no es tan sólo twitter.com. 7.- Sobredosis de información. En un momento determinado podemos abrumarnos con la cantidad de información que se mueve en Twitter, y si además solemos conversar a menudo con otros usuarios, la confusión se magnifica. 8.- El mundo es aburrido. 9.- Retorno y capacidad de filtración.
75 Essential Small Business Resources From 2010 Want to take your small business to the next level? Or maybe start your own business? We've researched dozens of ways for you to do just that by leveraging social media and technology. And here you'll find a comprehensive list of those resources, whether you're looking to incorporate new technologies like mobile credit card scanners or you want to update your business's website. You'll find all of the small business resources we've produced in the past year broken down into categories like social media, productivity, marketing, tech and tools, geo-location and deals, HR and hiring, success stories and getting started. Social Media Take your social media presence beyond a simple Facebook Page or company blog. Productivity These posts will help you find new ways to stay on track, and be as efficient and effective as possible while working with contractors like designers. Marketing Tech and Tools The web is full of tools that will help you get the job done — and many of those tools are free.